Marketing Alternatif | Street marketing, Buzz marketing et Gueri Vintage Classics - Faceout Books Vintage ClassicsAuthors: Jane Austen, E.M. Forster, Charlotte Brontë, Emily BrontëDesigner: Megan WilsonPublisher: VintageIllustrators: All Jane Austen: N. Heideloff's "Gallery of Fashion" (I checked, and these are sketches of English fashion, not German!) I talked to Megan a month or so ago about featuring some of her work, and she wanted to share this great series with us. We began the re-launch of Vintage Classics with the 6 Jane Austen novels. I felt the need to find art that did not involve dusty old oil paintings, and to avoid a very structured grid effect. I came upon some fashion illustrations from the time period which had a very light, almost Edward Gorey touch; utterly charming whilst picking up on some of the social details with which Jane is quite pre-occupied. These books were quite successful, so we then moved on to the Brontës.
Emotional Component: Luxury Brand Personality | Upmarkit Luxury brands cannot symbolize anything, but they need to comply with the worldview and taste of the upper class (Kapferer and Bastien, 2009). As their core task is to assist their consumers in showing or even improving their social status, the most essential symbolic feature of luxury brands is prestige. All luxury brands are prestige brands, whereas not all prestige brands such as Apple are luxury brands (as they do not meet the functional criteria explained above). 1. The Big Five of Luxury Brand Personality As the symbolism of luxury brands refers to a large extent to human personality traits (Vigneron and Johnson 2004, p. 490), the emotional identity component corresponds largely with the concept of brand personality. Tradition covers the openness and temporal perspective of a brand personality: Does the brand personality live rather in the good old past, in the present or the future? The Big Five of Luxury Brand Personality 2. Overview about the Identity of Luxury Brands
Buzzlog // le blog du buzz marketing InterFaces vous propose une exploitation fiable, sûre et performante. Afin d'assurer la redondance, sa plate-forme est reliée à internet via plusieurs liaisons en fibre optique dont la capacité évolue rapidement en fonction des charges demandées. Pour une disponibilité maximale, les protocoles qu'InterFaces a choisis permettent de répartir de manière optimale le trafic IP entre nos différents fournisseurs d'accès. Pour maintenir une exploitation de haute disponibilité un système de supervision interne doublé d'une surveillance externe, assurée en toute indépendance par la société Witbe et des astreintes humaines permettent de surveiller constamment la plate-forme. Grâce à des signaux d'alertes, notamment sur iPhone, au matériel de rechange présent sur place, les interventions ont lieu sans attendre pour un retour à la normale dans les meilleurs délais. De plus, grâce au choix de ses prestataires, InterFaces possède une infrastructure évolutive et adaptable sans délai.
Monster-Munch Matt W. Moore’s first solo-exhibition in Paris, all the works of which were created during his visit to the city. Have a look at the exhibition and the rest of the vibrant collection here. He actually uses spray paint to create almost digital looking canvases, which i was surprised at. His exhibition is still on until March 12th so if you fancy a trip over on the Eurostar be sure to take your camera. Continuing the theme of geometric shapes, and 3d forms this time, here’s a collection of work by Lenancker Romain. And finally the gaggle of white cones, cylinders and cubes was spotted over at Ffffound and is in facts a photomontage, enhanced with gouache, airbrush and papercut created in 1936!
Roycod Blog .:. Blog Buzz Marketing, Guerilla Marketing, Viral M Dumbed-Down Book Covers The other day, when I was making my weekly post for the Villette Read-A-Long, I was searching the internet for an attractive cover so the post wouldn't look so boring. I loved the cover I chose, which is one of a series for Vintage Classics: Elegant and classy, I thought. I'm no expert on art or graphics or whatnot, but I think they're simply stunning. I'm not sure but it looks like Vintage has abandoned the beautiful and classy covers for something more cartoony. And after my recent review of Barbara Pym's Excellent Women I found these new paperback British editions of her books, which confirms my suspicions: Apparently, Barbara Pym's works are now 1950s chick-lit, either about housewives having trouble with their husbands or career girls looking for husbands.
Le blog de l'agence de communication interactive et digitale You Celebrations & Rituals · A White Carousel bunnies + chocolate I love bunnies and chocolate + orange and white ~ Oh la la! {Image via French Frosting} easter decor How cute are these bunnies, and what a to die for NY loft! The Soho loft is home to tech entrepreneur Kathy Leake, and was featured in living etc. magazine. {Images via SFGirl by Bay} easter luncheon A very pretty lunch with egg decoration ~ enjoy. {Images via Sweet Paul, Spring 2012} Chocolates and Champagne Celebrating Easter Sunday… oh, dreaming of a garden lunch I’m inspired to put the couch in the garden and invite friends for lunch outdoors to relax in this gorgeous space! {Image via Vintage} you shall go to the Ball Gala Ball + tuxedos + beautiful gowns = funds for a great cause! A big weekend at our gala Ball to raise funds for cystic fibrosis… enjoy some Ball inspiration. A delectable collection of dresses by Charles James for Vogue, June 1948. Apéritifs & Digestifs ~ Framboise de luxe Grape + Spirit :: delectable raspberry cocktail. an elegant soiree winter white wedding
Curious Romain - le blog d'un gros curieux ! Book Covers | Curled Up With A Book I found these pretty covers on The Book Cover Archive. Isn’t it a nice set? They were designed by Gabrielle Wilson and published by the Poetry Society of America. Making our bookshelves prettier one cloth-bound book at a time, Coralie Bickford-Smith is known for her beautiful cover designs. Happy hunting! All from the The Book Cover Archive. Top row, from left to right: The World Without Us. Middle row, from left to right: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Other Jazz Stories. Bottom row, from left to right: English as She is Spoke. Category: book coversTags: Alan Wiseman, book cover design, book covers, Books, Caille Miller, Charlotte Bronte, Darren Haggar, F. I found these great book covers designs by Coralie Bickford-Smith at the Book Cover Archive. The Masque of the Red Death, book cover by Coralie Bickford-Smith; Summer in Algiers, by Albert Camus, book cover by Coralie Bickford-Smith; The Virgin of the Seven Daggers, book cover by Coralie Bickford-Smith New Orleans New York Toronto
10 Steps to Becoming A Social Media Expert We’re all pretty much experts at something. Since social media is all the rage, why no become an expert in that? So many of the world’s trends in technology, business, marketing, entertainment and overall communication are heavily tied in with online social media. It’s an important area in which to be well-versed. I’ve been knee-deep in social media since I was a friend-deprived middle schooler (not to give away my age here, but that’s 15 years and counting). 1. This is one of the easiest ways to gain information. Once you start finding the blogs that are useful to you, subscribe to their feeds and use a feed manager to be able to keep up with blogs’ new content. 2. There are plenty of folks that have already been through the social media trenches. If you already have friends that have become social media experts, reach out to them as well. 3. The early adopters are usually ahead of the curve when it comes to social media. 4. 5. 6. Granted, there are some exceptions to this rule. 7. 8.
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