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360Cities Welcome to Earth! It's a planet having an iron core, with two-thirds of its surface covered by water. Earth orbits a local star called the Sun, the light of which generates the food supply for all the millions of species of life on earth. The dominant species on Earth is the human being, and you're one of the six billion of them! Humans have iron in their blood, and their bodies are composed of two-thirds water, just like the planet they live on. The physical composition of the Earth, its people and everything on it contains an electro-magnetic field which is not yet fully understood. Theories and legends about the origin of Earth, people and life itself abound, however they are not commonly discussed. "Who are we? Many religions and philosophies have attempted to answer these questions over the years, but so far none has given an answer that everyone on the planet can accept. Welcome again to Earth!

LE CERVEAU À TOUS LES NIVEAUX! Parmi toutes les approches philosophiques proposées au fil des siècles pour tenter de résoudre , le dualisme et le matérialisme recueillent l’adhésion d’un nombre considérable de penseurs. Ceux-ci ont toutefois été amenés à nuancer ces deux positions théoriques générales afin de faire face aux critiques formulées à leur endroit. Pour éviter les pièges du dualisme de substance par exemple, on a proposé un « dualisme de propriété ». Celui-ci reconnaît que tout est matière mais que cette matière peut posséder deux types de propriété : des propriétés physiques et des propriétés mentales, ces dernières n’étant pas réductibles aux premières. On qualifie d’ailleurs souvent le dualisme de propriété de «physicalisme non réductible». La douleur aurait par exemple une propriété physique (les fibres C qui émettent des potentiels d’action) et, en même temps, une propriété consciente (le sentiment douloureux). D’après Valentine, E.R. (1982) et Le multimédia au service de l'enseignement de la biologie éducative Explain it with Molecules -- Interactive Molecules Just as the 20th century was marked by the development of electricity, telephones, aviation, computing, and private motor vehicles, the 21st century is being marked by significant progress in a broad spectrum of technologies, among them: molecular computing, genomics, rational drug design, and alternative energy. What is common to all these new technologies? They are all being made possible because of a greater understanding of The World of Molecules. Many questions that arise in K-12 education can be better understood by seeing and interacting with molecules in 3-D. Explain it with Molecules -- Interactive Molecules-- is about "real interactivity"! We have also included computer javascripts on many pages that will test students understanding of the material and make the exercises more interactive.

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