+1000 Hojas de trabajo de ELE gratuitas hechas por unos profesores de idioma para otros Spanish Language Exercises - Instructor-Check - Verbs In this section you will find categories for instructors-check exercises covering different aspects of the Spanish verbs. Choose from the index on the left to access the exercises. When you click on the exercise a new browser window will open. To return to this page after doing the exercise close its window click on the top right corner in a PC, and on the top left corner in a Mac). Future and Conditional Student has to choose between these two tenses from 6 pull down menus in a short story. 3 additional questions and 1 external link relate to the Alhambra. Imperative I (Tú) 15 blanks in a dialogue to use the informal commands. Imperative II (Usted) 4 sets of blanks to give affirmative and negative formal commands according to the icons provided. Imperfect Indicative Provided model with usage of the Imperfect in relation to childhood events. Imperfect/Preterit Indicative I Conjugated options are given in pull down menus for a short story about a student's arrival at the university. Se (Passive)
¿Qué tal tus primeros días de clase? ¿Qué tal tus primeros días de clase? ¿Y qué actividades de verano dejaste de hacer ya que las clases han empezado? Vamos a escuchar las respuestas de estos alumnos del “Prope” (Propedéutico) de la Universidad de Piura, Perú. Video: Universidad de Piura – ¿Qué tal tus primeros días en el “Prope”? País: Perú Género: Spot informativo, publicitario Temas: El regreso a clases, los pasatiempos (de verano) Hoja de actividades: ¿Qué tal tus primeros días? Posibles aplicaciones didácticas 1. Unidades didácticas relacionadas
Spanish Grammar Home / Grammar Find topics in left sidebar. Frankly, when most people think of "grammar" they don't get very excited. But grammar can teach you something in minutes that might take days to figure out by immersion alone. Grammar is your friend! We believe in grammar, and we include it in our method. These days, it is popular in some circles to claim that there is no need to learn grammar. I didn't learn grammar as a child, and yet I still learned to speak. This sort of thinking ignores the fact that as an adult you have a higher mental capacity, and learning some grammar is easy and will be a big help to you. Grammar is not the goal. For most people, the goal is not to become a grammar expert—the goal is to be able to speak Spanish conversationally. Camino del éxito is the only course that is fully integrated with the material on this website. And for most people, communication is the primary goal.
Learn Spanish with free online lessons Spanish Verb Mastery - Free Spanish Verb Charts