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Where the Wonders of Learning Never Cease

Where the Wonders of Learning Never Cease
Related:  General Databases and Online MagazinesInquiry planning resources

Open Culture Kaizena Shortcut - Google Docs add-on ACARA Work Samples - Work Samples Any subjects published prior to 2016 will not be found in this resource. English, Mathematics, Science and History work samples can be found as PDF documents below the year level achievement standards in each learning area. About work sample portfolios Each portfolio demonstrates student learning in relation to the achievement standard. Each portfolio comprises a collection of students’ work drawn from a range of assessment tasks. Each portfolio comprises a collection of students’ work drawn from a range of assessment tasks. The portfolios comprise authentic samples of student work and may contain errors such as spelling mistakes and other inaccuracies. ACARA acknowledges the contribution of Australian teachers in the development of these work sample portfolios. less information

Home Triptico Plus 10 Very Good Educational Websites That Are Now Integrated with Google Classroom December 18, 2015 With the increasing adoption of Google Classroom in instruction, Google opened up Classroom API and made it possible for developers to seamlessly integrate Classroom with a wide variety of websites and platforms. As a result, several educational websites are now integrated with classroom . This means that teachers and students can now share, assign, or turn in links, videos and images from any webpage that is part of this integration. Additionally, if you have a classroom website or blog, you can easily add Classroom Share Button and allow students to share resources right from class website to Google Classroom Check out this page for more instructions. Up till now, a number of key educational websites are already integrated with Google Classroom. 1- The American Museum of Natural History ‘The American Museum of Natural History is one of the world’s preeminent scientific and cultural institutions. 3- Scholar 4- Discovery Education 5- Duolingo 6- GeoGebra 7- Pear Deck

Where to Find Good Educational Videos There’s a right and a wrong way to use videos in the classroom. Not all videos are primed for instructional use, and not all instruction lends itself to video. However, pairing a great video with the tools students need to engage with it can lead to a deeper understanding of or alternate perspective on what’s being taught. Check out the September Education Update article “Showing Videos in the Classroom: What’s the Purpose?” to learn three criteria for selecting an effective video and find tips for helping your students “make the shift from vegging out to tuning in for learning.” Once you have identified the criteria to look for, there are tons of places to find both instructional and supplemental videos on whatever topic you’re teaching. General Topics History/Current Events Science Art/Making To learn more about how to effectively incorporate videos into your classroom instruction, read “Showing Videos in the Classroom: What’s the Purpose?”

Bloomin' Apps This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place.Each image has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Android, Google and online tools and applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.I have created a page to allow you to share your favorite online tool, iOS, or Android app with others. Cogs of the Cognitive Processes I began to think about the triangular shape of Bloom's Taxonomy and realized I thought of it a bit differently.Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes in and out of the each level as they acquire new content and turn it into knowledge, I created a different type of image that showcased my thoughts about Bloom's more meaningfully.Here is my visual which showcases the interlocking nature of the cognitive processes or, simply, the "Cogs of the Cognitive Processes". IPAD APPS TO SUPPORT BLOOM'S REVISED TAXONOMYassembled by Kathy Schrock​ Bloom's and SAMR: My thoughts

60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know 60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know by Ryan Schaaf, Notre Dame of Maryland University When I was a high school student, I had the privilege of having a wonderful English teacher. She was kind, often helped her students, and created a wonderful classroom environment that was rare in my high school experience. To this day, I regard her as a great educator; one of the very best. As I now reflect upon her and my learning experiences fondly, I had only one criticism – I did the same type of work day in and day out. Nowadays, many educators use the same methods over and over again in their lessons for students to express themselves and demonstrate their new knowledge. Below is a diverse list adapted from resources found at of potential student products or activities learners can use to demonstrate their mastery of lesson content. 60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know 60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate Understanding

Teach with Blendspace | Create & Find Free Multimedia Lessons Save time by using free lessons & activities created by educators worldwide! Be inspired! Combine digital content and your files to create a lesson Tes resources YouTube Links PDFs PowerPoint Word Doc Images Dropbox Google Drive Blendspace quick start resources Save time by using free lessons & activities created by educators worldwide! Combine digital content and your files to create a lesson Tes resources YouTube Links PDFs PowerPoint Word Doc Images Dropbox Google Drive Blendspace quick start resources

More Virtual Learning Opportunities | Learners' Voice to Virtual Learning Here is a list of external providers and their respective websites. You might like to explore some of these options to connect your classrooms with. The Virtual Learning Coaches will support you in connecting if you require it, but all registrations are handled by the respective provider. All of these online sessions are also added to the calendar as soon as we know about them, some are free, others are at cost to the school. Sydney Opera House via Polycom/MS Lync/Skype For Business Geelong Gallery via Polycom/MS Lync/Skype For Business CAASTRO in the Classroom via Polycom Questacon – Free Australian Museum – Programs throughout the year – charges apply

100 People: A World Portrait Unit planning isn’t linear (either)… Following on from our non-linear consideration of curriculum, we approached collaborative unit planning in a similarly holistic way, with the child at the centre, to ensure a focus on our goal of developing the whole child. As teachers considered the desired conceptual understandings and the content requirements of our curriculum, the potential to develop skills and dispositions in an authentic context were revealed… Following this process with different year level teams and different units of inquiry led to a number of insights: Making thinking visible is an important part of the collaborative planning process.Considering all the elements simultaneously makes it easy to visualise the potential big picture.The visual process allows for collaborative construction of meaning.While always conceptual, some units are more knowledge based, others more skills based, and that’s ok! Like this: Like Loading...

PowerMyLearning Connect Collaborate with teachers in your school Engage families in the learning process Mix and match educator-curated activities Design your own flexible playlists Provide targeted professional development Ignite student curiosity to create joyful, personalized learning experiences. Learn how PowerMyLearning Connect can transform your school community. A Powerful Way to Personalize PowerMyLearning Connect is a collaborative schoolwide platform that propels personalized learning by enabling K-12 educators to discover, adapt, and share quality content, engage families as learning partners, and accelerate their own professional growth. Learn More Flexible, Carefully Curated, K-12 Content Our team of educators curates the best content from renowned publishers, and assembles high-quality playlists for students, families, and educators–so you can spend more time delivering personalized learning experiences. Learn More Single Sign On Ready to bring PowerMyLearning Connect to your school? Learn More Elsbeth Grant
