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Karton Group · Welcome · Cardboard Furniture

Karton Group · Welcome · Cardboard Furniture

Bijou and Boheme CréaZoé - mobilier en carton drôme Modern Industrial Design and Future Technology - Tuvie before & after: trolley depot renovation It’s always been my dream to live in a home with airy, open rooms and lots of exposed bricks, so when this renovation project from Amy came across my desk, I was instantly smitten. Located in Atlanta, this building is about 100 years old and originally served as a trolley depot. Thankfully, Amy and her husband did a wonderful job preserving many of the original details while adding some modern touches that complement the overall aesthetic beautifully. Wonderful job, Amy! — Kate Have a Before & After you’d like to share? Read more about Amy’s renovation after the jump! Time: 1 year Cost: $500k Basic Steps: The basic steps we took to achieve the look were to preserve the original space as much as possible and use the existing lines (like the arched windows) in other elements, like the niche, and the arched doorway — even the arch of the armoire.

Amber Interior Design 5 Inspiring Cardboard Interior Designs | Ecopedia From store-fronts to bicycles, cardboard has found its way into some of the most unusual designs in our world. If you were the kid in school who looked forward to pizza day because of all the cardboard that would soon be available for midday fort-heists, you’re definitely going to find something in common with the masterminds behind these cardboard interior designs. Edward Cella Art+Architecture (Images courtesy of The bulbous, organic desk hails from Edward Cella Art+Architecture, showing off just how creatively cardboard can be layered to create functional furniture. Slim Taste Restaurant Slim Taste Restaurant is a Hong Kong favorite, creating an incredibly fun dining environment with their cardboard tables, chairs, storage, counters, and various décor. Fantastic Norway (Images courtesy of Who says recycled cardboard has to be utilitarian? Suppose Design (Images courtesy of Suppose Design Office) Who doesn’t love cardboard tubes? Carlos Teixeira

Venture Lab Technology Entrepreneurship - Teams Sign In Sign Inwith your Comcast account Sign in with your NovoEd password Forgot Password? or Sign in with Facebook Sign in with Google Sign in with O365 Don't have an account on NovoEd? Spearmint Decor Caitlin Creer Interiors tyd: Anthropologie Awe- Struck: What Inspires You? What inspires you? I think being star-struck is something that I have yet to experience. I know there are many folks out there who follow "stars" and famous people as though the famous people somehow don't put their pants on one leg at a time like us "regular" people do. And there are folks who will literally do ANYTHING to be famous; thus, the number of reality and talk shows that are incredibly popular right now (and may I say they make me want to vomit). These things are as foreign to me as living on Jupiter would be. I do not understand it, wouldn't be good at it, and I don't WANT to understand or experience it. (prepare for a visual FEAST!) stand me in front of an Anthropologie store and I'm entranced, enthralled, enraptured even. A) likely not true B) about people they really don't know or ever will know C) none of their business anyway Why is it exactly that I feel so at HOME here? Is that the sound of a choir of angels singing? The dictionary defines juxtaposition thusly: Now GO...

follow studio Una maternidad diferente: Unicef no cambia las recomendaciones sobre el colecho Una noticia inquietante sobre el colecho ha recalado en los últimos días en algunos medios. Yo la leía el martes en Materia: El bebé no debe dormir con sus padres en la misma cama. Aparte del alarmismo y amarillismo del titular, el periodista relataba los resultados de un estudio publicado en el British Medical Journal que concluye que se reduciría el índice de Síndrome de Muerte Súbita del Lactante (SMSL) si se evitara el colecho. Algunos profesionales se apresuraron a poner sus comentarios en la publicación en abierto, señalando la contradicción que supone que se junte en el mismo grupo a los bebés que se alimentaban exclusivamente y a los que se alimentaban parcialmente de leche materna. También señalaban que resultaba "lamentable" que un artículo tan poco fundado y con tantos errores metodológicos hubiera superado los filtros de una publicación científica revisada por pares como el BMJ. Recommendaciones para los profesionales sanitarios a la hora de debatir el colecho con los padres

The San Francisco Times The ESCAPE cabin was designed by architect/artist Kelly Davis. Don't let the outside fool you. This quaint cabin is actually a RV. Yes, it is actually on wheels. The design is inspired by the latest tiny house movement where people are living with a smaller financial, environmental, and physical footprint. The cabin is around 400 square feet, larger than most 1 bedroom apartments. Kelly Davis from SALA Architects, who has many years of experience designing modern cabins and cottages, was the chief architect on this project. The cabin was originally designed with the intent of being a high end cottage (not a RV). Inspiration was drawn from the famous Frank Lloyd Wright as Davis put the highest attention to detail to every aspect of the project from best-in-class quality standards to LED lighting to cedar lap siding. Furthermore, everything was constructed entirely of recyclable or sustainable materials. Additional creativity was needed to maximize the usage of the small space.
