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HOW TO: Spruce Up a Boring Resume [INFOGRAPHIC]

HOW TO: Spruce Up a Boring Resume [INFOGRAPHIC]
Writing a resume is such a nebulous activity these days. You have to figure out which type of online resume format is best for you, whether to include a cover letter, how to incorporate social media into your resume, if a video resume is a good idea and what you should include on your LinkedIn profile. Above all that, to get the job, you need to beat out all the other creative digital peeps who are producing dynamic digital resumes. Phew — that's a lot of work! We're always finding new resources to help you on your journey to perfecting your digital resume, and we happened across this nifty infographic by the team at Colorado Technical University, which includes tips on creating a digital resume, as well as tips for sprucing up your traditional resume, for potential employers who still like the smell of top-linen paper. Enjoy. [via: Colorado Technical University] Social Media Job Listings Every week we put out a list of social media and web job opportunities.

The Web & Business Tools Startups Use Most [INFOGRAPHIC] Putting the likes of the super-funded aside (Color, anyone?), most early-stage startups operate on tight budgets and spend their dollars sparingly. A bevy of web services have made start-up costs all the more affordable, but now there's the conundrum of nearly too much choice. 4 Simple Tools for Creating an Infographic Resume This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. As a freelancer or job seeker, it is important to have a resume that stands out among the rest — one of the more visually pleasing options on the market today is the infographic resume. An infographic resume enables a job seeker to better visualize his or her career history, education and skills. Unfortunately, not everyone is a graphic designer, and whipping up a professional-looking infographic resume can be a difficult task for the technically unskilled job seeker. For those of us not talented in design, it can also be costly to hire an experienced designer to toil over a career-centric infographic. Luckily, a number of companies are picking up on this growing trend and building apps to enable the average job seeker to create a beautiful resume.

Hot Tips For Landing Jobs at Google, Apple and Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC] Google, Apple and Facebook are the tech trifecta, so we found facts that could help you land a job at one of these companies. No doubt, there will be stiff competition: Nearly one in four young professionals wants to work at Google, for instance, but there's more room in the Googleplex for software developers. Facebook gets 250,000 applications a year and sifts through them to find the cream of the crop, preferring those who build things, whether they're apps or organizations. And Apple wants, well, Apple fanboys to help create the next generation of gadgetry, but you ought to have a reference from an existing Appler. The tech field is booming, and the industry needs bright young talent to keep innovating. How Businesses Use Social Media for Recruiting [INFOGRAPHIC] Savvy job seekers have turned to digital and social media tools to help them in their job searches, and now recruiters are on board with the power of social media as a recruiting tool. LinkedIn isn't the only social network that helps in the job search process — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+ have all been used by people to land jobs in innovative ways. And interesting takes on the digital resume are increasingly popular, with job seekers creating infographic resumes, video resumes and other visual resumes that set them apart from other job applicants. Employers are taking note of the importance of social media in the recruiting process, and the majority of businesses are turning to social media to find and evaluate job candidates, according to this infographic compiled by Career Enlightenment, a resource for online job seekers. Take a look and let us know what you think of using social media to find a job. Social Media Job Listings

GettingStarted - gwt-platform - Starting your new project with GWTP's MVP architecture - GWTP: A complete model-view-presenter framework to simplify your next GWT project. GWTP Project Has Moved The goal of this page is to help you get your first project started using GWTP's Model-View-Presenter architecture. Although it focuses on how to use GWTP in Eclipse, it should be easy to adapt within your own development environment. After reading this guide you should have a better idea whether or not GWTP is the tool you need for your next project. If you used gwt-presenter before, you might first want to take a look at how it compares to GWTP. Andreas Borglin has also written about his experience switching from gwt-presenter to GWTP, you might want to read it.

Ten Tips for the Shy Job Seeker In my previous post , I discussed the challenges for shy (or introverted ) people in the job market. I offered some general advice, but in this post I'd like to highlight ten things you can do (or think about) that might give you the edge in the very situations you prefer to avoid. 1. First, stop apologizing for being who you are. How to use Twitter [Infographic] A few weeks ago, I posted Twitter Tips via @PartyAficionado and @SocMediaTulsa . Many people who follow me are new to Twitter, so I decided to create a list of tips to help them understand the basics of Twitter. After posting Twitter Tips for a few days, I was asked to create a blog post of my tips. I called upon the magical elves at to help me create this cool infographic.

Acceleo About Acceleo Acceleo is a pragmatic implementation of the Object Management Group (OMG) MOF Model to Text Language (MTL) standard. You do not need to be an expert to start using the plug-ins and create your first code generator : using the provided example projects and the powerful completion feature of the Acceleo editor, it is very easy to get started and understand the basic principles. Acceleo is the result of several man-years of R&D started in the French company Obeo. Junction between the OMG MTL standard, its team's experience with industrial code generation and the latest research advances into the M2T field, it offers outstanding advantages : High ability to customize, Interoperability, Easy kick off, and much more! From to

What Recruiters Want To See On Your LinkedIn Profile It’s obvious that LinkedIn is an important tool in the job search; we’ve all read and heard about that for some time now. As with any career-related topic that gets a lot of airtime, there is now tons of information, some conflicting, and it’s hard to sift through all of it. While I am not the authority on LinkedIn by any means, I have spent a lot of time looking for candidates on it (for many real, open roles at amazing companies) and I know what I like to see. So here it is… what recruiters really want to see on your LinkedIn: The Facts There’s tons of advice out there about how to phrase your summary, insert a million “action” words, and other “editorial” suggestions.

Infographic: Ten Things You Should Know About Water How much drinkable water is there in the world? How much water does an American, a European, an African use everyday? How many people lack even basic access to clean water? Circle of Blue’s newest infographic aims to answer these questions and many more. Book by Lethbridge and Laganiere on Object-oriented Software Engineering Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Practical Software Development using UML and Java Second Edition Timothy C. Lethbridge and Robert Laganière McGraw Hill, 2001 ISBN 0-07-710908-2 (in the UK, Canada and most of the world)ISBN 0-07-709761-0 (first edition - now superceded) ISBN 0-07-283495-1 (first edition in the USA) A textbook for people who know the basics of object-oriented programming and want to learn the basic principles of software engineering, including how to develop large systems using UML.
