Bird and Text Collage Wall Art [ Close Privacy Policy ] Privacy Policy / Your California Privacy Rights Revised and posted as of March 4, 2013 Prime Publishing, LLC ("Company," "we" or "us") reserves the right to revise this Privacy Policy at any time simply by posting such revision, so we encourage you to review it periodically. In order to track any changes to this Privacy Policy, we will include a historical reference at the top of this document. This Privacy Policy will tell you, among other things: Your California privacy rights. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/YOUR AGREEMENT Company websites are not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18 or those who are not legal residents of the United States. HOW DO WE COLLECT INFORMATION AND WHAT INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT? Distribution Partners Website operators that license our ad serving technology pass information to us so that we may serve advertisements to you. Website Registration Forms We collect information about you when you register on one of our websites.
Back to School-Lunch Box Survival Tips on FamilyFreshCooking.com In the next few weeks there is a whirl wind of activity for parents and kids. Even if you do not have children you might be sucked into the vortex of Back to School. Everywhere you go might seem a little more busy and frantic as parents and kids scramble for school suppliesand the perfect Lunch Box. I am a huge advocate of packing homemade, healthy & delicious foods for “to-go” meals. As I always say: Fit Food not Fast Food. My daughter is finally eligible for the Hot Lunch Program at school. Not only should we have tasty meals made in our home kitchen, we need the perfect portable container. I like it so much that I decided to become an affiliate to help all of us make the right choices. I am giving away one Easy LunchBox System to one lucky reader. For those of you that want to place an order asap you can do so right here. Lunch Box Checklist Here are some essential lunch box practices that work for us: Our Favorite Lunch Box Food Entrées Veggies Fruit Snacks & Mini Meals Drinks
Cake postcard tutorial Supplies Materials needed to make two cake postcards: 1 large sponge (yellow paints the best)Serrated knifeX-Acto or utility knifeSpray paint (brown, yellow, pink or white)1 tube acrylic latex caulk (brown, cream or white)Spray adhesive (3M Super 77 works great!)Cardboard, kraft paper or scrapbook paper Instructions Cut sponge into wedge shape With a serrated knife, using a sawing motion, cut a sponge into two, cake wedge shapes. Cut a center groove into sponge Using an X-Acto or utility knife, cut a section of foam from the center of the sponge. Paint the sponge wedges in desired color. Trace the slice of cake When the sponge wedges are dry, trace around them on a piece of cardboard, kraft paper or colorful scrapbook paper. Spray glue the postcards to the solid, flat sides of the sponge wedges. Using a caulking gun and your desired caulk, fill a plastic disposable piping bag with half of the caulk. Pipe the center of the cake Pipe the icing on the top Note from the editor This totally works!
shrink plastic ring tutorial Thank you to everyone who requested a shrinkydinks ring tutorial! This tutorial is an experimental method, not an exact science – you should have fun playing with it… UPDATE: Since posting this very popular tutorial in 2008, I’ve answered every question imaginable in the comments of this post. Please note: if you’ve come here via the lovely bird ‘ring’ picture on Pinterest, read this post to answer your questions. This tutorial is Donationware – the instructions are available for free, but if you like it please consider sending me a donation to show your appreciation: Send me a donation and receive the easy-to-print PDF version of the tutorial as a thank you! Donations of any size are much appreciated. The complete instructions are available below, regardless of whether or not you choose to pay for them This is a PlanetJune original tutorial. Shrink plastic, for the uninitiated, was originally marketed as a toy for kids. Full tutorial instructions are after the jump… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
6 Life-Changing Uses for Binder Clips (That You Could've Easily Thought Of) from Look What I Found Yes, it may seem like an ordinary binder clip. And it is. Make no mistake -- it will keep your papers organized with the best of them. The BEST. But it's so much more. 1. (via) 2. (via) 3. iPod Dock Just go to your local Apple Store, pretend like you're interested in all the MacBook Airs, and walk right out. (via) 4. (via) 5. (via) 6. (via) Make-up Magnet Board We all know with craft blogs that original ideas are often hard to come by, we find ideas we love and make them our own but we didn't come up with the idea ourselves. I feel like I've finally done something original here and I'm excited about it. I'll show you the finished product and then explain. Behold my Make-up Magnet Board. I have a friend who is beautiful and stylish and has always loved make-up but recently took a course that intensified her love. Her renewed interest has worn off on me and it made me remember eye shadows I'd hidden away that were gathering dust. The basket was a mess and I was overwhelmed with all my choices never knowing what to use, digging through to see what I had and find what I wanted was a pain. I painted it (The hard way, with a brush instead of spray paint. I went to the hardware store and picked up some metal and had them cut it to fit inside my frame. Here comes the brilliant part though. Next I wanted a place to store my brushes and liners though.
Victorian Stencils 1/15clover.jpg 2/15corner.jpg 3/15corner2.jpg 4/15cornerflower.jpg 5/15fern.jpg 6/15fleurdelis.jpg 7/15flips.jpg 8/15Flower.jpg 9/15letterhead.jpg 20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Makes I’ve edited a monthly magazine for more than six years, and it’s a job that’s come with more frustration than reward. If there’s one thing I am grateful for — and it sure isn’t the pay — it’s that my work has allowed endless time to hone my craft to Louis Skolnick levels of grammar geekery. As someone who slings red ink for a living, let me tell you: grammar is an ultra-micro component in the larger picture; it lies somewhere in the final steps of the editing trail; and as such it’s an overrated quasi-irrelevancy in the creative process, perpetuated into importance primarily by bitter nerds who accumulate tweed jackets and crippling inferiority complexes. Below are 20 common grammar mistakes I see routinely, not only in editorial queries and submissions, but in print: in HR manuals, blogs, magazines, newspapers, trade journals, and even best selling novels. Who and Whom This one opens a big can of worms. Which and That Lay and Lie This is the crown jewel of all grammatical errors. Moot Nor
Letterfu - Letter-writing without envelopes, cutting or glue 16 Headband Tutorials | Croq Zine - The Blog As a busy mom of three little boys, I don’t always have time to do my hair. (Like, never, actually! I try to sneak in sessions with my flatiron while the boys are distracted with a cartoon… IF I have to leave the house. If I don’t, my hair looks like the bus driver from South Park’s… i.e., bird’s nest. Hmm, a bird’s nest headband sounds kind of cute and funny, actually!) Notes from a very red kitchen just hosted a Headband Tutorial Roundup, and there were some super headbands represented! The roundup was full of inspiration, but this rose and pearl headband by Whitney was one of my favorites. This scrappy leather headband by Missie Krissie is super cute, too! Other Headband Resources: I loved this Braided Headband tutorial when I saw it a few months ago, by Cakies (shown above) I loooved this yarn braided headband when I saw it a few months ago at EvaForeva (don’t you just LOVE the styling of the pic, too?) I like this lovebird headband at Crafty Bitch.
100 Simple Nutrition Tips | Midway Simplicity “Man Is What He Eats” – Lucretius Good nutrition is one of the most important factors for good health. You can dramatically improve your health by doing simple adjustments to your eating habits. You’ll notice a big difference in your energy levels if you regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low- or non-fat dairy. There is no doubt that eating well can maximize our life experience. One of the best resources that I’ve found on the topic of health and well-being is “8 Weeks To Optimum Health” by Dr. I urge you to get a copy today and start following Dr. Do you have more nutrition tips that you can share with us? Find your passion and what matters most to you in less than 30 minutes using … The P.A.S Technique 2.0: The World’s Easiest Way To Find Your Passion and Purpose In Life? For more simple living tips follow me on Twitter @MidSimplicity *Photo Credit: by Pink Sherbet Photography
3D paper diamonds Hello there. Hope you all had a great Easter! We had a lovely relaxing holiday (….well as relaxing as it gets with kids). It would have been great to have another week off ^_^ Before I forget I just want to say a big thank you for all the kind messages you have send me regarding my book (you really are a nice bunch!)…and huge thanks to all the people who have bought it so far… I’ve been meaning to get this paper diamond up for weeks now…but it’s taken ages to figure the template out (and I’ve been having breaks between each failed attempt). It’s based on simplified version of Satoshi Kamiya’s origami diamond. These paper diamonds are tricky to make (& require a fair bit of patience) so definitely adults only! When you have made your diamonds you can attach thread and hang them up. How-to 1. 2. 3. 4. Happy Monday all! Edited to add: A few people have had problems printing the templates (the dotted lines do not print).