Interactive Sex Questionnaire for Couples | Mojo Upgrade On the Horizon , its time to fly with I wanna be the guy I wanna be the guy Aujourd'hui, c'est vendredi ! Et même si mon frère dit que le vendredi, c'est graphisme, moi je dis que le vendredi, c'est PROCRASTINATION ! Yeah ! Si vous avez un peu de temps et un ordinateur Windows (ou Wine), je vous invite à télécharger le petit jeu I Wanna Be The Guy, qui est un jeu plein d'humour, aux graphismes nostalgiques, bourré de référence à la culture jeu vidéo, à la musique 8 bits et où vous mourrez des millions de fois avant de le finir... Il est sorti il y a un petit moment maintenant mais comme je sais que vous aimez les défis... A télécharger ici. Et pour la soluce, allez faire un tour sur Youtube (gaffe aux spoils). Mille merci à Gabriel pour le partage ! Vous avez aimé cet article ?
For my fellow tangle junkies: some thoughts on collecting and organizing tangle patterns I'm a perfectionist. I didn't always know this about myself, or maybe I wasn't always one and I'm just settling into my own shoes a little as I get older. But "ehh.... good enough" is probably not something you'll hear me say. Because if I'm working on something I care about, and I know it's not the best I am capable of, I have to force myself to not redo every little thing and make it as good as I know it could be (and yes, I do realize that this occasionally makes me a little bit annoying). For example, I've attempted a few methods for collecting and organizing tangle patterns... index cards, flip cards, graph paper pads, Moleskine notebooks, different-sized journals, a small binder with page protectors, et cetera. First I had to let go of the idea that any journal I created would/could ever resemble Maria's... that just wasn't realistic for me. Here's how my lofty standards and I arrived at a solution I could run with. This beast of a craft punch came from Michael's. The bottom view.
modern color theory (concepts) A Scientific Theory of Color Vision. For many centuries, the behavior of color mixtures was difficult to explain because material color, which seemed to be anchored in "real" objects of the external world, was conceptually distinguished from the "illusory" colors in rainbows or prisms. The two types of mixtures behaved differently, but the reason for the difference was unknown. The trichromatic theory provided the clarifying explanation and prediction of all color sensations as arising in the behavior of the eye. Because the L, M and S receptor responses can be predicted mathematically from the summed intensity of all wavelengths in a light stimulus, the additive primaries empirically connect a measurable light stimulus to a measurable (matchable) color sensation — at least, in experimentally restricted viewing conditions. This is what makes additive color mixing, in the scientific sense of the word, a theory of color vision. Subtractive Color Mixture. subtractive CYM color mixtures 36.
Coincher en ligne - Belote coinchée gratuite en ligne et multi joueurs Tangle Tangle Tangle Ultimate Guide to Google Plus I’ve seen quite a few people who don’t understand Google Plus or think Google Plus is some sort of wasteland with giant swaths of inactivity. I was one of these people until I decided to dive in and really explore the social network and become active on there to see what this G+ thing is all about. The end result is this guide, a complete Google Plus guide for the person who is just getting started, or quite simply, started but staring at a boring feed with zero activity. Take a look at the sections below and click any section that has your interest. The Google Plus Beginner Guide Sections When browsing this guide, you can click the below links to jump to the section you are interested in. What are Google Plus Circles? Think of Google Circles as categories. This video, created by Google, shows you exactly how Circles work, how you interact with them, how to add people to them, and so much more. Is Google Plus a Wasteland? Click here to go to Scott Buehler’s Hyperball Circle Share.