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eVolo / Cities of Tomorrow ¿Cómo imaginamos las ciudades del mañana? Con esta pregunta inicia la editorial del número 03 de la Revista eVob. Tomando en cuenta que esta es una de las preguntas más difíciles que arquitectos, diseñadores y urbanistas necesitan responder en un tiempo en que más de la mitad de la población mundial vive en asentamientos urbanos, y que el crecimiento de la población es exponencial, mientras que existe un escacez de recursos naturales y destrucción del medio ambiente, esta edición trae una compilación de noticias, ensayos y proyectos que abordan este tema. Reconociendo uno de los mayores problemas de nuestros tiempos es el primer paso para investigar el futuro de nuestras ciudades ya existentes, y la posible concepción de ciudades nuevas. Luego se muestran otros ensayos que exploran el futuro del urbanismo, la influencia del placer y otros sentidos principales en el resultado de producciones arquitectónicas y la entrega de ciudades digitales fusionadas a otras reales. Indice Carta del Editor

Alister’s Blog Please don’t take this post the wrong way. I DO understand why some people like to try and emulate film. I understand that film has a “look”. I also understand that for many people that look is the holy grail of film production. I’m simply looking at why we do this and am throwing the big question out there which is “is it the right thing to do”? I welcome your comments on this subject as it’s an interesting one worthy of discussion. In recent years with the explosion of large sensor cameras with great dynamic range it has become a very common practice to take the images these cameras capture and apply a grade or LUT that mimics the look of many of todays major movies. This look seems to be becoming more and more extreme as creators attempt to make their film more film like than the one before, leading to a situation where the look becomes very distinct as opposed to just a trait of the capture medium. Another variation of the “film look” is the flat look. Not Like TV!

What Futurists Actually Do - Technology An introduction to GOOD's new series from the Institute for the Future Never Google the word "futurist." Besides the conflation with Futurism, the early 20th century fascist-leaning art movement, the world’s gateways to knowledge are far from instructive on the subject. Clichés and caricatures abound, with media coverage dominated by allusions to crystal balls and prophesy and the messianic predictions of techno-utopians. The general public's sense of what futurists are is not entirely flattering, and rarely accurate. This is a shame, because during the second half of the 20th century and continuing through the past decade, professional thinking about the future has grown from a niche field dominated by military strategists and predictioneers into a diverse global practice. The rise of the professional futurist is important. I work at the Institute for the Future, a 42-year-old nonprofit research group. At IFTF, we call what we do “futures work.” Moreover, the future is not an end state.

Alister’s Bio and Info | Alister Chapman Shooting waterfalls in 3D in Iceland I am a freelance DoP/producer/editor/stereographer…. jack of all trades perhaps, that has worked in broadcast television since 1984. I studied electronics to degree level and my first job was helping design microwave links for TV and radio O.B’s. Around this time I started experimenting with fitting video cameras into Rally and Race cars. Then in 1999 I got a commission from National Geographic to produce a one hour special about Tornado Chasing. The programme which aired internationally (Twister Tours) was a big hit and introduced me to severe and extreme weather. Don’t get the wrong idea, I don’t just shoot the weather! In the past year alone I have consulted on major projects for New York museums, worked with the military, provided stock footage to over 30 different clients, produced corporate videos and filmed for the BBC, Sky, NBC and Discovery. In my element with a near by Tornado

The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet | Magazine Two decades after its birth, the World Wide Web is in decline, as simpler, sleeker services — think apps — are less about the searching and more about the getting. Chris Anderson explains how this new paradigm reflects the inevitable course of capitalism. And Michael Wolff explains why the new breed of media titan is forsaking the Web for more promising (and profitable) pastures. Who’s to Blame: Us As much as we love the open, unfettered Web, we’re abandoning it for simpler, sleeker services that just work. by Chris Anderson You wake up and check your email on your bedside iPad — that’s one app. You’ve spent the day on the Internet — but not on the Web. This is not a trivial distinction. A decade ago, the ascent of the Web browser as the center of the computing world appeared inevitable. But there has always been an alternative path, one that saw the Web as a worthy tool but not the whole toolkit. “Sure, we’ll always have Web pages. Who’s to Blame: Them Chaos isn’t a business model.

Zielsetzung – 11 Tipps mit denen du alle Ziele erreichst – Christian Bischoff Sich Ziele zu setzen ist wichtig und gleichzeitig fordert es Hingabe und Engagement, diese auch zu erreichen. “ Der Ziellose erleidet sein Schicksal – der Zielbewusste gestaltet es.”– Immanuel Kant Jeder von uns hat schon einmal die Erfahrung gemacht, sich etwas vorzunehmen und ist dann an der Umsetzung gescheitert. Ob bei der Arbeit, beim Sport oder im Privatleben, viele Menschen treiben in ihrem Leben einfach herum. Was sind Ziele? Um sich Ziele setzen zu können, muss man erstmal wissen, was genau Ziele eigentlich sind. “Der Begriff Ziel bezeichnet einen in der Zukunft liegenden, gegenüber dem jetzigen Zeitpunkt im Allgemeinen veränderten, erstrebenswerten und angestrebten Zustand. 111 Motivationsschritte Trage hier deine Daten ein und fordere Christian Bischoffs 111 Motivationsschritte an Kurz gesagt: “Ein Ziel ist der Endpunkt eines Strebens.” Warum ist es wichtig Ziele zu setzen? Das einfachste Beispiel, dass zeigt wie wichtig Ziele sind, ist die Taxifahrt. Wo kommst du am Ende an? 1. 2.

Beyond City Limits - By Parag Khanna View a photo essay of the world's top global cities The 21st century will not be dominated by America or China, Brazil or India, but by the city. In an age that appears increasingly unmanageable, cities rather than states are becoming the islands of governance on which the future world order will be built. This new world is not -- and will not be -- one global village, so much as a network of different ones. Time, technology, and population growth have massively accelerated the advent of this new urbanized era. At the same time, a new category of megacities is emerging around the world, dwarfing anything that has come before. Many will pose challenges to the countries that give birth to them. Neither 19th-century balance-of-power politics nor 20th-century power blocs are useful in understanding this new world. Now as then, cities are the real magnets of economies, the innovators of politics, and, increasingly, the drivers of diplomacy. Dermot Tatlow/Panos Pictures

Digitalszene: Das sind die beliebtesten Coworking-Spaces in Berlin | Berliner Zeitung Berlin ist natürlich auch die Hauptstadt der Coworking-Spaces. Wir stellen die beliebtesten Gemeinschaftsbüros vor. C-Base in Kreuzberg Die C-Base hat sich wohl nie als Coworking-Raum bezeichnet, aber die Coworking-Historiker sind sich einig, dass der 1995 als eine Art erweitertes Wohnzimmer für Hacker gegründete Ort die Coworking-Bewegung bereits vorwegnahm. Sankt Oberholz in Mitte Das Café Sankt Oberholz am Rosenthaler Platz war einer der ersten Orte, die aufgeklappte Laptops ins Café-Konzept integrierten. Betahaus in Kreuzberg Mit dem Betahaus in Berlin machte 2009 der erste offizielle Coworking-Space in Berlin auf (das Sankt Oberholz nutzte den Namen damals nicht). Co Up in Kreuzberg Das bereits 2009 eröffnete Co Up in der Adalbertstraße in Kreuzberg ist als Coworking-Space besonders für Software-Entwickler und Designer interessant. Agora Collective in Neukölln Mindspace in Mitte Factory Berlin in Mitte WeWork, verschiedene Standorte

The New Now: How Real Time Redefines the Now This past week, Nova Spivack, founder of Twine, a web service that dealt with information overload, stopped by in our offices to discuss the future of the web. I first met Nova when he started Earthweb (now called, and over the years, I’ve kept in touch with him. I followed the birth and fall of Radar Networks, the company behind Twine. He is now the co-founder of LiveMatrix, a directory of live events on the web. Lately, I’ve been exploring the idea of where the web will go next, and as a result, have been talking to many folks. Spivack has been in the web’s trenches for a very long time, and has always had a fairly unique view of the Internet. Spivack argued that prior to the 20th century, society was generally preoccupied with the past, studying history and reflecting on the past. The emergence of the real-time web is about the present, and the present impacts how we invent, Spivack argued. In this new Now, the big challenge, especially for startups is attention. - Coworking in Deutschland
