iPads in Education
"During my poster session at ISTE, I must have been asked dozens of times: “When do students use your Makerspace? How do you organize scheduling?” I am in a magnet middle school on a flexible schedule. I have an extremely supportive administration and staff and an enthusiastic student body that’s eager to learn. I realize that these circumstances won’t apply to everyone and that I’m very lucky to be in the place that I’m in. That being said, here’s how and when students at Stewart Middle Magnet use our Makerspace:"
Teachers Guide on The Use of iPad in education
iPad is a cool versatile tool that has a huge potential in education. It is widely believed that iPad has started tranforming the face of education and revolutionizng modes of learning. Results coming out of pilot studies on the integration of iPads in the classroom seem to be promising. Reed College, for instance, took the Apple iPad for a spin in 2010 and was pleased with the tablets performance as an educational tool. As part of a pilot program, Roslyn High School on Long Island handed out 47 iPads on Dec and the school district hopes to provide iPads eventually to all 1.100 of its students.
App Tips & Tutorials
iPad Office Suites: Suggestions for Apps to Work With Windows Files on Your PC UPDATE: Microsoft released Office for iPad. A student in my Master Class recently asked me about office suites for the iPad.
20 Amazing iPad Apps for Educators
When one looks at how technology has changed education over the past decade, one can’t help but be blown away by the sheer number of iPad apps for educators that have absolutely flooded the electronic marketplace. There are so many iPad apps for teachers released every month that even the most plugged-in educator would have a difficult time processing and utilizing them all. Luckily, when teachers are looking to learn how to use iPads in the classroom, they need to look no further than TeachHUB magazine and TeachHUB.com -- an educator’s primary go-to resource when researching iPad apps for teachers and iPads in the classroom. Read on to learn about TeachHUB magazine and TeachHUB.com’s updated list of the hottest iPad apps for teachers and iPad apps for education, destined to forever alter your curriculum landscape, organized here by subject. Scroll down for an index of many of TeachHUB's helpful iPads in the classroom app reviews and more of the best usage of iPads in the classroom. Trello
10 Steps to a Successful School iPad Program
Portions excerpted from new book, "iPad in Education for Dummies" by Sam Gliksman iPads have certainly become a highly desired commodity in education. Apple is reporting that schools are purchasing iPads by a ratio of 2:1 over MacBooks. However, that rush to purchase the latest technologies often precedes the careful planning and preparation that’s crucial to their success as educational tools. Stated simply, technology alone doesn’t have the capacity to improve education. It needs to be woven into a holistic approach to education that encompasses thorough planning and ongoing review of the skills and competencies required by the rapidly changing society that characterizes life in the 21st century.
A Day in the Life of an iPad Teacher
6.30 am: Woken by the dulcet tones of Lana Del Rey and a new ‘Wake up Light‘. Contemplate staying in bed then notice the email icon flashing with a number of new messages – check twitter. 7.00 am: Access news app whilst devouring breakfast.
Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! If you find any that you have worked with in your classroom please email dmileham@e1b.org or tweet @bloomsapps or @dmileham75 with your suggestions. Thanks for checking the site!
50 really useful iPad 2 tips and tricks
An absolute gem of an article by John Brandon and Graham Barlow from MacLife on 30th March over at TechRadar. This is going to become my iPad manual from here on in. Customised iPads for all iPad 2 tips and original iPad tips - get 'em here!
8 Free Resources on The Use of iPad in Education
I know that most of you have got a tablet device of some sort but if it happens that you have an iPad then this post will relate to you more. Below is a set of resources dedicated exclusively to the educational uses of the iPad. Emerging Ed Tech has done a great job in providing this list. Check them out. Update : Check out these two new articles of relevant interest : Free Comprehensive Guide to iPad Apps Evaluation and Bloom's Taxonomy for iPad