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The inkscape tutorials weblog

The Inner Structure of Infographics: How to Create, Important Tips and Free Tools | Moto CMS Templates Every day Internet users read a lot of data, look through news-websites and blogs, which are really overwhelmed with up to date information. It’s hard to remember everything important and keep in mind all facts we’ve learned during a day, sometimes some really valuable content is missed. So, how to convey effectively the main message to the readers and how to make them draw attention to your post? As human beings remember better the visual representation of information, than the whole sheet of complete text, the answer is much simpler you might think. Infographic is the best method to present a rich amount of data, explain quickly your main thoughts and show clearly a research. Do you want to have more visits, backlinks and more views of your website? To achieve that just follow these influential tips: It can be in different style formats, such as: Source: Flow charts infographic is the most complex in terms of designing. Source: Annotated maps.

Getting Started With the Powerful Inkscape Graphics App by Sam Dean - Mar. 14, 2011Comments (3) When it comes to open source graphics tools, GIMP gets a great deal of attention, and there are many free online resources available for it, but if you're in search of a free drawing and illustration tool that can compete with Adobe Illustrator and is increasingly useds by web designers for effects, logos and still graphics, give Inkscape a try. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and is well-known as a powerful and flexible drawing and vector editing application. In this post, you'll find some outstanding free resources for getting familiar with Inkscape's capabilities, and they'll help you get going quickly with the application. Bethany Hiitola is the author of a popular book on Inkscape that is used by many web designers, and she has a very useful tutorial on the progam posted at the Packt site. It covers how vector graphics program works, walks through the many essential tools that Inkscape provides and more. What can I do with Inkscape?

Isometric projection in Inkscape Isometric projection helps us to demonstrate three-dimensional objects on a plane, creating the illusion of volume. Most often it is used in computer games and pixel-art. You can read more about it in the corresponding article on Wikipedia. In this article, we will examine ways to create objects in isometric projection by using Inkscape. Axonometric gridTransformation of the objectCreating 3D boxes Note: If it is your first try in Inkscape I advise you firstly to examine the Help section (Menu > Help). These methods were picked up from various sources available online. Way I: Axonometric grid Inkscape supports two types of grid: rectangular and axonometric (File> Document Properties> Grids). Way II: Transformation of the object Almost any object can be transformed into the isometric projection by setting parameters. After creating a text we need to go to the Object > Transform > Scale and reduce the width to 86.6% (86.603%, to be exact). Way III: Creating 3D boxes That’s all.

Creating complex art with the Shape Builder tool | Learn Illustrator CS5 Share this Episode Autoplay End of Video Show End Screen Default Quality Adjust your embed size below, then copy and paste the embed code above. Community Translation Your transcript request has been submitted. Adobe TV does its best to accommodate transcript requests. Join the Community Translation Project Thanks for your interest in translating this episode! Please Confirm Your Interest Thanks for your interest in adding translations to this episode! An error occurred while processing your request. Another translator has already started to translate this episode. Thanks for Participating! This episode has been assigned to you and you can expect an e-mail shortly containing all the information you need to get started. About This Episode Create complex art from simpler basic shapes by using the Shape Builder tool in Illustrator CS5. Presented By Produced By Runtime : 00:06:12 Added : 04/30/2010 About this show Learn Illustrator CS5

5 Unbeatable Types of Infographic + Free Tools to Create Them An infographic (information graphic) has been a very effective way to bait for links and social media votes for ages. Like anything else, it can be done right or wrong (I am sure you have seen dozens of poorly implemented infographics by now and maybe a few really good ones). How to create a good one? The secret is in days (maybe months) of brainstorming. This post lists 5 unbeatable (when done right) types of infographics as well as free tools to help you put your ideas to life – enjoy! 1. As the periodic table hangs in thousands of classrooms all over the world, it has become a visual metaphor and serves now as a template for knowledge presentation in various niches and verticals. Examples: Tools and resources: Here’s a blank periodic table for you to fill out with any info you will be able to collect (quick tip for Photoshop dummies like myself: use the magic wand tool and click inside any cell to select the area inside it to edit it) 2. Tools and resources: 3. 4. 5. Further reading:

Draw a hackergotchi (or just people heads) with Inkscape A hackergotchi is a picture of a writer used as an avatar to identify the author of a given RSS feed in blog aggregators. Traditionally them are made in GIMP (see my tutorial about drawing them with GIMP), but today we'll try something a little unusual: draw them in vector graphics using Inkscape. As a bonus, we will learn to draw those heads even if we don't know how to draw, by using a photo as reference, anyone can do this, you don't have to be an Inkscape wizard. You may want to use a tablet, but the mouse is enough - the images in this tutorial are made exclusively with the mouse, I chosed to ignore my tablet today as I want to show what is possible using the simplest tools. So we will start with a photo and will end with a drawing, like this: Prepare your workplace Set the canvas size as you desire, I used here 128x128, as this is an usual size for thumbnails. Draw the strokes Use the Calligraphic Tool (Ctrl+F6). When we want to capture small details and need accuracy, zoom in: Done!

Understanding JSON: the 3 minute lesson 'Simon' on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 18:22:02 GMT, sez: Brilliant. I had (sub-consiously) followed steps 1 to 4 exactly as you describe, except the alarm bells were 3 days ago. 'John' on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 19:35:19 GMT, sez: INI files Rule! Anyway, nice post on LEON er, JSON. 'Rumen Stankov' on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 06:29:04 GMT, sez: Ah! 'Wesley Shephard' on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 22:20:38 GMT, sez: Interesting. SQL injection, take two? 'lb' on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 00:04:01 GMT, sez: yeh it looks very 'injectable' -- maybe more prone to XSS (cross site scripting) than sql injection... i guess the main trick is html encoding all user input, so it can't be interpreted as html (or javascript). 'Dustin Diaz' on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 13:49:44 GMT, sez: JSON in and of itself is not what's OO. 'Aaron Bassett' on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 14:30:35 GMT, sez: 'lb' on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 05:07:27 GMT, sez: true -- but client side you have to be careful as well. cheers lb Hello,

Adobe Illustrator Tips To Save Your Time - Petshopbox StudioPetshopbox Studio Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard for vector type design and illustrations, with a lot of features and work well with other Adobe applications. Adobe Illustrator has high learning curve, although the interface is quite similar with Photoshop the command and how you interact with the tools is quite different. There are numerous Adobe Illustrator tips all over the net, and here we are listing the best Adobe Illustrator tips to get you started or learn more to improve your skill and make your works faster. Better Round Corner Rounded Rectangle tool is pain in the ass, there is now live edit. Change Color Mode Quickly In color palette you can change color modes by pressing Shift key while clicking the color bar. Pick Color from Gradient When using color picker on a gradient, the color picker will copy the gradient instead a color. Use symbol for repetitive objects Convert any repetitive objects into symbols to save your valuable time. Saving Object Selections Blending Gradients

A Look at the Growing "Work From Home" Phenomenon [INFOGRAPHIC] Working from home is more prevalent and more widely accepted than ever. With 26.2 million teleworkers in the U.S. in 2010, the virtual workforce is expected to grow in coming years. For starters, 56% of senior leaders and hiring managers at Fortune 500 companies believe that the workforce will steadily or greatly increase at their companies, according to a recent survey by WorkSimple. The study findings outline the changing virtual workforce with a number of compelling stats and findings, as seen in the infographic below. Have you noticed an increase in the number of employees at your workplace that work remotely? Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities. Vice President - Digital at Edelman PR in Los AngelesSoftware Developer at Hulu in Los Angeles or SeattleAssociate Games Analyst at Arkadium in New York Infographic courtesy GetWorkSimple; thumbnail graphic courtesy iStockphoto/LajosRepasi

Filter Effects Developer What is JSON and why would I use it Social Media for B2B Marketing Infographic | Internet Marketing Blog Here at Ecreative Internet Marketing, most of our clients are in the B2B market — largely industrial companies, which is a niche in which we are experts. Recently we’ve found ourselves fielding B2B social media questions more and more frequently — questions about Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. So we decided to put together this simple Social Media for B2B Marketing infographic. The infographic gives a nice broad overview of the size of the major social media outlets, and then dives down into some very specific B2B data about B2B buyers and how social media affected lead generation for small to medium B2B businesses. We hope you find this B2B Social Media infographic as interesting as we do! Social Media for B2B Marketing Infographic Click the image for a larger version! Social Media for B2B Infographic A couple of the main points that this infographic makes about social media for B2B companies is that using social media is not just a B2C technique anymore.

Designing Ultra SceneXCore Apparel in Photoshop and Illustrator - Layers Magazine | Layers Magazine Grunge effects are very popular with today’s apparel designers. This tutorial takes you through creating a t-shirt design using vector graphics. Everything you see in Hot Topic or Pac Sun these days features some combination of skulls, flourishes, splatters, and miscellaneous grunge effects. Why? Don’t ask me, but I’m sure it’s got something to do with the recent rise of popular screamo, metalcore, and hardcore bands into the mainstream. Before You Begin How do you make all those flourishes, splatters, and other design elements? You can do a Google search for “vector packs” or “stock vector art” and you’ll find some resources that will give you just the effects you are looking for. On With the Tutorial! You’ll need these programs: Photoshop Illustrator CS2 Let’s get on with the tutorial! Step 1. Or if this is a personal project, what YOU want. Step 2. You might be tempted to use skulls or other typical dark imagery, but you really should try to come up with something new. Step 3. Step 4.

Social Media Marketing By the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC] Donny Deutsch, the former adman and talk show host, once recounted a story about a Mitsubishi Super Bowl ad that was tagged with the URL The ad got 600,000 clicks, Deutsch said, which prompted the carmaker to ask, "Is that good?" Deutsch answered: "We told the client it was great, so it was great!" The Mitsubishi campaign ran almost eight years ago. More Business Resources from Mashable:
