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Related:  mrsnolletverdier Madame Cindy Source des images : Logo Nathalie Marchand ( Conception Péga Informatique Copyright Cindy Gobeil et Jimmy Pronovost Auteurs 47 Best Classroom Rules for Middle & High School (2021) Classroom rules are important for all ages – even middle school and high school students. Start your school year or even your lessons with a discussion of the ground rules. By setting the ground rules at the start, you’ll be setting the tone for the rest of your time with your students. How to Write Class Rules Two effective teaching strategies to remember when setting rules for middle school and high school students are: Make rules that say what to do rather than what not to do.Start every rule with an action word (verb). Read Also: 13 Effective Classroom Management Theories Best Classroom Rules for Middle School Respect other people’s boundaries (aka Keep your hands to yourself).Swearing is unacceptable.Enter the classroom ready to learn.Use an inside voice (aka No yelling!) See if you can help yourself before asking someone else.Care for your own equipment.Ask for permission to use others’ equipment.Theft is unacceptable (aka Do not steal!) Play by the rules. Do homework daily.

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Lascaux La découverte de Lascaux en 1940 a ouvert une nouvelle page dans la connaissance de l’art préhistorique et de nos origines. Œuvre monumentale, la grotte continue de nourrir l’imaginaire collectif et d’émouvoir les nouvelles générations du monde entier. C’est à ce haut lieu de la Préhistoire qu’est dédiée la nouvelle publication multimédia du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, publication qui réactualise autant la forme que le contenu scientifique de ce site mis en ligne en 1998, à la lumière des dernières avancées de la recherche archéologique. Au delà de l’émotion et à la lumière des recherches les plus récentes, le site internet est destiné à faire comprendre les secrets des artistes qui ont peint et gravé le bestiaire de Lascaux il y a 19000 ans et à présenter les orientations actuelles de la recherche scientifique sur les grottes ornées. Vache rouge à tête noire. Diverticule axial. Haut de page

Make your own word search puzzle You can use this page to create your own word search puzzle with your own list of words. These puzzles are popular with different groups of people, especially teachers and students. Please enter a set of words. When you are done, hit the "Make Puzzle" button to generate a word search puzzle. Once the puzzle is displayed, you can use the "Printable HTML" or "Printable PDF" buttons to get a clean page suitable for printing with your web browser. The puzzle that is generated will remain on this server for about two months. Some users list their puzzles for all to see. If you want help with international characters, you can call up an Alphabet chart to use for cutting and pasting letters that are hard to type. Some people find this word list form too small, or want to have hidden words. Over the years, I've received many messages from students, teachers, and parents who have used the program for school work as well as a way to give a pleasant diversion from the normal grind.

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