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UPPLÄGG Det har varit en aktiv och innehållsrik senhöst och vinter med Digitala Skollyftet. Veckorna har fyllts med inspirationsföreläsningar och av aktiviteter från deltagarna på bloggar, i Facebook-grupper och på Twitter, i tweets märkta #digiskol. 5 februari hölls en avslutande hangout på Google+. Nu sätter Stefan Pålsson punkt med några avslutande betraktelser som både ser tillbaka och blickar framåt. Skrivet av Skollyftet torsdag, 27 februari 2014 Postat i Aktiviteter Skrivet av Skollyftet torsdag, 12 december 2013 Postat i Aktiviteter Skrivet av Skollyftet onsdag, 04 december 2013 Postat i Aktiviteter Skrivet av Skollyftet torsdag, 28 november 2013 Postat i Aktiviteter Carl Heath är forskare och utvecklare på Interactive Institute och verksam i deras studio i Göteborg. Ta del av samtalet med Carl Heath i efterhand. Skrivet av Skollyftet fredag, 22 november 2013 Postat i Aktiviteter Vi är inne på den fjärde veckan av Digitala skollyftet och det är full fart!

20 Historic Black and White Photos Colorized One of the greatest facets of reddit are the thriving subreddits, niche communities of people who share a passion for a specific topic. One of the Sifter’s personal favourites is r/ColorizedHistory. The major contributors are a mix of professional and amateur colorizers that bring historic photos to life through color. All of them are highly skilled digital artists that use a combination of historical reference material and a natural eye for colour. When we see old photos in black and white, we sometimes forget that life back then was experienced in the same vibrant colours that surround us today. Below you will find a collection of some of the highest rated colorized images to date on r/ColorizedHistory. I’ve also provide a list of some of the top contributors (in no particular order): - zuzahin aka Mads Madsen [website, facebook] – mygrapefruit aka Sanna Dullaway [website, facebook] – klassixx aka Dana Keller [facebook page] – photojacker aka Jordan J. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil | Om stora kunskaper och hur vi kan nå dem Test The Magazine - The Siege of Academe September/October 2012The Siege of Academe For years, Silicon Valley has failed to breach the walls of higher education with disruptive technology. But the tide of battle is changing. A report from the front lines. By Kevin Carey It’s three o’clock in the afternoon on Easter, and I’m standing on a wooden deck in the Corona Heights neighborhood of San Francisco, looking out toward Nob Hill. Some of them are the kinds of hackers a college dean could love: folks who have come up with ingenious but polite ways to make campus life work better. But many of the people here are engaged in business pursuits far more revolutionary in their intentions. Last August, Marc Andreessen, the man whose Netscape Web browser ignited the original dot-com boom and who is now one of Silicon Valley’s most influential venture capitalists, wrote a much-discussed op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. This hype has happened before, of course.

Flipped Learning & Spaghetti Sauce I have recently been reading books by Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers and Tipping Point. I ran across a TED talk he did in 2004 talking about Spaghetti sauce. He tells a story of Howard Moskowitz who convinced Spaghetti Sauce maker Prego to make lots of different varieties of spaghetti sauce instead of just one. Prior to Howard Moskowitz, most food manufacturers were looking for the ONE recipe, which people would like. So what does this have to do with Flipped Learning? One of the key ingredients of a successful flipped learning environment is that it personalizes the learning for EACH individual learner. Each learner is different and we need to honor each student’s learning preferences and needs. To watch Malcolm Gladwell’s TED talk, I have included it below. Like this: Like Loading...

App Store – Gravitarium2 Rethinking Content in the Digital Age I recently read a blog entitled “Back to School: A message to high school students who hate high school; Here is why you hate it.” The author of this post, Roger Schank, also penned an article entitled, “No, algebra isn’t necessary — and yes, STEM is overrated” for the Washington Post Answer Sheet. No surprise that Schank has received a wide range of responses to his strong opinions. What we’re talking about here is content. I’ve already made some small changes in my 4th grade classroom. I’ve made the tough decision to stop requiring cursive, and instead have made time for keyboarding instruction/practice. How do we discover our passions? But Mr. While he makes some valid points in his article, I have a few issues with his approach. My first question is this – How “deep” into a subject such as Algebra, Biology, Chemistry, or Physics do we need to go for students to identify a passion for the subject? Schank’s “throw it all out” position to me does more harm than good. What’s missing now?
