16 Vintage/Retro Photo Effect Tutorials
Do you have a craze for designing? Start with changing the old and odd looking photos into a new and fresh one, while leaving the vintage feel. There are 16 vintage/retro photo effect tutorials to learn the Adobe Photoshop.
111 Free Filmmaking Tools
Last week we brought you 588 Free Film Contracts and Forms. In a effort to continue our “indie stimulus plan,” this week we’ve gathered together 111 free filmmaking software programs. Keep an eye out of upcoming features highlighting even more free stuff. And yes, we promise to never raise you taxes. Also check out these great feature articles:
James Cameron's The Abyss - How'd They Do That?
Tribute to James Cameron's "The abyss" by sarampo Basics Although there are many ways of shooting water drops, and some are more professional and / or practical, this is how I've done it with my setup. It just requires patience, and it helps to have an external flash, because we'll be doing 1/200 shutter speed and f/13 aperture, and there aren't many natural light sources to accomplish that and still control where your lighting hits.
Jill Greenberg look Photoshop tutorial
Today, most businesses want a website. Some already have one. Others want one. They don’t want to hire IT staff and probably can’t afford any. And in most cases, an in-house IT staff, especially for your typical small business, just isn’t necessary.
How to Change the Background in Any Photo
Sometimes you want your digital camera to slavishly record exactly what you see throughits viewfinder. But there's no reason to be satisfied with ordinary reality when your imagination is so much more interesting. Digital tools let you replace the background in any photo.
Sjá spjallþráð - Maskar fyrir byrjendur á auðveldan hátt
Ég hef stundum séð hérna inni á L.M.K. fólk að velta því fyrir sér hvernig eigi að fara að því að skipta út himni (eða öðru) með maska en eins og þeir sem hafa einhverja þekkingu á Myndabúllunni vita eru maskar afar öflug tól. Eins og reyndar flest tólin í PS, þeir hjá Adobe hafa staðið sig ágætlega í að grisja gagnslausa fídusa út úr forritinu enda komin útgáfa 10 og það hefur margt breyst í téðu forriti síðan það kom fyrst fram. Maskar hafa þó alltaf verið til staðar og alltaf verið hægt að nota þá til að eyða hlutum myndar eða breyta en í sinni eiföldustu mynd má líkja maska við mynd sem maður hengir á vegg heima hjá sér til að fela síðustu sprunguna í húsinu sem kom akkúrat í skjálftanum um daginn. Einfaldast er að gera Layermask sem er þá læstur við viðkomandi Layer og táknið fyrir það er lítil keðja á milli Layer og Maska. Ef maður hinsvegar smellir á keðjuna rífur maður læsinguna og getur gert það sem manni sýnist við Maskann. Hei, kúl!
Two Ways to Remove the Background From a Photo
The other day, as we were looking at our Christmas photos, my daughter said, "The background is too cluttered because of the tree and presents. You should take me out of this picture and put me against a plain white backdrop." I pointed out that 10 years ago, no one would have even thought of such a thing. She replied: "Of course, Dad. We're the Photoshop generation." That made me smile, but she's right.
How To: Take a Picture In a Restaurant Without Looking Like a Jerk
By now, you've probably seen the New York Times report about restaurants that have put a ban on photographing their food. To many of us, it seems a bit crazy. But, if you've ever sat next to someone who insisted on flashing away at their foie gras before eating, you understand at least a little. So, we've put together a few tips for wannabe food photographers to help keep them from getting the boot. 1. Don't use your flash
Photography Courses in Cornwall - Cornwall Photography Training and Tuition - Landscape Photography Cornwall
Photography is an amazing way to express your creativity, and it is all too common that you receive a camera as a gift, or you save up to buy your first DSLR, and then get frustrated that you can’t get the photos you want to achieve, or that you can’t replicate what you see in your head. Getting to grips with your camera, how it works and why, and the all important manual modes will allow you to really expand your photography skills. My 6 week Beginners DSLR Camera Course is a weekly evening class on how to get the most out of your camera, and to improve your photography. You will start to understand how to achieve the effects and styles you want, and have a deeper knowledge of what settings you need to adjust, to get the results you are looking for. My one-on-one personal photography training days are a great next step to really putting into practice the skills you have learnt with your camera.
Digital Photography Tips: Digital Photography School
Food Photography Blog and Food Styling Tips