Top 10 Apps for Arts Education - Getting Smart by Getting Smart Staff - AB EX NY, Amit Sood, art apps for education, Art Authority for iPad, art museum apps, Art Project, Art2Go, ArtHD, educational apps, Gagosian, Google Art Project, London, Love Art: Nat
Art has permeated human culture for centuries, outlining significant events, movements, revolutions and thoughts throughout time. Studying art is the exploration of history, Language Arts, humanities, anthropology and more in a classic liberal arts education. Ideally students would have the opportunity to visit the local art museum or travel the globe to view the works of the world’s greatest artists throughout time to grasp these lessons beyond the pages of a textbook. Yet, this can be costly venture that with today’s budget cuts and educational systems – makes it near to impossible. Below, Amit Sood discusses on TED his development of 17 art museums from nine countries on the web. Digital tools can supplement the experience of learning about art in a context of different subject ares. In addition to art galleries and museums, there’s lots of great apps out there that allow students to actually begin drawing or editing photos. What apps are you using with your students?
Classroom Management Strategies for Difficult Students
Teachers in middle level schools face overwhelming demands and challenges in their classrooms. They are expected to know content and pedagogy, develop engaging lessons that meet the needs of diverse learners, and use a variety of instructional strategies that will boost student achievement while they simultaneously develop positive relationships with, on average, 125 students each day who are experiencing the personal, social, and cognitive challenges and opportunities of early adolescence (Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, 1995; Schmakel, 2008). Teaching is complex and cannot be reduced to discrete tasks that can be mastered one at a time. How can teachers engage students through enhanced personal interactions while simultaneously managing classroom climate and instruction? Classroom management and relationship building One of the keys to effective classroom management is the development of a quality relationship between the teacher and the students in the classroom. Dunn, N.
Más de 130 libros didácticos en PDF para docentes
para el acceso público. Sólo tienes que dirigirte al enlace incluido después de cada título para iniciar la gestión del contenido.Una vez dentro de la plataforma de OpenLibra tenemos la posibilidad de hacer una lectura online desde el navegador, o en su defecto, desde cualquier dispositivo conectado a Internet. #1. Tendencias Universidad: En pos de la educación activa (leer aquí) #2. Educación mediática y competencia digital (leer aquí) #3. Mi Taller de Creación de Videojuegos: Manual del Estudiante (leer aquí) #4. #132.
5 Quick Classroom-Management Tips for Novice Teachers
I made a good number of blunders my first year teaching that still make me cringe. I learned though. And it's fair to say, when it comes to managing a classroom, most of what we learn as new teachers is trial by fire. #1 Use a normal, natural voice Are you teaching in your normal voice? Raising our voice to get students' attention is not the best approach, and the stress it causes and the vibe it puts in the room just isn't worth it. You want to also differentiate your tone. #2 Speak only when students are quiet and ready This golden nugget was given to me by a 20-year veteran my first year. So I tried it; I fought the temptation to talk. My patience paid off. #3 Use hand signals and other non-verbal communication Holding one hand in the air, and making eye contact with students is a great way to quiet the class and get their attention on you. Flicking the lights off and on once to get the attention is an oldie but goodie. #4 Address behavior issues quickly and wisely
Escuelas Changemaker | Ashoka - España
En Ashoka estamos trabajando para reconocer aquellos centros educativos que ya están transformando la educación. Las llamamos "Escuelas Changemaker", una red mundial de colegios de primaria y secundaria que educan a sus alumnos en habilidades como la empatía, el trabajo en equipo, la creatividad, el liderazgo y la resolución de los problemas.Son escuelas pioneras, que se han adaptado a las necesidades educativas actuales, en sintonía con un mundo en cambio constante, y además son las generadoras de los cambios sociales del futuro. Sus chicas y chicos son capaces de empatizar con los problemas de los demás y de aportar soluciones innovadoras. Desde Ashoka creemos que no hay que esperar a que los "changemakers" nazcan sino que hay que favorecer su aparición. ¿Cómo? Somos conscientes de que hay escuelas así en España y queremos identificarlas, ponerlas en el mapa y que sirvan como motor para otras, queremos reconocerlas y aliarnos para reforzar sus objetivos. - Tiene visión. - Innovación. 1.
The Only Classroom Rules You'll Ever Need
If you’re looking for elaborate or decorative classroom management ideas, you won’t find them here. Though prevalent, such ideas are unnecessary, even counterproductive, for classroom management. On this site, we’re focused on only two things: 1. What works best. 2. The goal of classroom management is to eliminate distractions, disruptions, and poor behavior, so you are free to inspire your students. The results are happy and high achieving students. Anything that interferes with this goal, or doesn’t contribute to it, should be thrown out. Too many teachers chase the next great classroom management idea and are continually disappointed. In the meantime, they’re stressed and tired of dealing with behavior issues. An act of joy. So instead of chasing trends, why not focus on what is proven to work? And, most important, you’ll be able to focus your energies on what attracted you to teaching in the first place: the chance to make a lasting impression on your students. 1. 2. 3. 4. But they work. 1.
Las TIC en Plástica
Viaje a la escuela del siglo XXI
El mundo digital está transformando la sociedad en la que vivimos y es precisamente en el ámbito de la educación donde su impacto es mayor. Una enseñanza basada únicamente en la transmisión de información no es una educación para el siglo XXI. Las nuevas generaciones deben utilizar modos diferentes de trabajo, ser capaces de extraer conocimientos relevantes de la información que nos rodea, aprender de manera colaborativa, y desarrollar competencias y nuevas habilidades. Alfredo Hernando: "Escuelas distintas construyen vidas distintas" En el mundo, existen muchos pioneros que ya caminan hacia el futuro de la educación. SOBRE LA PUBLICACIÓN (+info)
E-magazine | International Society for Education Through Art (InSEA)
IMAG permanent editors invite InSEA members or members of InSEA affiliated organizations to submit visual /video/photo essays or short articles with many images that may be accompanied by a text between 1000 and 2000 words, focus on art educational practice, research and teaching in formal and informal contexts, that is relevant to the larger worldwide community of art educators. We encourage submissions with images and in multimedia formats that provide an alternative, experimental and artistic mode of presenting research and praxis. see here more information about Guidelines for authors Permanent Editors: Ana Barbero, Teresa Eça; Glen Coutts;Cathy Smilan Editorial Board: Rita Irwin; Peter Gregory, Mousumi De; Marjorie Manifold; Steve Willis- Karen Hutzel; Margaret Baguley; Manisha Sharma, Joaquin Roldan; Ricardo Marin, Aaaron Knochel; Sandrine Han, Rachel Fendler Address InSEA Publications /APECV: Quinta da Cruz. Email: Frequency Publication three times a year, Language