RSS from the New Delicious The new delicious is finally up. Not all that much different but I am excited because I use it every day. One of the features I use every day is the RSS. When I heard delicious had enabled RSS feeds today, I went to the site right-away to set them up. After going through my archives I have been able to reconstruct them.Here’s the format they are currently using (updated 7/29/2015): Changed it once again: Notice: now it’s on HTTPS in addition to the subdomain change. username – your delicious username, without the brackets /tag – This is optional but if you want to limit the RSS feed to a particular tag you will need to insert a / and then the tag. For example, if you wanted to keep track of all the bookmarks I’ve tagged “sem” you would use:
A guide to controlling privacy, info on Google+ - TODAY Tech - TODAY.com#.TkdpL2N8t8E Google+is the new social networking kid on the block, and one of the main reasons so many people are interested in the service over Facebook is Google+'s proclaimed focus on protecting users' privacy. Whether you're a new Google+ user or you're already a pro, understanding how to control your information on the site can make you feel much more at ease on the social network. Here's the lowdown on Google+'s privacy controls, including a few of the more buried settings you'll want to know about. This guide will take you through setting up Google+'s circles with an emphasis on how they work from a privacy perspective, how to control what others can see about you on your profile, your options for selectively sharing posts with others, and some miscellaneous settings you'll want to tweak — like only allowing friends to start Huddles with you. A note on pseudonymity: Google has taken a strong and, I think, awfully mistaken stance on not allowing people to use Google+ with a pseudonym. 1. 2. 3.
Create RSS feed from any web page using Yahoo Pipes - Reaper-X In this post, i’m going to write a simple explanation / basic example about using Yahoo Pipes to fetch a webpage (you are free to use any pages you want assuming they allow Yahoo Pipes) and then create a RSS Feed from it so you can read it on your favorite rss reader As an example, in this post i’m going to give an example of creating RSS Feed from HorribleSubs website (horriblesubs.org) that i’ve been using (for myself only) so i can keep track on their Gintama release easily (i read that they’re planning on doing a total makeover of their site so i guess it’s okay to use them as an example) Before anything else, please see the source of the pipe used in this example (you need to log in to Yahoo first) because you’ll need to be logged in to Yahoo to see or create a new pipe Update 1: Here’s the updated version of the pipe which is used for their new domain (horriblesubs.info) and their new site design. 1. and here is what it looks like on the Yahoo Pipes side 2. 3. and here’s the output
Feed43 Tumblr Is More Than Porn: Tumblr for Inviting Participation and Conversations for Learning « The Unquiet Librarian This past Wednesday at work, I was attempting to cross-post content from one of my Scoop.it dashboards to my Tumblr account; I was started to discover that it was no longer available to me on campus. Tumblr, which was previously open and available to our students and teachers at school, was recently blocked at the district level; when I questioned why the resource was blocked, the response was: “Tumblr was blocked this summer do [sic] to pornography it was hosting…When we are aware of a site that violates Board Policy IFBG, Children’s Internet Protection Act and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act then we will take appropriate measures. “ I would have no issue with a specific offensive site being blocked, but denying students and teachers access on campus to the tool for their own constructive uses seems extreme to me. Idea #1: Favorite Book Quote Crowdsourcing Idea #2: Crowdsource Original Book Jacket Designs Idea 3: Connect Your Readers to Favorite Authors via Tumblr
The Sociable - For Pinterest Yes this article is about Pinterest but no, we’re not going to talk about the site’s astonishing rise or its revolutionary design features. Instead we’re going to talk about something old school, RSS. As you might know we love RSS but over the past year fewer and fewer sites are including RSS as a service for their users. In 2011 Twitter removed its RSS options from the site, although, as we’ve shown, it is still possible to generate RSS feeds for user profiles, Twitter lists, and searches. And last year Google+ launched without any native RSS support. So what of Pinterest’s RSS support? Pinterest Fire Hose RSS The site does provide an RSS option for user profiles; this feed combines all the latest pins a user has created regardless of which board they are in. Pinterest Board RSS Following a specific board created by a user via RSS is less obvious. To do this, first open the board (e.g.
Kristi Hines on RSS for Facebook Pages Do you want to keep up with the latest news for your favorite Facebook fan pages, but don’t want to miss out on them because EdgeRank is hiding them from your new feed? Or would you prefer to not have to go to Facebook at all until your favorite pages have updates? One of the Google Chrome extensions I use, RSS Subscription Extension, puts an RSS icon in the browser’s address bar when there is an RSS feed discovered on a page. On Facebook pages that haven’t been converted to the new Timeline design, that icon comes up so you can subscribe to your favorite page’s RSS feed. For pages with the new design enabled, however, the RSS feed has gone missing. Fortunately, the feed is still available though. For example, my Facebook page URL is Highlighted in the above is my page’s ID number, 255576081168962. Take this URL and paste it into your preferred RSS reader.
12 Tools to Measure Social Influence (Maybe) Social media influence is a bit like oxygen – we "know" its there and we know in some sense that it is essential for “life” if we’re in marketing, advertising or public relations, but can we capture it in a jar and observe it? No. Well, at least not entirely. Any number of tools – freely available on the Web – purport to tell us our overall social media influence or at least a slice of it (a la Twitter). While none is perfect or complete yet, using a combination of them can prove useful. Here then is a roundup of tools that measure influence in the social web: Broad social web tools Klout: Klout currently track a user’s Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Foursquare activity. PeerIndex: How PeerIndex describes what it measures: "PeerIndex: a measure of your online social capital. Twentyfeet: What Twentyfeet says it offers: "Aggregated stats in one place. PostRank : This service says it "tracks where and how users engage, and what they pay attention to — in real-time."
5 Interesting Ways To Use Google News RSS Feeds By learning more about these RSS feeds and incorporating a few interesting tricks to display and read these RSS news feeds, you’ll be able to stay on top of all the very best news as easily as possible. How’s that for useful? Creating RSS News Feeds Creating generic and specific news RSS feeds is quite an easy task. 1. You’ve probably already set up Google News to show local news in your preferred language. For me, I get: 2. Also at the bottom of the Google news page is a link to “About Feeds“, which shows you the various news topics and the RSS feeds to subscribe to them. For instance, Sci-Tech is: 3. At the top of Google News is the all-familiar search bar. For example, a basic news search for “Lemur”: 4. In the previous examples, you can see topic=t is tech, while q=lemur is your search term. For instance, limiting the search to the last month gives us: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.