ePortfolios with GoogleApps
This Google Site has been set up by Dr. Helen Barrett to focus on the use of Google Apps to create ePortfolios. On this site, there are instructions on how to use the different elements of Google Apps to maintain e-portfolios. Are you a K-12 educator wanting to use Google products with your students? See the following Google Websites: See these Pros and Cons of "public" accounts vs. Google Tools for Schools (a clearinghouse of Google resources to support Google Boot Camp workshops) Here are a few great blog posts about a school implementing GoogleApps: There is also a Google Group on developing electronic portfolios in K-12 using Google Apps:* Group name: Using Google Apps for ePortfolios in K-12 Education* Group home page: Group email address k12eportfolios@googlegroups.comI am hoping that other K-12 educators can join the group, and share their experiences developing ePortfolios with these free online tools.
What makes Mahara different from other ePortfolio systems is that you control which items and what information (artefacts) within your portfolio other users see. In order to facilitate this access control, all artefacts you wish to show to other users need to be bundled up and placed onto a page. You can have as many pages as you like, each with a different collection of artefacts, and intended purpose and audience. Your audience, or the people you wish to give access to your page, can be added as individuals or as a member of a group or community. ePortfolio owners create pages using a 4-step process, and page have the following features:
E-Portfolio e Scuola - Che cos'è un e-Portfolio
Un fenomeno globale L'ePortfolio è divenuto recentemente un fenomeno globale: in Europa, Australia, USA e Canada, sono centinaia di migliaia gli ePortfolio, usati in tantissimi campi. Stanno diventando strumenti essenziali per programmare il proprio sviluppo personale (PDP Personal Development Planning), per gestire lo sviluppo professionale permanente (CPD Continuing Professional Development), per acquisire riconoscimenti e crediti, esibendo precedenti apprendimenti o attività professionali. Una definizione di ePortfolio Ciò premesso come si può definire un ePortfolio? “l'ePortfolio è qualsiasi sistema digitale che favorisce un apprendimento riflessivo, permettendo (a una persona o a un'organizzazione) di raccogliere, gestire e pubblicare prove selezionate dei propri apprendimenti al fine di avere riconosciuto e accreditato il proprio patrimonio di conoscenze ed esperienze o di programmare ulteriori apprendimenti” Il riconoscimento informale delle competenze Il riconoscimento collettivo