What Is HTML5? | How To Web Tutorials HTML5 is the next version of HTML. This will introduce some brand new features which will make building HTML even easier. This is by introducing features which to make your website layout clearer to both coders and search engines. This can help search engines because of the header, footer, nav and article tags. These are newly introduced tags which define the main areas of a website. Apart from the new tags which are included in HTML5 it also introduces a feast of APIs which allow you to make graphical drawings, store data offline and drag and drop. Getting Started With HTML5 Getting started using HTML5 is very easy and it's using my favourite of the new HTML5 features the Doctype. HTML5 makes this very easy all it is to define a document as HTML5 is. I think I can remember that one. Why Use It? HTML5 comes with a number of advanced features to make it easier for the developer/designer to use HTML. What browsers support HTML5? Getting HTML5 To Work In IE Use HTML5 In IE8 or Lower Semantic Tags
10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers Home » Design » 10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers Every designer want to improve their knowledge in web designing by learning new skills in CSS. So, this time we are here compiling a list of best CSS tutorials that helps you to gain knowledge in CSS. I am sure these tutorials will help you to create some awesome designs. In the same context, some time before, we listed 12 valuable CSS cheat sheet for upcoming web designers and that was appreciated by our readers. And now, without wasting any time further, let’s get straight to the 10 best and useful css tutorials. 1) The-little-known-font-size-adjust-css3-property 2) navigation-using-css 3) demystifying-css 4) applying-lessons-from-css-frameworks 5) css-white-space 6) css3-infinity-beyond 7) how-nth-child-works 8 ) Mysterious Pseudo Class In Css 9) image-replacement-state-scope 10) the-css3-target-pseudo-class-and-css-animations
HTML input pattern Attribute Pattern input HTML5 E' sempre bene aiutare l'utente nella compilazione di un modulo html, in modo che possa sapere con precisione cosa scrivere e dove farlo, a tal proposito Html5 introduce questo nuovo attributo, il pattern. Come si può notare dal codice di esempio qua sopra, è sufficiente aggiungerlo all'interno di un input con type text, password, search, url, telephone o email per poter iniziare ad utilizzarlo. In sostanza, all'interno dell'attributo dovremo andare ad aggiungere un espressione regolare, ovvero un istruzione che conterrà le direttive per indicare al browser cosa è giusto che sia inserito all'interno dell'input, così che in caso di errore possa segnalare all'utente che c'è qualcosa che non va (a seconda del browser il campo input può essere evidenziato di rosso oppure apparire un tooltip di allerta). N.B: Il carattere - (trattino), indica una "serie", ovvero in questo caso una di numeri da 0 a 9.Ovviamente avremo potuto ottenere lo stesso risultato digitando [0123456789]. w
Making the Transition to HTML5 There is no doubt that everyone is talking about HTML5 these days. What isn’t as clear is who is actually using it and how it’s being used. Not surprising, really, when you think about all HTML5 entails. Native media, SVG, geolocation, advanced JavaScript APIs and web storage barely scratch the surface. In speaking with fellow designers and developers, I’ve discovered that many people feel overwhelmed by HTML5 and don’t really know where to start or even if it is relevant to their projects. Nothing But DOCTYPE Consider Pelizzoli World, a reader-submitted site that uses the simplified HTML5 doctype: Beyond the doctype, though, that’s just about it for HTML5 on Pelizzoli World’s home page. HTML5 aims to be developer-friendly and backwards-compatible, with a simpler and more flexible syntax than the XHTML style you may have been writing. Using the HTML5 doctype can be a perfect first step for legacy sites or those with add-ons from different developers with different coding styles. header nav
CSS3 PIE: CSS3 decorations for IE Formular Input Pattern Free Online Regular Expression Tester - FreeFormatter.com This free regular expression tester lets you test your regular expressions against any entry of your choice and clearly highlights all matches. It is JavaScript based and uses XRegExp library for enhanced features. Consult the regular expression documentation or the regular expression solutions to common problems section of this page for examples. Regular expression : Entry to test against : Replace with (Optional): You can make use of $1, $2, $3 and so on if you are using parenthesis groups in your regular expression. Flags: Regular Expression - Documentation Metacharacters Regular Expression - Solutions to common problems (Recipes) How can I emulate DOTALL in JavaScript? DOTALL is a flag in most recent regex libraries that makes the . metacharacter match anything INCLUDING line breaks. [\S\s] How to validate an EMAIL address with a regular expression? There is no 100% reliable solution since the RFC is way too complex. How to validate an IP address (IPV4) with a regular expression? It depends.
7 Lovely Things About HTML5 Markup Article by Matt Doyle | Published on 12 July 2011 Categories: Discover 7 really nice ways that HTML5 can make your markup easier to write and more powerful. Covers doctypes, new elements and attributes, flexible linking, markup shortcuts, and more. HTML5 — the latest generation of the Web's markup language — has been creating quite a stir over the last couple of years, as more and more browsers implement the latest and greatest HTML5 features. HTML5 is quite a broad term, encompassing everything from the revised markup specification through to new API features such as audio, video, canvas and geolocation. In this article I'm going to focus on the markup language itself, and look at seven reasons why I love HTML5's markup more than HTML4's. Doctypes data- attributes Some new and improved elements and attributes More flexible linking Simpler markup, and Enhancements to web forms. Ready to upgrade your markup? A doctype you can actually remember An HTML4 doctype: The HTML5 doctype: For example:
Les attributs async et defer pour <script> Deux attributs HTML permettent de modifier le comportement des balises <script> et plus particulièrement pour le chargement des ressources JavaScript : async : charger/exécuter les scripts de façon asynchrone. defer : différer l'exécution à la fin du chargement du document. Ils sont souvent confondus avec pourtant des conséquences différentes. À l'heure où les performances sont surveillées de plus en plus près par les robots d'indexation, et les temps de chargement scrutés pour le confort des utilisateurs, leur usage est le bienvenu. Ces attributs sont reconnus par tous les navigateurs modernes actuels : Firefox 3.6+, Chrome, Safari, à partir d'Internet Explorer 10 et bientôt Opera. Attributs async et defer, effets communs Le but de ces deux attributs, décrits en détails ci-après, est principalement de charger et lancer l'interprétation de code JavaScript sans bloquer le rendu HTML (son affichage à l'écran). Le goulot Exemple brut <! Du côté réseau : Verdict L'attribut defer Exemple avec defer
changing the language of error message in required field in html5 contact form Initializr – Un générateur de templates basé sur HTML5 Boilerplate Trouver son code couleur HTML ! Les couleurs avec du CSS sont les mêmes que celles avec un code HTML. Pour faire référence à d'autres couleurs, vous devrez utiliser le code hexadécimal. C'est bien sûr un peu moins parlant mais universel. Vous pouvez choisir votre couleur en cliquant ici : <-- Cliquer ici Il existe des couleurs nommées normalisées : Les 16 couleurs de fondamentales ont un nom parlant (en anglais) normalisé : elles sont reconnus par tous les navigateurs : Il est possible d'avoir l'ensemble des couleurs de l'arc en ciel :) avec une sa valeur hexadecimal : Couleur HTML et CSS En CSS, est bien pratique de mettre en forme un contenu et le définir une seule fois dans sa feuille de style. color: Gestion de la couleur du texte letter-spacing: Espace entre les lettres text-align: Alignement d'un texte text-decoration: Habiblement d'un texte A savoir : Dans ce chapitre, la notion d'héritage est appliquée. Couleur d'un texte ou une phrase en CSS Espace entre les lettres
HTML/Tutorials/HTML5-Seitenstrukturierung – SELFHTML-Wiki Im vorliegenden Tutorial lernen Sie eine moderne Seitenstruktur mit den neuen HTML5-Elementen kennen, wogegen das HTML-Einstieg-Tutorial die ersten Schritte in HTML erklärt. Ein Grundgerüst finden Sie unter HTML/Tutorials#HTML5-Grundgerüst. Es gibt gute Gründe, die vielen Vorteile von HTML5 zu nutzen. Die neuen Elemente ermöglichen eine übersichtlichere und semantischere Struktur der Seite. [Bearbeiten] Beispiel: HTML5-Seitenstruktur <! Der body ist der sichtbare Bereich unserer Webseite. Beachten Sie, dass head und header verschiedene HTML-Elemente sind. Weiterhin gibt es den footer, der Kontakt, Impressum, Copyright und evtl. die Sitemap enthält. Früher wurden diese Elemente durch div-Elemente, denen man spezielle ids oder Klassen gegeben hat, dargestellt. [Bearbeiten] <body> <header> <img src="logo.svg" alt="logo"><h1>Überschrift</h1> <nav> <ul><li><a href="#link_1.html">Wiki</a></li><li><a href="#link_2.html">Blog</a></li><li><a href="#link_3.html">Forum</a></li></ul> </nav> </header> <! <!