Related: Vidéos inspirantesGuts annonce Philantropiques, un nouvel album dans la lignée de sa série Beach Diggin' Comme pour ses 4 albums précédents, Philantropiques sortira sur le label Heavenly Sweetness, le 29 mars prochain. Guts s’est d’abord imposé comme beatmaker pillier de la scène hip-hop française en taillant la bande-son d’Alliance Ethnik, de Big Red ou des Svinkels, avant de se lancer en solo sous le nom de Guts avec son premier album « Le Bienheureux » sorti en 2007. Porté par une volonté constante de se renouveler, il s’entoure aujourd’hui d’un nouveau live band.
Tree of Life A1204 - The Kaballistic Tree of Life Just another spiritual road to irrelevancy? This is the well-known image of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It has 22 paths, where each path is represented by a letter of the alphabet, as shown. Each of these letters of the Hebrew alphabet is further symbolised by one of the Tarot trumps. These are the 22 cards of the major arcana. Histoires d'arbres - Les racines de l’enfance Tous deux vénérés, le vieux tilleul "à danser" de Himmelsberg, en Allemagne, et le chêne appelé "Whiteleaved oak", en Angleterre, semblent cacher un secret dans leurs feuillages. L’un au centre d’un village, l'autre perdu dans la campagne, ils donnent à ceux qui les admirent le pouvoir de retrouver une âme d’enfant. À Himmelsberg, on vient depuis des siècles danser dans les branches du vieux tilleul, une tradition folâtre que nul ne souhaite abandonner. Le tronc creux et tortueux du chêne anglais aurait, dit-on, des pouvoirs singuliers.
New Hypothesis on the origins of the Khazars Regarding history one of the most profound Bulgarian historians, Dr. Gancho Tzenov, prof. at the University of Berlin in the beginning of 20th century, believed that: (1) history is a positive, inductive science, which is based only on facts, systematized facts and never on assumptions, opinions and speculations. Consequently one must not believe in histories written by victors; (2) large sections of the officially accepted at his time European history of the past 2000 years or so, and particularly that of Eastern Europe, is based on assumptions, opinions and speculations and has nothing in common with the real history of the continent and its human inhabitants.
The Gnosis Archive: Resources on Gnosticism and Gnostic Tradition What is Gnosticism? Many visitors have requested some basic introductory material explaining Gnosticism. To meet this need we offer these "places to start": two short articles, The Gnostic World View: A Brief Summary of Gnosticism and What is a Gnostic?; and an audio lectures (mp3 format) on the Gnostic concept of Christ: The Misunderstood Redeemer. A reading of the Overview of the Gnostic Society Library collection will also give a useful brief introduction to the history and textual legacy of the Gnostic tradition.
Science Mysteries, Fibonacci Numbers and Golden section in Nature Golden Ratio & Golden Section : : Golden Rectangle : : Golden Spiral Golden Ratio & Golden Section In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio between the sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller. The Shining Ones and their advanced technology and their influences over the last 8,000 years. by Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brien £49.50 inc surface mail world wide This book includes all the material contained within The Genius of the Few, but adds a great deal more information on the unfolding diaspora of the Shining Ones from the Southern Lebanon site around the world, their advanced technology and their influence over the next 8,000 years. This starts with the establishment of a further six major settlements by members of the senior council at Jericho, Ba'albek, Ebla, Catal Huyak, Olympus and On, which soon followed their establishment of the Kharsag (Eden) site. The development of the city states eventually led to the great civilisations in the Mesopotamianplains, Egypt, Iran, India, China and the Americas..
REBEL PHYSICS. Rosicrucian Archive - Presenting ideals of Rosicrucianism Green Earth Cycles - Rueth Celestine Ra'mans
This woman is incredible. It may be worth using this at the end instead of the contemplation on impermanence. From: 3:50 for perpectives of right and left hemispheres (to be honest, from a neuroscience perspective that lacks some nuance, but it is a powerful image) 6:33 for her experience of the stroke To cut to the chase: 13:30-18:30 is the main message, and it's pretty amazing. by robjohnlee Mar 2