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Math Reads

Math Reads
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Talking Math with Your Kids | Because children enjoy using their minds Computing Technology for Math Excellence Toticity Maths Resources Yummy Math Math As A Second Language MathNEXUS: Mathematics Portal For the past 29 years, I have taught a mathematics history course, and was even the creator of the course at my university. During this time, I have learned not only a great amount of the history of mathematics, but also have gained experience on how to integrate math history ideas into my normal teaching of mathematics. In an attempt to share some of this gained knowledge and experiences, I now announce the release of a new website Teaching Mathematics History. It is a collection of materials directed at either teaching a math history class or including math history ideas in other math courses. FREE resources that are being made available: ​An extensive set (about 300 pages) of problem-solving lessons that include student materials, teacher commentary, problem sets, problem commentary, associated writing topics, and references. A multi-level reference list of historical resources that focus on the history of mathematics, ranging from texts to articles.

Maths Masters Radio 4 - 5 Numbers - Index
