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E-democracy (a combination of the words electronic and democracy) incorporates 21st-century information and communications technology to promote democracy. That means a form of government in which all adult citizens are presumed to be eligible to participate equally in the proposal, development, and creation of laws.[1] E-democracy encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination. History[edit] During the 20th century democratic participation was frequently restricted to a wealthy clique that was periodically selected via the election of delegates from political parties which had developed a manifesto. Virtual social networks matured at the beginning of the 21st century, enabling the emergence of flashmobs. Application[edit] E-democracy can be applied within the political processes of local communities, states/regions, nations and on the global stage Tools and types[edit] Practical issues[edit] Citizens' roles[edit]

E-Authentication Electronic authentication, also referred to as e-authentication is the process of establishing confidence in user identities electronically presented to an information system. Authentication is a process closely related to identification. In online environments, the username identifies the user, while the password authenticates that the user is whom he claim to be. E-authentication presents a technical challenge when this process involves the remote authentication of individual people over a network, for the purpose of electronic government and commerce. Overview[edit] In the conceptual e-authentication model, a claimant in an authentication protocol is a subscriber to some Credential Service Provider (CSP). The role of tokens[edit] Something you know (for example, a password)Something you have (for example, an ID badge or a cryptographic key)Something you are (for example, a voice print or other biometric) Electronic credentials[edit] Verifiers[edit] e-Authentication in government[edit]

Online identity Internet identity, or internet persona is a social identity that an Internet user establishes in online communities and websites. It can also be considered as an actively constructed presentation of oneself. Although some people prefer to use their real names online, some Internet users prefer to be anonymous, identifying themselves by means of pseudonyms, which reveal varying amounts of personally identifiable information. An online identity may even be determined by a user's relationship to a certain social group they are a part of online. Some can even be deceptive about their identity. The concept of the self, and how this is influenced by emerging technologies, are a subject of research in fields such as psychology and sociology. Online social identity[edit] Identity expression and identity exposure[edit] The disclosure of a person's identity may present a certain number of issues[2] related to privacy and the undesired disclosure of personal information. Blended identity[edit]

Интернет голосования, концепт защиты от накруток Сразу скажу, что весь топик носит характер концепта, потому что с этой темой я столкнулся с другой стороны баррикад и идеи пока в коде не реализованы. Итак, вам понадобилось провести интернет-голосование «Мисс Карбина-телеком, Нижний Укропольск — 2012». Первое, с чем вы наверняка столкнетесь — это накрутки со стороны конкурсантов, если кого-то вы действительно смогли заинтересовать своим конкурсом, а если быть совсем уж честными, то его призами. Для начала нужно правильно сформулировать цель защиты — «сделать максимально жесткую привязку голоса в счетчике к реальному человеку». Самое красивое и технически на данный момент сложно обходимое решение — это привязка голоса к сотовому телефону. Только вот не всем нравится слово «дорого». Сразу скажу, что все остальные технические средства защиты не дают 100% гарантии защиты и реально обходимы. Способ № 1: привязка голоса к ip-адресу. Преимущества: + С одного ip адреса больше одного раза действительно не проголосуешь. Недостатки: В сухом остатке.

Obama to hand Commerce Dept. authority over cybersecurity ID | Privacy Inc. STANFORD, Calif.--President Obama is planning to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority over a forthcoming cybersecurity effort to create an Internet ID for Americans, a White House official said here today. It's "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government" to centralize efforts toward creating an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said. That news, first reported by CNET, effectively pushes the department to the forefront of the issue, beating out other potential candidates, including the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. The move also is likely to please privacy and civil-liberties groups that have raised concerns in the past over the dual roles of police and intelligence agencies. The announcement came at an event today at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, where U.S. "We are not talking about a national ID card," Locke said at the Stanford event.

White House drafting plan for cyberspace safety | Politics and Law The White House is hoping to come up with a comprehensive strategy to better protect people in cyberspace and is asking the public for help. Releasing a draft of the potential new National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (PDF) last Friday, the government is aiming to set up a system that would let people voluntarily create trusted identities to use in online transactions. The goal, as described in a blog post by White House cybersecurity chief Howard Schmidt , is to secure and protect transactions in cyberspace through use of a special ID--a smart card or digital certificate--that would prove that people are who they say they are. These digital IDs would be offered to consumers by online vendors for financial transactions. Looking for suggestions from the public, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has launched a Web site to elicit ideas and feedback on the NSTIC. In discussing the NSTIC's digital-ID initiative, Schmidt outlined a number of specific benefits.

Why Obama’s National Internet ID Solution is a Really, REALLY Bad Idea Join in on the Facebook Discussion on this topic. When it comes to the Internet, the US government usually doesn’t have a clue. That seems to be the case with the recent announcement of the Obama Administration’s plans to develop an internet identity system that officials claim will reduce fraud and identity theft while streamlining online transactions. Cut to the chase: the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) is a bad idea. On the surface having something that will increase online transactions and reduce identity theft makes (some) sense. This step is not a prudent one. How Do You Spell Disaster? A skeleton key is “a key or similar object capable of opening any lock regardless of make or type.” This should terrify the tech-savvy crowd. Having a single-point of entry into many websites is already available in several forms, most prominently through Facebook. Stay Out of My Interwebbing Activities Exactly. A False Sense of Security They will trust it too much.
