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Culinographie - Blog de photographie et stylisme culinaire

Great Food Photos Carnets Parisiens I Swan Nicolesy | Photography & Blog Piment oiseau My little Fabric, Food and Creation 2011 International Food Blogger Conference (IFBC) -- New Orleans If there is one community I am incredibly proud to be a part of, it is the food blogging community. I can’t remember the last time I came across such a supportive and welcoming group of people. So willing to share, to teach, to befriend. If you haven’t heard, a fellow food blogger, Jennifer Perillo , lost her husband last month. What followed Michael’s sudden and tragic death, however, was something remarkable to witness. Over the last few weeks, thousands of bloggers have come together to bake and share their peanut butter pies. To help the Perillo family, Shauna Ahern of Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef has set up #afundforjennie through . Being a cookbook publisher , we’ve been living in the traditional, printed world for 30-some years now. That’s why we look forward to conferences such as the International Food Blogger Conference.

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