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33 Unbelievable Places To Visit Before You Die. I Can’t Believe These Actually Exist On Earth…

33 Unbelievable Places To Visit Before You Die. I Can’t Believe These Actually Exist On Earth…

[ TUTORIAL ] دَرسْ تَصمِيم هِيدر مُسَطّح ،، لِعشّاق الــ Flat Design بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ، السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته ان الحمد لله ، نحمده و نستعينه ، و نستغفره ، و نعوذ بالله من شرور انفسنا و من سيئات أعمالنا ،، أما بعد ... إخواني الأعزاء رواد و زوار منتدى تصاميم المواقع و الواجهات جئتكم اليوم بدرس جديد يساير التطور الذي عرفه الويب مؤخرا بدخوله عالم الفلات أي التصميم المسطح .. لهذا قررت عمل درس لتصميم هيدر بسيط و عربي مسطح أتمنى أن أكون موفق في طرحه. أولا إخواني أترككم مع نتيجة درسنا اليوم ( إظغط على الرابط لمشاهدة الحجم الاصلي ) .. ملحقات التصميم : الخط المستعمل في الدرس : نتيجة الدرس كاملة PSD : الآن ندخل صلب الموضوع على بركة الله ،، نفتح برنامج الفوتوشوب PS. ثم نفتح ملف عمل جديد بالإعدادات التالية .. ( يمكنكم اختيار عرض مناسب لشاشاتكم ) ثم نملأ الخلفية بهذا اللون عن طريق أداة الدلو بعد ذلك نقوم بإظهار ما يسمى بالــ Rulers و ذلك من أجل حصر عناصرنا و كذلك خط آخر إلى اليسار بنفس القيمة . ..

New way to filter light: May provide first directional selectivity for light waves -- ScienceDaily Light waves can be defined by three fundamental characteristics: their color (or wavelength), polarization, and direction. While it has long been possible to selectively filter light according to its color or polarization, selectivity based on the direction of propagation has remained elusive. But now, for the first time, MIT researchers have produced a system that allows light of any color to pass through only if it is coming from one specific angle; the technique reflects all light coming from other directions. This new approach could ultimately lead to advances in solar photovoltaics, detectors for telescopes and microscopes, and privacy filters for display screens. The work is described in a paper appearing this week in the journal Science, written by MIT graduate student Yichen Shen, professor of physics Marin Soljačić, and four others. The new structure consists of a stack of ultrathin layers of two alternating materials where the thickness of each layer is precisely controlled.

Not a Mirage: Where the Namib Desert meets the sea [914 x 613] (Photo by John Dera) UI vs UX: what’s the difference? UI is the saddle, the stirrups, and the reigns. UX is the feeling you get being able to ride the horse, and rope your cattle. At least that’s what they used to say in the olden days. Rather, that is what I wished they’d say. Despite how simple that may have sounded, there are many complications and misconceptions when it comes to the differences between UI and UX design, and they cause the design community to go into quite a stir whenever they are brought up. An interesting note to that is that I’ve found the people who work at jobs with titles such as Interaction Designer to get paid more simply because they know and act on the differences between those two fields (typically harnessing a little of both). Let’s jump right into a standardized definition that we will try to metaphorically elaborate on. More pointedly, good user experience is the art of a drill going through wood, or a surfboard gliding through water effortlessly. Let’s break it down Generalities UX: designing for emotion

Synthetic diamond Synthetic diamonds of various colors grown by the high-pressure high-temperature technique Synthetic diamond (also known as laboratory-created diamond, laboratory-grown diamond, cultured diamond or cultivated diamond) is diamond produced in an artificial process, as opposed to natural diamonds, which are created by geological processes. Synthetic diamond is also widely known as HPHT diamond or CVD diamond after the two common production methods (referring to the high-pressure high-temperature and chemical vapor deposition crystal formation methods, respectively). Although often referred to as synthetic, this term has been considered somewhat problematic. Numerous claims of diamond synthesis were documented between 1879 and 1928; most of those attempts were carefully analyzed but none were confirmed. Synthetic diamond is widely used in abrasives, in cutting and polishing tools and in heat sinks. History[edit] Moissan trying to create synthetic diamonds using an electric arc furnace

Lepus Beach, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia: by Curtis Guest [1024X680] Flat Long Shadows: Step-by-step Tutorial, Resources and Examples Within the flat design trend on the rise at the moment, especially in this world of the web, one thing that stands out is the use of long flat shadows, particularly for small UI elements and icons. These shadows have a characteristic 45º angle below the horizontal axis and a gradient color close to the background shade can be applied. This technique is by no means new. It has always been a widely-used resource in photography to emphasize shapes and transmit different emotions to the viewer. We'll show you two different ways to achieve this long shadow finish with Adobe Illustrator. Step 1. Cinema4DWe can also produce this effect using 3D graphics software such as Cinema4D, 3Ds Max, Maya, etc.

Hummingbird Hummingbirds are New World birds that constitute the family Trochilidae. They are among the smallest of birds, most species measuring in the 7.5–13 cm (3–5 in) range. Indeed, the smallest extant bird species is a hummingbird, the 5-cm Bee Hummingbird. They are known as hummingbirds because of the humming sound created by their beating wings which flap at high frequencies audible to humans. They hover in mid-air at rapid wing flapping rates, typically around 50 times per second,[1] but possibly as high as 200 times per second, allowing them also to fly at speeds exceeding 15 m/s (54 km/h; 34 mph),[2] backwards or upside down.[3][4] Hummingbirds have the highest metabolism of any homeothermic animal.[5] To conserve energy when food is scarce, they have the ability to go into a hibernation-like state (torpor) where their metabolic rate is slowed to 1/15th of its normal rate.[6] The smallest species of hummingbird weighs less than a penny. Diet and specialization for food gathering[edit]

Lago Ausente, picos de Europa, north of Spain [1474x1080] photo by Luis Angel أفضل أفلام السفر عبر الزمن | أفضل 10 أفلام خيال علمي تمحورت قصتها حول السفر عبر الزمن من أكثر العناصر المعقدة والمحبطة للإنسان هي الزمن و محاولاتنا اليائسة لإدراكه و فهمه.. فالوقت في تحرك دائم إلى الأمام و نحن ليس لدينا القدرة أن نوقفه أو نعيده أو حتى نقدمه قليلاً فلا نستطيع معرفة ماذا سيحصل .. فالمستقبل بالنسبة لنا هو فراغ و الماضي عبارة عن ثابت. لطالما برزت فكرة السفر عبر الزمن من أفلام الخيال العلمي ، فماذا لو كنا قادرين على العودة إلى الماضي و تغير مجرى الأحداث؟ أو الذهاب إلى المستقبل لرؤية ما آل عليه العالم من تطور؟ هذه أشبه بأحلام يقظة تدور في بال الجميع تقريبا ولكننا عالقين في الحاضر..ما نملكه من الماضي هو ذكرياتنا و من المستقبل تأملاتنا و من هنا أتى خيال السفر عبر الزمن بروعته و باستقراره الفني في كلا الكتب و الأفلام .. أفلام تسمح لبعض أفكارنا الجامحة بالتحقق على شاشات العرض.. 10. تبدأ اللائحة بهذا الفيلم الجميل المليء بالغموض التي تدور أحداث قصته عن جندي عريق شارك في حرب الخليج يُرسل بشكل خاطئ إلى مشفى للأمراض العقلية خاصة بالمجرمين بسبب جريمة لم يرتكبها ، في المشفى يصبح هدف لتجارب دكتور يستخدم وسائل متطرفة لعلها تساعد في شفاء المرضى .. 9. 8. إقرأ أيضاً: 7. 5.

Plant perception (physiology) The leaf closing after touch in Mimosa pudica depends upon electrical signals. Vine tendril. Note how the plant reaches for and wraps around the galvanised wire provided for the purpose. Plant perception occurs on a cellular level. Plant response strategies depend on quick and reliable recognition-systems. Wounded tomatoes are known to produce the volatile odour methyl-jasmonate as an alarm-signal.[5] Plants in the neighbourhood can then detect the chemical and prepare for the attack by producing chemicals that defend against insects or attract predators.[5] Plants systematically use hormonal signalling pathways to coordinate their own development and morphology. Plants produce several proteins found in the animal neuron systems such as acetylcholine esterase, glutamate receptors, GABA receptors, and endocannabinoid signaling components. Plant cells can be electrically excitable and can display rapid electrical responses (action potentials) to environmental stimuli.
