Recent Research on Rocket Mass Heaters (and Bell Design) | Hand Print Press There appears to be a huge amount of traffic and discussion through different internet forums about rocket mass heaters and reports from the authors on sales of the book on the subject confirm this incredible surge in interest. I am quite certain that this excitement stems from the tangible possibility that the rocket mass heater concept offers to individuals and families to build their own affordable efficient wood-fired heating system. I thought it would be interesting and useful to offer the following synthesis of recent research I have been directly involved in and links to information that others have provided to feed more fuel to the fire of this interesting global conversation. Article Table of Contents: The Difference between Rocket Stoves and Rocket Mass Heaters First, a clarification regarding terms may be useful. The Book on Rocket Mass Heaters There is a wonderful book on Rocket Mass Heaters. The MHA Experience Construction Processes with Commentary Conclusion: Suggest a link!
Rocket Stoves - a hot name for a fantastic stove appropriate technology brought to your living room First up, a confessions. I'm a huge fan of these rocket stoves. They bring together all the aspects of sustainable living and design that make wood burning so appealing in the first place AND the end result is an attractive, warm, comfortable piece of furniture that you can build yourself! I have built and used smaller cook stove versions of these - when you first see one going you'll understand the name. Types of rocket stove Rocket stoves come in many guises: cook stoves made from salvaged scrap in refugee campsportable, lightweight hiking stoves that burn twigs and other scrapdomestic water heaters and cook stoves,thermal mass storage heaters While the scale varies they all work on the same basic principals and consist of: Fuel magazine a chamber for holding the fuel load - this may be horizontal or vertical depending on how the feed is managed Combustion Chamber Internal Chimney (or heat riser) Heat exchanger Rocket Stove Operation Lifetime
How To Harvest & Store Herbs Most herbs for culinary use are ready to harvest just before flowers appear on the plant. If you harvest them after the flowers appear there will be a reduction in flavor. Do not cut the herbs too close to the ground, if you leave some lower foliage you may be able to get several cuttings during the growing season. The best time of day to harvest herbs is in the early morning, just as the sun dries the dew from the leaves. The oils are the strongest in the plants at this time. As soon as the herbs have been cut, waste no time in getting them ready for drying. The most common method of drying herbs is also the most picturesque. A variation of this would be to put each bunch in a perforated paper bag, then hang it up to dry. Another variation of air drying is to take the herb plants apart and spread those parts on screens to dry. The fastest drying method is oven-drying. Store your dried herbs in an air-tight container, such as a glass jar. Submitted by KP, WA [Home] [Search]
Piece Rakietowe | Kooperatywa Izerska Poniżej prezentujemy kompleksowe kompendium wiedzy na temat piecy rakietowych, po uważnej lekturze będziesz gotowy/gotowa do wybudowania takiego cuda gdziekolwiek zechcesz. Zacznijmy jednak od tego czym jest piec rakietowy? Piec rakietowy – jest piecem podwójnego spalania. Oznacza to, że oprócz drewna spala się również gaz drzewny, który w normalnych piecach, kominkach i kotłach opalanych drzewem wylatuje przez komin, – piec rakietowy pozwala na oszczędność drewna rzędu 80% – 90% w porównaniu do innych pieców (informacja niepotwierdzona), – spalinami jest prawie czysta para wodna i CO2 (odrobina dymu pojawia się tylko na początku, tuż po rozpaleniu), – emisja ciepła po jednorazowym rozpaleniu w piecu rakietowym trwa zwykle kilka, kilkanaście godzin. – dzięki specjalnej masie termicznej, która przechowuje i powoli wydala ciepło, – piec rakietowy można zbudować samodzielnie (lub z pomocą przyjaciół) w ciągu około 2 dni tekst pierwotny: Ekowioska w Barkowie 3) służące do do podgrzewania wody.
How To Build A 16 Brick Rocket Stove For Around 6 Dollars OK so what is a rocket stove you ask? Well its design means that heat is generated at the top of the stove therefor ideal for heating a pot or kettle extremely efficiently and quickly saving time and money. A rocket stove is an elegant-yet-simple stove design that generates high temperatures, with near-complete combustion of fuel. It does this by means of an enclosed chamber with a vertical chimney, which creates a strong convection effect or “draw”. Ok here’s a link to a full 6 Dollar Rocket Stove tutorial: We also have a Youtube video tutorial:
Non-toxic Home Cleaning & Care: Natural, Green, Eco-Friendly Solutions Make sure to keep all home-made formulas well-labeled, and out of the reach of children. All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup baking soda (or 2 teaspoons borax) into 1/2 gallon (2 liters) water. Store and keep. Use for removal of water deposit stains on shower stall panels, bathroom chrome fixtures, windows, bathroom mirrors, etc. Or use a citrus-based natural all-purpose cleaner. Another alternative are microfiber cloths which lift off dirt, grease and dust without the need for cleaning chemicals, because they are formulated to penetrate and trap dirt. Air Freshener: Commercial air fresheners mask smells and coat nasal passages to diminish the sense of smell Bathroom mold: Mold in bathroom tile grout is a common problem and can be a health concern. Carpet stains: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Chopping block cleaner: Rub a slice of lemon across a chopping block to disinfect the surface.
DIY: How to Make Endless Hot Water Without Electricity Using some recycled parts and a small rocket stove you can heat and pump all the hot water you will ever need without power. This ingenious technique utilizes thermal siphon pumping to move the freshly heated water into the reservoir. Image:YouTube hot waterOff Gridsustainabilityvideo Related Posts « Subterranean Ant Cities are Far More Complex than Anyone Thought Possible Teacher Crosses The Line with “Urgent Notice” Sent Home to Parents »
No Electricity? Off-Grid Stove Makes Cooking A Cinch Rocket stoves are a rather unique invention which uses kindling-sized sticks as fuel, burning them very hot and very efficiently — all without using electricity. This creates a hotter fire than you can usually get out of kindling, as well as providing sufficient heat to cook with from very little fuel. And they’re fun to use. While I suppose it would be possible to use a rocket stove for heating, that’s really not what they are designed for. The rocket stove produces a lot of heat at the cooking “burner”; it doesn’t really radiate heat like a fireplace or wood burning stove would. Nobody really knows the origins of the rocket stove. How a Rocket Stove Works Regardless of how a rocket stove is actually built, they are all essentially the same thing. Fuel magazine – To hold fuel that is going to be burned and provide a means of feeding it into the combustion chamber. A key element in the function of a rocket stove is the airflow through the stove. Constructing a Rocket Stove
Classic Wild Food Collection Ebook: Foraging Piec rakietowy Piec rakietowy jest piecem podwójnego spalania. Oznacza to że oprócz drewna spala się również gaz drzewny, który w normalnych piecach, kominkach i kotłach opalanych drzewem wylatuje przez komin. Materiały: Przy budowie pieca rakietowego potrzebne są materiały należące do trzech zasadniczych grup:I. Elementy składowe pieca rakietowego (rysunek) Piec rakietowy w wersji grzewczej (mass heater) składa się z dwóch zasadniczych obszarów konstrukcyjnych – spalającego i odprowadzającego spaliny. Konstrukcja spalająca składa się z trzech elementów:1) pionowy podajnik paliwa (symbole A i B na rysunku), -2) pozioma komora spalania (symbol C na rysunku).3) wewnętrzny pionowy komin spalający – ang: heat riser (E i F na rysunku). Elementy 1) i 2) najlepiej zbudować z cegieł szamotowych ale dopuszczalny jest każdy materiał odporny na działanie wysokiej temperatury (kamień, gruba stal, itp.) Ważna jednostka miary: Jak obliczyć pole powierzchi przekroju (ppp)? Najważniejszy wymiar konstrukcyjny pieca. UWAGA!
Tesla Hitting the Battery Accelerator Elon Musk took the energy storage world by storm with his announcement of the much-anticipated Tesla Powerwall battery. The Powerwall is sleek, modular, and oozes with the high level of design quality Tesla has become known for. But more importantly it’s cheap—much, much cheaper than anyone was expecting. Industry analysts and organizations focused on the relationship between battery costs and adoption are still wrapping their heads around these cost announcements—RMI included. In our modeling for both The Economics of Load Defection from April 2015and its predecessor, The Economics of Grid Defection from February 2014, our average battery price in 2015 was $547/kWh. Granted, Tesla’s prices are aimed at installers, and there will be some markup before they reach the customer (SolarCity has stated systems will be installed for about $5,000 all-in). Cost Declines Racing Ahead Costs are falling faster than projected. The Battery Fast Lane The Market Responds Image courtesy Tesla Motors