Sew a Full, Gathered Skirt , Part One: Make Your Own Pattern!
A lot of you went gaga over this taffeta skirt from Vogue's New Book for Better Sewing. Well, do I have a secret for you! This type of skirt is easy to replicate, no scrounging around for a vintage pattern required. This is part one of two in this tutorial. In this installment, you'll learn to make your own simple pattern for this skirt.This is a basic dirndl style skirt. First, you need a big rectangle for the skirt front and back. The skirt pattern piece will be 40" wide. Second, you need a long, skinny rectangle piece for the waistband. You want your waistband length to be your waist measurement plus one inch of ease. Now for the width, which will be 1-1/4" finished. So. Those are your two pattern pieces! My only disclaimer is that the measurements I'm using here were developed on my body. Next up, look for the second part of this tutorial, which will walk you through the construction of the skirt.
Wire Bow DIY
I'm always looking for fun hair accessories to add to my collection. Here's a quick little wire bow DIY project to add a little flair to pony tails, buns, and braids! Supplies needed: pretty fabric (thanks, Alexa!), wire, wire cutters, and scissors Step 1: cut out a length of fabric (mine was 13 inches). You can make it as long or short as you'd like. Step 2: sew around the edges of the fabric (make sure the fabric is turned inside out, or printed side down) leaving a small hole unsewn. Step 3: take a length of wire that is double the size of your fabric (mine was 26 inches). Step 4: flip the fabric right-side-out and slide the wire inside. I love quick DIY projects and this one doesn't disappoint. Happy crafting!
embroidery basics: looking back and instructions for lefties
Over the last three months, I've been sharing my Embroidery Basics series. I don't have any more posts planned for this right now, but you never know...I may get some more together down the road. In the meantime, here's a little overview of the posts with links to each! And...someone asked me about instructions for lefties. I wasn't planning on it, and wasn't even sure how that would work.
no heat, overnight curls.
5 minute no heat curls - it really works! Or so she says...: Almost No Heat Curls (she: Michaela) no heat curls No-heat Soft And Pretty Curls No Heat Curls - From Socks #2 (2) Super easy "No-Heat" Sock Curls!
stitch dictionary
Created by sarah on 06 Jun 2010 The stitch dictionary is arranged in alphabetical order and will help you to go to a stitch directly. Just click on the alphabet given in the index to go to the stitch beginning with that alphabet. Some stitches are known by multiple names and all names are included here. Tags: edging and border stitch, embroidery, embroidery tutorial, feather stitch, fly stitch, hand embroidery, hand embroidery tutorial, hand embroidery tutorials, herring bone stitch, knot stitch, needlework, palestrina stitch, running stitch, stem stitch, stitch dictionary, stitches 50 Comments »
How to restore Timber Venetian Blinds | Web Compendium
When we moved a few years ago, the new house had a lot of cedar timber venetian blinds. These blinds had been installed new, and added a nice aesthetic to the feel of the house, which also had timber flooring throughout. Imagine my dismay when I saw that the tenants who we had rented the house to had not taken care of any of the fixtures or fittings in the home. Amongst other things, the blinds were dirty, discolored, and water damaged where the tenants had left windows open during rain. Water Damaged & Discolored Timber Blinds At first I thought all the blinds would need replacing, but with so many floor-to-ceiling custom size blinds, this was not going to be a cost effective option. How to Restore Timber Venetian Blinds Sometimes a regular clean is not enough to have timber blinds looking as good as they used to. Even though a lot of people recommend washing ‘timber’ blinds, they are probably referring to the plastic style blinds that look like timber.
【一种简单漂亮的手工布艺缝法】我们都是心灵… 来自筱小蛮-在堆糖网的分享
堆糖网 分类 首页 热门 最新 良品购 特卖惠 家居生活 美食菜谱 手工DIY 时尚搭配 美妆造型 婚纱婚礼 设计 古风 插画绘画 壁纸 头像 文字句子 旅行 摄影 人文艺术 影音书 人物明星 动画漫画 植物多肉 生活百科 搞笑萌宠 搜索含 的内容 搜索含 的商品 搜索含 的专辑 搜索含 的糖友 新浪微博腾讯 QQ 淘宝腾讯微博豆瓣 关联账号登录: 登录 注册 筱小蛮- 收集到 手工 专辑中 ,通过糖友 Grangrand 2012-02-24 23:57:51 【一种简单漂亮的手工布艺缝法】我们都是心灵手巧的妞~~ 关注 查看完整专辑621 来自: DIY频道的微博 新浪微博-随时随地分享身… 查看来源 收集 腾讯微博 豆瓣 人人网 赞0 评论 24 添加评论... 评论 91二锅头07-01 感觉还没完呢回复 echo110101-30 好像是缝一行要隔一行再缝啊...改天来试试,不过MS还要画格子回复 笑笑妈的夏天01-26 很漂亮 就是看不懂是怎么缝的回复 心随闲鱼12-20 在详细点就好了回复 kingsden12-12 回复 way066:dfgdfgdfg回复 sdfdfsdfsdf回复 宝贝不哭12-05 没看太懂回复 迎风摇曳的花儿12-02 真的狠有巧思 太有才了 一定要试试回复 庭角的苇04-16 简单、漂亮,学习了,谢谢! 灬小野喵灬VK04-14 做抱枕好好看看。。。 海之蓝04-08 很漂亮哦回复 和世安莲03-31 好好看啊回复 风过云定03-29 正好有块小帘子长了,试试用这种办法做几个褶子,呵呵回复 柏乐映像03-27 哇~真心不错~做个抱枕! 漂在上海北京的80后03-26 缝成四方框然后抽成一撮,再缀上珍珠,好美,要用纯色的厚绒布才能体现美感回复 xuedongqi03-25 虽然我是个男孩,不过这种好的创意还是很值得收藏的呀。 dolphin_blue03-23 回复 ladyEOS:不单是衣服哦,做个小抱枕也可以啊回复 ladyEOS03-23 秀衣服的话。。。 傀儡宝贝03-22 灰常的漂亮回复 晓蛮03-21 太强大了,超棒! 你可能感兴趣 还被收集在 > DIY小便条&针法98175 标签 还没有标签 活动 晒晒你最想做的小清新手工教程 截止日期:2014年04月16日 春暖花开,晒晒你的种植日记! 标签集帮助中心关于我们加入我们免责声明堆糖收集工具 ©Copyright by 堆糖 2010-2013, all rights reserved 备案 沪ICP备10038086号-1
How To Give Your Photos a Dark Processed Lomo Effect
This post was originally published in 2010 The tips and techniques explained may be outdated. Follow this step by step post processing guide to give your photos a dark lomo style effect with high contrast, blue tones and vignette burns. The effect is based on the popular lomographic technique and is similar to the processing effect used in many fashion shots and advertisement designs. Overall this effect does a great job of adding impact to a plain photography with cool colour casts and unusual saturation. View full size photo effect Begin by opening your photograph of choice into Adobe Photoshop. Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels and tweak the tones of the image. At the bottom of the Layers palette, click the Adjustment Layer icon and select Curves. Change the drop down menu to Green and tweak the graph for the green channel to further alter the tones of the image. Finally alter the Blue channel, creating an inverted ‘S’ shape to enhance the blues to give a cool colour cast.
Sewing 101: Smocking
I love fabric manipulation. There are millions of ways to manipulate fabric. One of the ways is smocking. So for Sewing 101 we will do Smocking 101. Start with the fabric you will be smocking. Then with a ruler you are going to draw dots on the fabric. We will start by gathering up the rows of dots. Then move on to the next dot and make another small stitch under the next dot. Then leave a long thread at the end of the row. Then start by gathering up two rows. Then for your decorative stitches I use embroidery floss. Then move over to hole number make a small stitch under hole 2 then another small stitch under hole 1. Then pull it tight. Small stitch through hole number 4 (right next to hole number 3) then small stitch through hole number 3. Keep repeating until you get done with all the holes. The next stitch is called the wave. Then start by coming up through hole 1 and then making a small stitch through hole 2. simply pull it tight. Next you will make a small stitch through hole 4.