Related: Educational Websites
Related: Educational WebsitesTeaching strategies If you have dropped into this Course Design Tutorial from somewhere else, you might wish to start at the introduction, overview, or table of contents. If you are working through the tutorial, you should have completed Part 2.1 before beginning this section. At this stage of the tutorial, you have set overarching goals, organized content, and developed a course plan with ideas for how to give students the practice that will make it possible for them to achieve the course goals. In this section of the tutorial, you will make choices about what you will have students do in order to learn the course content and practice the goals. Before presenting a smorgasbord of teaching strategies, this section of the tutorial will explore briefly what is known about how people learn.
Diverse Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners Edited by Robert W. Cole According to Diplomas Count: An Essential Guide to Graduation Policy and Rates (Olson, 2006), the national graduation rate is 69.6 percent. This report estimates that in 2006 more than 1.2 million students—most of them members of minority groups—will not graduate from high school in four years with a regular diploma. 21st-Century Teacher Education For almost as long as there have been institutions dedicated to the preparation of new teachers, the endeavor has come in for criticism. Teacher education has long struggled both to professionalize and to fully integrate itself into mainstream academia. At the core of this struggle was a perception that there was no body of specialized knowledge for teaching that justified specialized training.
High School Teachers High school teachers need to explain difficult concepts in terms students can understand. High school teachers must have a bachelor’s degree. In addition, public school teachers must have a state-issued certification or license. Education Special Education Lesson Plans For Kindergarten to Second Grade Cave Club Introduction - Student will learn about prehistoric time through hands-on learning activities and other creative art projects.Classroom Etiquette - Raising your hand, asking "please", not calling out without be called on, listening and respecting other classmates ideas.Color Sorting - Sorting colors and shapes.Counting with Dr. Seuss - The student will use numbers and count.Decimal Values and Money - The students will use coins to arrive at the designated total marked on the envelope.Exceptional Children Class Lesson - Students will use their prior knowledge of The Grouchy Ladybug to help them create a mathematical story problem using the grouchy ladybug and the aphids that are to be eaten.How do I feel? - The overall subject would be "Sometimes I feel..."
Educational Leadership:Teaching for the 21st Century:21st Century Skills: The Challenges Ahead Andrew J. Rotherham and Daniel Willingham A growing number of business leaders, politicians, and educators are united around the idea that students need "21st century skills" to be successful today. It's exciting to believe that we live in times that are so revolutionary that they demand new and different abilities.
Teaching Strategies 9. Be enthusiastic - you dont have to be an entertainer but you should be excited by your topic. (from Cashin, 1990, pp. 60-61) Case Method. Providing an opportunity for students to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-life experiences has proven to be an effective way of both disseminating and integrating knowledge. The case method is an instructional strategy that engages students in active discussion about issues and problems inherent in practical application.
UDL Book Builder: Learn about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) What is Universal Design for Learning? Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a flexible approach to curriculum design and implementation that offers all learners full and equal opportunities to learn. Based on research on the diverse ways people learn, UDL offers practical steps for giving everyone the chance to succeed. A UDL author knows that each learner takes in information, expresses knowledge, and engages with learning in a unique way. The UDL framework guides authors to create books and learning materials that meet and capitalize on this diversity right from the start. Co-Teaching Foundations Co-Teaching is defined as two teachers (teacher candidate and cooperating teacher) working together with groups of students; sharing the planning, organization, delivery, and assessment of instruction, as well as the physical space. (Bacharach, Heck & Dank, 2004) The cooperating teacher (CT) is a classroom teacher who is willing to mentor the teacher candidate using co-teaching. The teacher candidate (TC) is a University of MN student in a licensure program. Many teachers in our partner schools are familiar with co-teaching strategies introduced during professional development workshops for use when working with special education colleagues in the classroom.
Differentiated Instruction with UDL By Tracey Hall, Nicole Strangman, and Anne Meyer Note: Updated on 11/2/09; 1/14/11; Please visit the AIM Center home page. Introduction Teaching - definition of teaching by The Free Dictionary Let him prove it, by teaching his nation how to conduct themselves toward our new friends. Nevertheless," said the mother, calmly, though growing more pale, "this badge hath taught me -- it daily teaches me -- it is teaching me at this moment -- lessons whereof my child may be the wiser and better, albeit they can profit nothing to myself. They were teaching him both to read and to speak English--and they would have taught him other things, if only he had had a little time. Miss Ophelia busied herself very earnestly on Sundays, teaching Topsy the catechism. But I confined public religious teaching to the churches and the Sunday-schools, permitting nothing of it in my other educational buildings.