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21 Things You Can't Do While Black iStock Update: On October 17, 2014, Michael Dunn was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder of Jordan Davis. Update: On February 15, 2014, the judge in the murder trial of Michael Dunn declared a mistrial on the first-degree murder count after the jury could not come to a decision. The jury reached verdicts for the other charges Dunn faced, and he was found guilty of three counts of attempted second-degree murder and one count of throwing a deadly missile. Prosecutor Angela Corey said that she will retry Dunn for first-degree murder in Jordan Davis' death. Florida's second sensational, race-tinged murder trial in less than a year is underway. Charged with first-degree murder, Dunn is pleading self-defense.* He contends that he argued with the teens (over what a witness says he called their "thug music") and fired on them after he claims he saw Davis brandish a shotgun. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Publicidad, Educación & Conciencia Inversons la classe! - Accueil The Changing Face of America What is it about the faces on these pages that we find so intriguing? Is it simply that their features disrupt our expectations, that we’re not used to seeing those eyes with that hair, that nose above those lips? Our responses can range from the armchair anthropologist’s benign desire to unravel ancestries and find common ground to active revulsion at group boundaries being violated or, in the language of racist days past, “watered down.” Out in the world, the more curious (or less polite) among us might approach, asking, “Where are you from?” or “What are you?” We look and wonder because what we see—and our curiosity—speaks volumes about our country’s past, its present, and the promise and peril of its future. The U.S. The Census Bureau is aware that its racial categories are flawed instruments, disavowing any intention “to define race biologically, anthropologically, or genetically.” Sandra Williams, 46, grew up at a time when the nation still turned on a black-white axis.

Ondula Blog de M@rcel : des technologies et des pédagogies qui travaillent ensemble Introduction : répondre ou débattre Ce billet portera sur la contribution de deux collègues, Alain Beitone et Margaux Osenda, qui ont publié « La pédagogie inversée : une pédagogie archaïque » (des extraits de cet article seront proposés en bleu ci-dessous) Il ne s’agit pas pour moi de « répondre » à leurs arguments ou de les démonter en tentant de démontrer combien le propos serait incorrect, inapproprié, fallacieux … Je l’ai souvent dit : en matière d’innovation (gardons ce concept pour le moment), il me paraît important de considérer tous les points de vue même ceux envers lesquels, personnellement et subjectivement, on ne peut d’emblée marquer son accord. En effet, les propos des thuriféraires et autres évangélistes doivent être considérés avec circonspection voire méfiance, ceux des « grognons » (comme je les appelle chaleureusement) avec attention en ce qui concerne les alarmes qu’ils nous envoient. La classe inversée n’a rien d’innovant ! Introduction I.1. I.2. I.3. Introduction

A Conversation on Race Reanimation Library - About The Reanimation Library is a small, independent presence library* open to the public. It is a collection of books that have fallen out of mainstream circulation and been acquired for their visual content. Outdated and discarded, they have been culled from thrift stores, stoop sales, and throw-away piles, and given new life as resource material for artists, writers, and other cultural archeologists. david lang Further descriptive information about the library can be found here: Library as Platypus: On the Dual Nature of the Reanimation Library. *Presence library is a mistranslation of the German word for Reference Library, Präsenzbibliothek.

Mon Blog : C'est au pied du mur…..
