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Conjugate verb English, Conjugator, Conjugation tables Cinema of the United Kingdom Overview of the cinema of the United Kingdom The identity of the British film industry, particularly as it relates to Hollywood, has often been the subject of debate. Its history has often been affected by attempts to compete with the American industry. The career of the producer Alexander Korda was marked by this objective, the Rank Organisation attempted to do so in the 1940s, and Goldcrest in the 1980s. Numerous British-born directors, including Alfred Hitchcock, Christopher Nolan and Ridley Scott,[14] and performers, such as Charlie Chaplin[15] and Cary Grant, have achieved success primarily through their work in the United States. In 2009, British films grossed around $2 billion worldwide and achieved a market share of around 7% globally and 17% in the United Kingdom.[16] UK box-office takings totalled £1.1 billion in 2012,[17] with 172.5 million admissions.[18] History[edit] Origins and silent films[edit] The Lumière brothers first brought their show to London in 1896. In 1934, J.

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