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Astrobaby's random thoughts A quick post here. I have already written a Teensy loader for this, and thought somebody might enjoy it without the device. So I decided to fill in a gap while all this craziness about BadBios is around… Magical text here (Will only work in DOS/Win9x/Win2k/XP) so fire up your virtual machines … and enjoy some Descent …. Copy and paste the above text and save with .COM extension & run.. Amazing what can be achieved in only 105 lines of ASCII data.

High Strangeness Kansas - Jeff Templin is a amateur photographer. He says he's seen it all until now. While taking pictures of wildlife back in February, something caught his eye. He said it looked like an unusual contrail. "Right over the city, clear as a bell," said Templin. Mel's Hole 15 years ago, a strange man named Mel Waters called in to the Art Bell radio program, claiming he had discovered a mysterious and infinite hole on his property near Ellensburg, Washington. Quickly dubbed Mel's Hole, the strange legend of the never-ending pit and its paranormal characteristics spiraled farther and farther. When skeptics looked more closely, they discovered that no man named Mel Waters ever lived near Ellensburg. To this day the hole's existence and the man's true identity remain unverified.

Why Do Cats Bring Home Dead Animals It’s an all-too-familiar story for the owners of indoor-outdoor cats: You open the door to let Kitty in for dinner and what does she bring with her? A dead rodent, of course. Such impolite behavior leaves many cat owners scratching their heads. Why, after all, would your cat need to kill her meals when that bowl of Friskies is filled to the brim? Is she just a whole lot meaner than she looks? Before determining that their cat is simply a cold-blooded killer, cat owners should understand a few facts about what's driving their pet's behavior.

iPad Simulator Please How would you rate us? CrapAwesome If you are having issues on "slide to login", double click the slider button Please show your support for our hosting fee by clicking on some ads. Thanks Q1. Is that free? Why Warp Drives Aren't Just Science Fiction Astrophysicist Eric Davis is one of the leaders in the field of faster-than-light (FTL) space travel. But for Davis, humanity's potential to explore the vastness of space at warp speed is not science fiction. Davis' latest study, "Faster-Than-Light Space Warps, Status and Next Steps" won the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' (AIAA) 2013 Best Paper Award for Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion. TechNewsDaily recently caught up with Davis to discuss his new paper, which appeared in the March/April volume of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society and will form the basis of his upcoming address at Icarus Interstellar's 2013 Starship Congress in August.

eclectic excerpts delivered to your email every day from editor Richard Vague Today's encore selection -- from Quantum: Einstein, Bohr, and the Great Debate about the Nature of Reality by Manjit Kumar. Albert Einstein (1879-1955), the physicist who developed the theory of relativity, was born and spent his earliest years in Germany: " 'The people of Ulm are mathematicians' was the unusual medieval motto of the city on the banks of the Danube in the south-western corner of Germany where Albert Einstein was born. It was an apt birthplace on 14 March 1879 for the man who would become the epitome of scientific genius.

425 Free eBooks: Download to Kindle, iPad/iPhone & Nook Download 800 free eBooks to your Kindle, iPad/iPhone, computer, smart phone or ereader. Collection includes great works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, including works by Asimov, Jane Austen, Philip K. Dick, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Neil Gaiman, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf & James Joyce.

40 Honest Advertising Slogans That'll Make You Laugh Nashville-based graphic designer Clif Dickens creates these hilariously honest advertising slogans, most of which, make more sense than the real ones. His work has been featured in leading publications such as Adweek, Business Insider, Huffington Post, etc. We’ve compiled the best ones into this list of 40 below. Update: In light of the recent celebrity photo leaks, here’s our addition to the list. Via Honest Slogans. Harley Davidson, Lays and Instagram would be our top three out of the list above. Honest Slogans Created and managed by Clif Dickens. Follow Honest Slogans on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. You can subscribe to the Honest Slogans newsletter here. Email me with any inquiries:

Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence By Richard Wrangham, Dale Peterson. Chapter One: Paradise Lost “You will be killed!” the man at the Burundian embassy in Kampala said, in a bizarrely cheerful voice, as he stamped our visas. bonobo → anthropoid ape, resembling but smaller than the common chimpanzee. Also called pygmy chimpanzee. Lovecraft's Fiction - Alphabetical Order Below is an alphabetical list of Lovecraft’s fiction, revisions, collaborations, and miscellaneous minor works, as well as some tales that are not extant. The dates for each of the tales are based primarily on S.T. Joshi’s “Chronology of the Fiction of H. P.
