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FeedDude - Create RSS feeds from any web site

FeedDude - Create RSS feeds from any web site

Create RSS feed from any web page using Yahoo Pipes | Reaper-X In this post, i’m going to write a simple explanation / basic example about using Yahoo Pipes to fetch a webpage (you are free to use any pages you want assuming they allow Yahoo Pipes) and then create a RSS Feed from it so you can read it on your favorite rss reader As an example, in this post i’m going to give an example of creating RSS Feed from HorribleSubs website ( that i’ve been using (for myself only) so i can keep track on their Gintama release easily (i read that they’re planning on doing a total makeover of their site so i guess it’s okay to use them as an example) Before anything else, please see the source of the pipe used in this example (you need to log in to Yahoo first) because you’ll need to be logged in to Yahoo to see or create a new pipe Update 1: Here’s the updated version of the pipe which is used for their new domain ( and their new site design. 1. and here is what it looks like on the Yahoo Pipes side 2. 3. and here’s the output

RSS Search Engine - Find Feeds with Instant Search Instant RSS Search engine will help you discover RSS feeds on the web around your favorite topics. You may use the tool to search RSS feeds for blogs, news websites, podcasts and more. It is instant search and hence the search results display as you type. You may use any of the Google search operators - like allintitle, inurl, etc. - for more accurate results. You can subscribe to the feeds in your favorite RSS Reader (like Feedly) or use the Preview link to see the 10 most recently published articles from that feed.

Wallflux RSS for Facebook Pages & Groups Feed43 : Convert any web page to news feed on the fly Utiliser les flux RSS et les podcasts Quelques suggestions - éducation aux médias - langues étrangères - sciences économiques et sociales - activités interdisciplinaires Pourquoi et comment faire ? Univers Netvibes et documentationJacqueline Valladon "A l’origine la page personnelle était uniquement privée. Doc pour Docs, site mutualiste, 13/04/2008 Les Dossiers de l'ingénierie éducative Rester branché avec les fils RSS"L’actualisation des connaissances dans l’enseignement et la prise en compte en classe de l’actualité et des questions vives s’accélèrent avec Internet. "Le traitement de l'actualité : médias et savoirs". Univers pour la documentation Kiosque presse : univers Netvibes"Ce kiosque présente un éventail de l'actualité française, francophone et internationale. Sélections d'univers

Scraping software, services and plugins sum up Since we have already reviewed classic web harvesting software, we want to sum up some other scraping services and crawlers, scrape plugins and other scrape related tools. Web scraping is a sphere that can be applied to a vast variety of fields, and in turn it can require other technologies to be involved. SEO needs scrape. Proxying is one of the methods which can help you to stay masked while doing much web data extraction. Crawling is another sub-technology indispensable in scrape for unordered information sources. Data refining follows the scrape, so as to deal with the unavoidable inconsistency of harvested data. Web Scraping directory (classified by function) Fast Scrape Often I need to get something fast from the screen into my pocket. Scraper, the Google Chrome extension is what makes my life easy. ) and have this tool always embedded in the right-button menu. Scrape services and tools Among the scrape services we take note of: Grepsr scraping service. Anti-scrape service Handy scrape

Feed Creator · Comment utiliser Feedly pour lire ses flux RSS ? 1. Se connecter à Feedly Pour vous connecter à Feedly, il vous faut un compte Google. Dans la fenêtre qui s'ouvre, cliquez sur "J'accepte" pour autoriser l'appli sur votre compte Google : Vous êtes à présent connecté : 2. Si vous souhaitez importer vos flux de Google Reader (qui a fermé ses portes depuis le 01 juillet 2013), c'est possible en cliquant sur le bouton "Import OPML" : Vous arriverez sur cette page où vous pourrez alors sélectionner le fichier sur votre ordinateur et l'importer ensuite : Une explication plus précise est détaillée en bas. 3. Pour ajouter les flux d'informations RSS de vos sites favoris, si ce n'est pas déjà fait, recherchez les en cliquant sur "+Add Content" : Entrez un mot clé dans le champ de recherche, puis une fois que vous avez localisé le flux de la source que vous voulez suivre, cliquez sur le bouton + en face : Vous pouvez également cliquer sur le flux en question pour le visualiser, puis cliquer sur le bouton "+add to my feedly" pour l'ajouter : 4. 5. 6.

RSS Feeds for Google Plus Profiles and Search Results RSS feeds are not available in Google Plus but you can quickly generate feeds for any Google Profile or Page using the Feed+ app for Chrome. Google Plus does not offer RSS Feeds but you can easily generate feeds on your own using a new Chrome app developed by Eric Koleda, an engineer working with the Google Apps Script team. Here’s a sample Google+ Feed create using this tool. Follow Google+ Profiles and Pages via RSS Feeds To get started, launch Feed+ for Chrome and it will request access to some of your Google services. The generated RSS feeds are public and thus you, or anyone else, can subscribe to these feeds in any news reader. And now that you have an RSS Feed for your Google Plus profile, you can easily cross-post updates to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, LinkedIn and everywhere else using the IFTTT service.
