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The Idea Swap

Your Age on Other Worlds Want to melt those years away? Travel to an outer planet! <div class="js-required"><hr> This Page requires a Javascript capable browser <hr></div> Fill in your birthdate below in the space indicated. The Days (And Years) Of Our Lives Looking at the numbers above, you'll immediately notice that you are different ages on the different planets. The earth is in motion. The top-like rotation of the earth on its axis is how we define the day. The revolution of the earth around the sun is how we define the year. We all learn in grade school that the planets move at differing rates around the sun. Why the huge differences in periods? Johannes Kepler Tycho Brahe Kepler briefly worked with the great Danish observational astronomer, Tycho Brahe. Here you see a planet in a very elliptical orbit. Kepler's third law is the one that interests us the most. Let's just solve for the period by taking the square root of both sides: The Gravity Of The Situation Isaac Newton ©2000 Ron Hipschman

Real Life Version of Up | Fubiz? Une belle initiative par la chaîne National Geographic avec ce concept de reconstitution de la maison du film Up (La Haut) des studios Pixar. Un lancement effectué depuis un terrain de Los Angeles, avec plus de 300 ballons à l’hélium et une maison grandeur nature. Psychadellivision by ~Volcanic-Penguin on deviantART 101 Excellent Resources And Tools For Students Of Any Age | Brain Training 101 Whether you’re a student just starting the school year or you’re a lifelong learner like me, you’ll find resources, tools and a ton of fun stuff to stash in your virtual backpack. If you find these resources helpful, please share this post with your friends. I would greatly appreciate it. Before you begin, make sure you Grab Your Free Brain Training Power Pack. Increase Your IQ Score Day by day account of our experiment to increase IQ. See how well it worked… Brain Pages Find help and support on just about any topic relating to brain fitness. Perfect Lecture Notes Step by Step Comprehensive instructions on how to take the perfect set of lecture notes. 8 Concentration Tips for Studying Effectively Eight drug-free ways to stay alert while studying for an exam. Test Your Sense of Pitch Curious about the accuracy of your sense of musical pitch? The Cerebrals Society Test your intelligence, using three different subtests: Verbal Analogies, Mathematical Problems and General Knowledge. Mr.

100 Powerful Web Tools to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas By Alisa Miller Whether you are a busy executive, a single parent, a freelancer working from home, a student, or a combination of these, you have probably found yourself needing help when it comes to organizing all your thoughts and ideas that occur throughout your busy day. Now you can turn to these tools found on the Internet that will help you with tasks such as note-taking, bookmarking websites, highlighting important text during online research, creating mind maps, tracking time, keeping up with appointments, collaborating with others, managing projects, and much more. Note-Taking and Documents These tools will help you take notes no matter where you find yourself needing to jot something down. Evernote. Bookmarking Whether you are doing online research or like to keep your Internet hobbies organized, these bookmarking tools will help you keep everything in order and easy to find. Mind Mapping Kayuda. Personal Wikis PBwiki. Highlighters and Sticky Notes Diigo. To-Do Lists

Tim Burton’s The World of Stainboy: Watch the Complete Animated Series In his 1997 book of drawings and verse, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories, Tim Burton imagines a bizarre menagerie of misfits with names like Toxic Boy, Junk Girl, the Pin Cushion Queen and the Boy with Nails in his Eyes. “Inspired by such childhood heroes as Dr. Seuss and Roald Dahl,” writes James Ryan in the New York Times, “Mr. One of those adolescent outsiders is Stain Boy, a strange kind of superhero: He can’t fly around tall buildings, or outrun a speeding train, the only talent he seems to have is to leave a nasty stain. Sometimes I know it bothers him, that he can’t run or swim or fly, and because of this one ability, his dry cleaning bill is sky-high. In 2000, Burton extended Stain Boy’s adventures (and compressed his name into one word) with The World of Stainboy, a series of short animations commissioned for the Internet by Episode 1: Stare Girl Episode 2: Toxic Boy Episode 3: Bowling Ball Head Episode 4: Robot Boy Episode 5: Matchstick Girl

F.lux: software to make your life better Top 6 Sites that Inspire and Educate If you’re a professional who likes to be intellectually stimulated and you enjoy keeping up with the latest news and breaking trends, the internet provides you with an endless choice of carefully curated sites to visit. Today, we bring you six of them that we believe are leaps and bounds above the rest. These sites will not only educate you on topics ranging from business and technology to art and design, they’ll motivate you to find your own, original ideas and see them through. TED is short for three incredibly important subjects in our modern world; technology, entertainment and design. Tip: Download TED’s free iPad app to browse through 800 videos by date, popularity or keyword. 2. Brain Pickings started from very humble beginnings. Tip: With over 63K Twitter followers, Brainpicker has a strong audience…and for good reason. Though focused on design, advertising, and technology, PSFK is a must-read for anyone who wants to be on the cusp of new trends and emerging ideas. 4. 5.
