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Owl Eyes - Owl Eyes
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Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 5 Great YouTube Channels for Learning English Youtube is undoubtedly a great source of educational content to use in class with your students. It also hosts tons of channels that provide instructional tutorials specifically tailored for different learning needs and styles. We have already reviewed some of these channels in previous posts and today we are sharing with you some of our favourite YouTube channels for learning English. You can use them with your ELL/ESL/EFL students to enhance their grasp of English in different areas: speaking, writing, listening , vocabulary, and grammar. 1- BBC Learning English ‘Do you want to learn how to speak English? 2- Learn American English Online This is another great YouTube channel that provides free English language instruction. 3- Speak English with Misterduncan Misterduncan is an English teacher who has been creating video tutorials and instructional clips to help learners from all around the world learn English. 4- Learn English with Let's Talk 5- Jennifer ESL

Owl Eyes Offers a Good Way to Guide Students Through Classic Literature Owl Eyes is a relatively new tool that provides teachers with a good way to provide students with guidance while they are reading classic literature. Owl Eyes provides teachers with tools to insert annotations and questions into classic literature. Students can see the annotations and questions that their teachers add to the digital text. Teachers have the option to create online classrooms through which they can monitor their students' progress through a text and view their students' annotations and answers to questions. The short videos embedded below will help you get started with Owl Eyes. Applications for Education Owl Eyes could be a good tool for guiding students through some difficult classic literature. I couldn't find an option to upload my own texts on Owl Eyes.

List of 40 FREE Educational Websites According to webometrics, there are more than 17 000 universities, but getting a degree in many of them is quite costly. Many students around the world(and their families) get into big debt or have to work over sixty hours a week in order to afford an education. Two thirds of the US college seniors who graduated in 2011 had student loan debt, with an average of over 27 000 USD per person. Reading those statistics I can't stop thinking about those words from over 30 years ago: "With mass education, it turned out that most people could be taught to read and write. In the same way, once we have computer outlets in every home, each of them hooked up to enormous libraries, where you can ask any question and be given answers, you can look up something you're interested in knowing, however silly it might seem to someone else." – Isaac Asiov Isaac Asimov died in 1992, but if he could see the opportunities that the Internet is giving us in XXI century he would probably grin from ear to ear.

Conversation Starters World Språkträningssidor Här finns länkar till olika typer av sidor som är skapade just för språkträning. Du hittar allt från väldigt enkelt uppbyggda ”fylla-i-övningar” för träning av vokabulär och grammatik, som kanske passar somliga av dina elever, till mer kreativa övningar. Några favoriter: Babelnet Theme Park (tematiskt baserade övningar på olika nivåer - i kategorin Blandat) BBC Learning English (mängder av aktiviteter av olika slag, många knutna till aktuella nyheter - i kategorin Blandat) Breaking News English (färdiga nyhetsbaserade lektionsplaneringar skapade av engelskläraren Sean Banvilkle med övningar av olika slag - i kategorin Blandat) British Council Learning English (massor av aktiviteter för såväl yngre elever (Kids) och äldre (Adults) - i kategorin Blandat) ESL Discussion (mer än sexhundra diskussionsämnen från Sean Banville som även gör Breaking News English - i kategorin Kommunikationsövningar) Film English (lektionsplaneringar för olika nivåer baserat på korta filmer från bl.a.

Classic Short Stories London's first official tube map showing how long it takes to walk between stops There have been a few attempts at drawing up walking maps of London Underground. Now TfL has drawn up an official map showing the time taken to walk between tube stops – and in some cases it’s actually quicker to walk. For example, Leicester Square to Covent Garden takes just four minutes, Charing Cross to Embankment takes three minutes, and Cannon Street to Mansion House takes four minutes. A spokesman told the Evening Standard: ‘What we have seen is that people are desperate for this sort of thing, so we have created it. MORE: ‘Car thief’ cuts convertible Porsche roof to try and nick it Gordon Innes of London & Partners, which promotes the capital, added: ‘The new Walking Tube map is a great new resource for visitors to London. ‘Although the Tube is the most used transport method by visitors in London, stations for many of our top attractions are within walking distance of each other.

7 Great Activities for the First Day of School New Year Resolutions Involve students in the creation of a set of classroom new year resolutions to guide you through the coming months. Work together to brainstorm resolutions, and write them on a sheet of chart paper. If necessary, reword them in a positive manner (such as "walk" rather than "don't run"). Guess Who Students become detectives in this get-acquainted game, in which they uncover the real identity of a fellow classmate. Switch! Here's a great indoor or outdoor game to get students actively learning about each other! Welcome Bags Use these party favors to send positive messages to students on the first day of school. The Penny Jar Here's a getting-to-know-you activity that really makes "cents"! Hats Off to a New Year! Greet students at the door with party hats and a quick craft activity that will get everyone warmed up and ready for learning. Create a Time Capsule Help your students set personal goals by creating individual time capsules for the year!
