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Herbal Remedies | Natural Healing Herbs Althaea officinalis Marsh Mallow, Common marshmallow PFAF Plant Database Translate this page: You can translate the content of this page by selecting a language in the select box. Технологии Переводчик Summary Physical Characteristics Althaea officinalis is a PERENNIAL growing to 1.2 m (4ft) by 0.8 m (2ft 7in). Synonyms Althaea sublobata. Habitats Cultivated Beds; Edible Uses Edible Parts: Leaves; Oil; Root.Edible Uses: Egg; Oil; Tea. Leaves - raw or cooked[2, 4, 100]. Medicinal Uses Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Antidiarrhoeal; Antitussive; Demulcent; Diuretic; Emollient; Laxative; Odontalgic. Marsh mallow is a very useful household medicinal herb. Other Uses Adhesive; Fibre; Oil; Teeth. The dried root is used as a toothbrush or is chewed by teething children[6, 7]. Cultivation details Succeeds in almost any soil and situation[1, 4, 200], though it prefers a rich moist soil in a sunny position[4, 200]. Plants For A Future have a number of books available in paperback and digital form. Shop Now Found In

Marijuana | Health Benefits of Marijuana | Marijuana Plant Marijuana is one of the most controversial plants, marijuana has properties, which can be applied in medical purposes, but at the same time it is a plant that is appreciated because of its narcotic, sedative and euphoric properties as well. Description of Marijuana plant Believed to have originated in the area of the Himalayan mountains, cannabis has spread throughout all of India, China, Northern Africa, after which it reached Europe and North America, where it was extensively grown during the second world war. Marijuana (pronounced "marihuana") is the Spanish name of the dried leaves and flowering of the neck weed (Cannabis sativa). Properties and benefits of Marijuana Cannabis contains a number of elements generically named, cannabinoids. The main properties of marijuana studied in medicine are: analgesic and sedative (a reason why it was used during surgeries), anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsive and laxative. Treatments Warning

medicinal herbs: RIBWORT PLANTAIN - Plantago lanceolata Latin name: Plantago lanceolata Family: Plantaginaceae (Plantain Family) Medicinal use of Ribwort Plantain: Ribwort plantain is a safe and effective treatment for bleeding, it quickly staunches blood flow and encourages the repair of damaged tissue. The leaves contain mucilage, tannin and silic acid. Description of the plant: Plant: Perennial Height: 45 cm(1 foot) Flowering: April toAugust Habitat of the herb: Grassland, roadsides etc, a common weed of lawns and cultivated ground, on neutral and basic soils. Edible parts of Ribwort Plantain: Young leaves - raw or cooked. Other uses of the herb: A good fibre is obtained from the leaves, it is said to be suitable for textiles. Propagation of Ribwort Plantain: Seed - sow spring in a cold frame. Cultivation of the herb: Known hazards of Plantago lanceolata: None known Plant information taken from the Plants For A Future.

20 Health Benefits of Turmeric Last updated on September 4, 2015 Over the years, researchers have been learning more and more about the health benefits of turmeric and its active component, curcumin. It’s been eight years since we first published the 20 Health Benefits of Turmeric and I decided that it’s time for an update with links to the latest studies. Turmeric has been used for over 2500 years in India. One thing to take note of is that research has found that consuming black pepper with curcumin increases its bioavailability. BRAIN TUMORS One of the biggest health benefits of turmeric is in the prevention and treatment of cancer. PROSTATE CANCER One study found that turmeric, when combined with cruciferous vegetables, may prevent prostate cancer and stop or slow the growth of existing prostate cancer. SKIN CANCER A study found that curcumin caused melanoma cells to commit suicide. LEUKEMIA Curcumin was found to have an inhibitory effect on WT1 gene expression in childhood leukemia cells. H.

Forsycja | Roślinariusz Popularny krzew ozdobny, który przypomina nam o sobie w kwietniu każdego roku, „ogłaszając” nadejście wiosny. Kiedy liście zaczynają stopniowo zastępować jaskrawożółte kwiaty, wówczas forsycja przestaje zwracać na siebie uwagę i popada w zapomnienie. Jednak ta nie wymagająca specjalnych zabiegów pielęgnacyjnych roślina, umiejętnie przycinana, może stanowić wartościowy element ogrodu przez wiele lat. Nazwa Rodzaj forsycja (Forsythia) jest częścią rodziny oliwkowatych (Oleaceae) i obejmuje (według różnych źródeł) od 6 do 11 gatunków. Występowanie Prawie wszystkie gatunki forsycji pochodzą ze wschodniej Azji (głownie z Chin, ale także z Korei czy Japonii). Opis Na świecie najpowszechniej uprawiane są dwa gatunki tj. Zastosowanie Forsycje to piękne krzewy ozdobne, sadzone w parkach i ogrodach. Ciekawostki Kwiaty forsycji są jadalne.

Hemp: The Miracle Plant | Hemp is the industrial, medicinal, nutritional form of Cannabis Sativa, which is the same plant species as marijuana. Hemp’s main difference from marijuana lies in the level of THC (TetraHydroCannabinol), the chemical that triggers marijuana’s psychoactive effects. Hemp has almost no THC. Agriculture: Human beings have been making use of hemp since the beginnings of human civilization. Hemp has been cultivated and used by humans for over 10,000 years. Hemp is the most eco-friendly agricultural crop. Textiles: For most of early human history, hemp was the predominant textile; and, the oldest surviving relic of human produced material is a piece of hemp cloth dated at over 8,000 years old. For almost 3,000 years, both the sails and the rigging on all sailing vessels in all cultures were made from hemp. Hemp textiles are the best eco-friendly choice. Paper: The first paper ever used was made from hemp. Benjamin Franklin started the first hemp paper mill. Nutrition: Like this: Like Loading...

Herbs List - A Guide To Medicinal Herbs and Their Uses Versativa & Rainmaker Natural Remedies: Best 50 Medicinal Herbs, Fruit & Vegetables To Grow By ALETHEIA LUNA Nature – it is the world’s largest, most eclectic and expansive pharmacy, with literally millions of species at our disposal to plant, cultivate, harvest and make use of in our everyday lives. And yet, most of us remain uninitiated into the highly practical and powerful realm of natural remedies that Nature herself offers to us with open hands. While most of us grew up disconnected from the natural world, it is never too late for us to discover the endless sources of natural remedies hidden all throughout nature – and make use of them ourselves. Whatever your personal context, natural remedies can be grown almost anywhere or in anything, from large paddocks and small patches of ground, to pots and window boxes. Having a great love for medicinal fruit, vegetables and herbs myself, I have taken the time to compile an extensive list of the best 50 natural healing plants to grow in your own personal garden or living area. 50 Best Natural Remedies Plant List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
