Pomodorium Méthode des six chapeaux La méthode des six chapeaux, extraite de l'ouvrage Six chapeaux pour penser[1],[2], est une méthode de structuration de la pensée personnelle ou de groupe, développée par Edward de Bono, permettant de résoudre les problèmes en favorisant la pensée critique et en évitant la censure précoce des idées nouvelles, dérangeantes ou inhabituelles[3]. Selon Karadag et al., cette méthode permet de développer la pensée créative en présentant et en systématisant des pensées et des suggestions dans un format spécifiquement défini[4]. Pour cela, les participants sont invités à aborder la question en prenant ensemble tour à tour différents « chapeaux » d'une couleur particulière. L'ordre d'adoption des chapeaux varie en fonction du type de problème. L'enjeu est de mobiliser un processus de « pensée parallèle » simple et efficace qui aide les gens à sortir des limites de l'étroitesse d'esprit, de la pensée unidirectionnelle et des positions fixes (De Bono, 1985[1]). Portail du management
Simplenote Pomodoro Method Style Time Management Tool & Timer | Marinara by 352 Dragon Quest! A Google Slides Interactive Story Growing up in the 80’s meant reading loads of “Choose Your Own Adventure” books. They were fun, and a little scary, and you died pretty much every time, but they got lots of kids into books. Recently I decided to bring this idea off the page and into the 21st century by using Google Slides to create an online, interactive story. Often we think of Google Slides in terms of linear presentations, with one slide after another in order. However, Google Slides allows you to add hyperlinks to your presentation which can link to other slides within the presentation when clicked. Linking to other slides can be used to create quizzes where each answer choice leads to a different slide to let you know if you got the correct answer. And so was born “Dragon Quest”! Well to be fair, the story was actually written many years ago by my students. This can be a great project for your students. If you are brave though, and ready to face the dragon, it’s time for your adventure to begin. Good luck!
Pommie Activity Timer - Pomodoro Edition Pomodoro Timer: Focus on your productivity and beat procrastination using the Pomodoro Technique Tomato Timer Tomatoes Pomodoro.me - Time Marker MaToMaTo - Windows Pomodoro Timer MaToMaTo is a Windows animated Pomodoro Technique timer. It's made in WPF so you'll need .Net 3.5 to run it. It's simple, yet IMHO, it fulfills all the ideal requirements of a pomodoro timer. It has no activities manager since you're supposed to manage them on paper. It stays on top of all windows, so you're able to always see it even if working on MS word, Visual Studio or anything you're working on to complete your pomodoro task. We should give credit to Federica Cuccolo, she did all the coding, terrific work, thanks Fefy! No setup needed. You can download it here. Any feedback will be appreciated!
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