Bioversity International: search As information about agricultural biodiversity resources is gathered around the world, managing information so it is easily shared and accessed is vital for the conservation and use of these resources. Bioversity International, working with international partners, has developed effective systems to manage this task including: Bioversity International is home to 3200 unique original field report documents which are now available online. This collection is an invaluable history of plants that may have been lost from their fields and natural habitats, painstakingly recording information about more than 200,000 landrace and crop wild relative samples collected all over the world for almost forty years. Read more The New World Fruits Database aims at providing easier access to some basic, but often difficult to obtain, information on fruits from the New World.
A Recipe for a Hugelkultur Raised Bed Permaculture Research Institute I’ve been wanting to do a hugelkultur bed ever since I saw an article about a village store garden where people could walk around these really tall raised beds picking their veggies without bending. Hugelkultur is a Central European-style raised bed which uses rotting wood as its foundation. Toby Hemenway mentions it in Gaia’s Garden, offering the hot tip that he can start potatoes a month early in this kind of bed. The hugelkultur raised bed can be built in many different ways, towering as high as you can reach or in a deep trench so that the planting surface is more or less level with the ground. The bed is a layered affair with rotting wood at the base. You can build these beds up to over two metres, if you are able, and they’ll slowly sink down. Here’s a step by step guide to how I did it. The trench: I dug a very shallow trench about 15cms deep and about 1.5 metres long by 1 metre wide. Layer 1 – Rotting Wood: I used maple and some apple wood as that was what was laying around.
Fazenda Citra - A Fruta do Milagre - Miracle Fruit - (Synsepalum dulcificum) Escrito por Luis Bacher | 29 Fevereiro 2012 Imagine você consumir uma fruta de polpa ácida como um Limão, um Camu-Camu ou então um Cambuci e sentir que o sabor dessas frutas na verdade é adocicado e sem nenhuma acidez. Mas isso seria possível? Sim, é possível. Basta que você alguns minutos antes saboreie uma Fruta-do-Milagre. A Fruta-do-Milagre (Synsepalum dulcificum) também conhecida internacionalmente como Miracle Fruit é nativa da África Ocidental e pertence à família das sapotáceas. Curiosidade: Essa frutífera já é conhecida nos meios botânicos desde o século XVIII quando o explorador francês Chevalier des Marchais em 1725 em expedição pesquisou essa espécie e outras nativas da África Ocidental. Revista Natureza: Leia a matéria completa da Revista Natureza - Link Luz: Pleno sol e meia-sombra.Solos: Cultivar em solos preferencialmente ácidos com PH entre 4,5 a 5,8, em locais bem drenados.
Fazenda Citra - Fazenda Citra Em dezembro vamos rever a fruta Uchuva ( Physalis peruviana ). Sua polpa é rica em vitamina A, C, fósforo, ferro e ainda com propriedades medicinais. Leia mais... Motions of the Sun Simulator - Calculating Solar Potential in Portland, Maine February 15th, 2010 by ReVision Energy We stumbled across an incredibly useful tool that allows you to calculate the path of the sun on any given day of the year based on your latitude. This tool, part of the The Nebraska Astronomy Applet Project (NAAP), will even give really geeky data like the sun’s altitude and azimuth, and allows you to animate the cycles of the sun! Using the tool, we can plug in our latitude (roughly 43N here in Portland, Maine), program the day to February 15, set ourselves facing south and voila! We have a beautiful view of what the sun is going to be doing today: This illustrates beautifully why all we suggest for solar is a roof that is relatively unshaded from 9AM – 3PM… look at all that sun! When we do an on-site solar evaluation, we figure out whether your house has a good orientation to capture all of this solar energy. The solar pathfinder tool superimposes a view of the sky facing south from your house onto a guide of the sun’s arc in the sky.
Portal da Prefeitura da Cidade de São Paulo Saiba como funcionam e venha participar Os viveiros são abertos à visitação pública e mantêm serviços de monitoria para grupos, mediante agendamento prévio. As visitas têm como objetivo propiciar, através dos aspectos envolvidos na produção de plantas, um contato com a natureza em sua diversidade de formas, cores e cheiros. Informações sobre as visitas monitoradas Viveiro Manequinho Lopes Tel: 5572-1004 (UmaPaz – Aventura Ambiental) Viveiro Arthur Etzel tel: 2742 8833 ESTUFA 03 (clique e veja fotos da estufa) A Estufa 3 passou por um processo de revitalização no final do ano de 2009 e foi aberta ao público em janeiro de 2010 como parte dos festejos do aniversario de 456 anos da cidade de São Paulo. De formas clássicas e estrutura diferenciada das demais estufas do Viveiro Manequinho Lopes, essa estufa foi pensada para ser uma ferramenta histórico-educativa, compondo o roteiro de visita monitorada do viveiro.
Portal da Prefeitura da Cidade de São Paulo As mudas são fornecidas para órgãos públicos municipais. Todas as mudas de plantas ornamentais produzidas pelos Viveiros Municipais são destinadas a atender à demanda da cidade de São Paulo no que se refere à arborização e ornamentação paisagística, realizadas em áreas e próprios municipais, como praças, parques e canteiros centrais, executadas principalmente por DEPAVE e Subprefeituras, responsáveis pela manutenção dos Parques, praças, canteiros e áreas públicas. Os órgãos municipais, através de seus responsáveis técnicos da área – engenheiros agrônomos ou florestais – devem consultar os viveiros, através de contatos telefônicos, sobre a disponibilidade das mudas pretendidas e, posteriormente, enviar documento especificando as espécies e quantidades para reservas prévias e/ou programação de produção. Realiza-se também doação de mudas para órgãos não governamentais, regulamentada pelo decreto nº 46.886 – 04/01/2006, de acordo com a Lei Orgânica do Município, artigo 112, inciso I.
how to convert a chest freezer to a fridge « John's Running and Living My chest fridge conversion uses an average of only 8 watts, down from 100 watts (peak of 224), a 92 percent reduction of electricity use. Here’s how you can do the same thing. MATERIALS temperature switch $16.78 from Ebay push on connectors – $1.70 Home Depot three wire extension cord, or wall box and plate you will need to use the 14 gauge wires either way micro screwdriver – $1 Dollar Store or Harbor Freight new or used 5 to 7 cubic foot chest freezer $50 to $200 WIRING with extension cord Cut a 6 inch section out of the middle of the extension cord. WIRING into box The switch can be put in a wall box or a mobile box. PROGRAMMING 3) This is my TS-13010 programming to keep the temperature an average of 36 degrees. TESTING 4) Plug the chest freezer into the extension cord, and plug the other end into the wall (or plug the freezer into the switch in the wall). Like this: Like Loading...
Crowdfunding Brasil Crowd funding Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet.[1] One early-stage equity expert described it as “the practice of raising funds from two or more people over the internet towards a common Service, Project, Product, Investment, Cause, and Experience, or SPPICE.”[2] The crowdfunding model is fueled by three types of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea and/or project to be funded; individuals or groups who support the idea; and a moderating organization (the "platform") that brings the parties together to launch the idea.[3] In 2013, the crowdfunding industry grew to be over $5.1 billion worldwide.[4] History[edit] Types[edit] The Crowdfunding Centre's May 2014 report identified the existence of two primary types of crowdfunding: Rewards-based[edit] Equity[edit] Debt-based[edit] Litigation[edit] Charity[edit] Role of the crowd[edit] Crowdfunding platforms[edit] Origins[edit] Press
Keyline Swales - a Geoff Lawton/Darren Doherty Hybrid Permaculture Research Institute A swale on Zaytuna Farm – © Craig Mackintosh (Remaining images below © Cam Wilson.) Geoff Lawton and Darren Doherty are the two highest profile people in Australian Permaculture when it comes to broadacre water harvesting earthworks. They’ve both had success in some very tough environments, and yet it’s interesting that their styles are quite different, particularly when it comes to infiltration strategies. This article is a short comparison of their approaches, along with an idea I had recently for amalgamating the benefits of each. To help illustrate, I’ve put a set of boundaries on a section of a topographic map (figure 1.1). Figure 1.1 – Base Map I realise that both Geoff and Darren would be salivating as they looked up the hill at the potential dam sites above, but I’ve deliberately left them out of the equation to keep things simple and limit the comparison to their infiltration strategies. Geoff Lawton’s approach Figure 2.2 - Front view of a bulldozer building a swale The keyline swale
PFAF: Base de données sur la flore; avec différentes méthodes de recherches (EN) by fetelevousmeme Sep 24