SoftRigid Pure Data — Pd Community Site Artistic Inspiration | Dr. Sam Lam Art Nov 26 For me art is not about the intellectual but about the visceral. It needs to give me a one two punch when I look at it. In short, I probably could be better classified as a graphic artist or designer than simply a conventional artist. Tagged with: artistic inspiration • dr. sam lam Honestly, I could see myself being an industrial designer if I had an alternative life. Jubilee Church, Richard Meier Another discipline that has had a profound influence on me and that I relish deeply is architecture. Out of many of the architects I admire I truly love Richard Meier. Agnes Martin Another artist who has profoundly shaped my aesthetic vision is Agnes Martin who died in 2004 at the age of 92. Here is an inspirational interview with her so that you can understand her aesthetic philosophy more thoroughly: Me Standing at the Mass MOCA Lewitt Exhibit in North Adams, MA My Love of Sol Lewitt by Dr. Here is a fun video showing the installation of a wall painting:
CirclePack and circle packing General Comments: My primary research interests revolve around circle packing: connections to analytic function theory, Riemann surfaces, computational conformal structures, and applications. (see my curriculum vita.) A circle packing is a configuration of circles with a specified pattern of tangencies. Circle packings were introduced by William Thurston in his Notes. Conformal welding by my former student G. The Zoo: Here is a small menagerie of circle packings in the plane, the hyperbolic plane, and the sphere. Research Papers: Recent papers for downloading: Circle Packing Software: The Java Version 1.0 of CirclePack is now available and should run on any platform with Java 1.6++. Circle Packing Bibliography: I try to maintain a bibliography of papers on circle packing. Ways to contact me: Kenneth Stephenson, (kens "at" Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, TN 37996-1300 Phone: (865) 974-4330 Fax: (865) 974 6576 Last Modified: May 2007.
Fabrication Grasshopper: Parametric CurvesThis module covers the basic parametric properties of curves along with common grasshopper methods for evaluating and dividing curves. ARCH 598 Summer 2011information >> n-formations FABRICS // LATTICES // FIELDSThis course is designed to introduce and explore computational design, algorithmic thinking, and digital manufacturing–both: the larger ramifications that emerging digital technologies and ideas are having architectural theory via readings, discussions, presentations; and the practical application of these ideas and tools through a series of hands-on, iterative modeling and fabrication assignments. ARCH 581/498 : Fall 2010Digital Design + Fabrication Foundations I Grasshopper: Surface to Planar TrianglesGrasshopper : Surface to Planar Triangles : Fabrication Layout of Planar Components Laser Cutting: Adobe IllustratorLaser Cutting from Adobe Illustrator
Patricio Gonzalez Vivo Development Of Surfaces General Details Of Process A surface may be considered as formed by the motion of a line. Any length of line moved side-wise in any direction will form a surface, of a width equal to the length of the line, and of a length equal to the distance over which the line is moved. In some construction work, patterns of different faces or of the whole surface must be made; in stone cutting, for example, there must be a pattern giving the shape of any irregular surface, and in sheet-metal work a pattern must be made such that, when a sheet is cut, it can be so formed that it will be of the same shape as the original object. Fig. 142. This pattern making, or the laying out of a complete surface on one plane, is called the development of the surface. Fig. 143. Fig. 144. By finding the true size of all the faces of an object made up of planes, and joining them in order at their common edges, the developed surface will be formed. Right Cylinder Right Cone Rectangular Prism Fig. 145. Cone Fig. 146.
Christan Troche The Radiolaria Project Structural Tesselation of Double Curved Surfaces The Radiolaria Project aims to rethink architectural design and manufacturing techniques – it explores the filigree and beautiful skeletons of radiolarians, tiny marine organisms, with their striking hexagonal patterns, and transfers this concept to architectural scale and materialize it in a large scale structure. The project involves research spanning from biology via geometry to applied building constructions, analogue panelisation experiments with CAD designed and CNC milled models, the development of a rigid parametric Node system, digital form finding techniques for the design of a large scale interior installation, tessellation of this form with especially developed grid generation tools, generative computation of individual structural node and beam elements, CNC manufacturing of these entities and the final assembly of the structure.
Parametric World a3reel: Prove di voxelizzazione dipendente dai vettori del campo fluidodinamico.Catalogazione dei risultati variando:-il numero di celle in cui è diviso il campo-soglia-parametri di coesione,allineamento,separazione degli agents-viscosità,diffusione,influenza del fluido sugli agents,influenza degli agents sul fluido.I risultati ottenuti forniscono una gamma di mesh più o meno compatte a seconda della variazione dei parametri. Inconvergent · A study of generative algorithms Obra del Año 2009 - Plataforma Arquitectura presentado por: Obra del Año en Plataforma Arquitectura: Presentamos a los ganadores (cc) 2006-2010 Algunos Derechos Reservados - El contenido de Plataforma Arquitectura se encuentra sujeto a la licencia Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial 2.0 Chile. Los derechos de las fotografías pertenecen a los fotógrafos especificados en cada artículo o a la oficina respectiva. ® Plataforma Arquitectura es una marca registrada de Plataforma Networks.
Cartographie subjective de la blogarchie francophone Cliquez sur ce paragraphe pour télécharger et visualiser la carte en format PDF haute définition (entièrement vectorielle), zoomable, avec liens cliquables. Le document PDF comporte plusieurs pages (la carte n’est que la 1re page) avec une notice explicative, un extrait de la base de données que j'ai constitué, des classements annexes, des statistiques et les crédits. Cette carte est imprimable à n’importe quelle dimension (A3 minimum avec imprimante laser conseillés pour une meilleure lisibilité). Je vous présente la 2e édition de la cartographie subjective de la blogosphère, exercice sur lequel je m’étais déjà penché il y a quelques mois. Tous les détails des données recueillies, des classements (général, par catégories et statistiques diverses) et des explications relatives au mode de sélection et de représentation sont dans la notice jointe dans le PDF de la carte. Ci-dessous, les listes des blogs qui figurent sur la carte. INVITÉS (3 repêchés + 10 Wikio)
design playgrounds Posts Tagged ‘Parametric Architecture’ We are happy and excited to announce that finally after a long time we have a launch day for ThinkParametric. Hy-FI is the winning proposal for this year MoMA´s PS1 competition, a tower-like topology volume composed by compostable bricks that use corn stalks and mushroom roots in their process of elaboration. In this tutorial you will learn how can you create shell-like surfaces made of planar hexagons using Kangaroo´s Planrization Forces. The Centenial Chromagraph is an installation/ data visualization portraying the history of the University of Minnesota School of Architecture.Their creators refer to it as an exercise in data spatialization where the use of computational tools were employed to generate formal and spatial constructions with large quantities of data. Pudelma is a pavilion inspired by the traditions of Finnish wood-working and created as part of the European Capital of Culture Program.