Institut des sciences de la communication du CNRS (ISCC)
Edgar Morin
Edgar Morin Edgar Morin (French: [mɔʁɛ̃]; born Edgar Nahoum in Paris on July 8, 1921) is a French philosopher and sociologist. He is of Judeo-Spanish (Sefardi) origin. He is known for the transdisciplinarity of his works. Biography[edit] In 1946, he returned to Paris and gave up his military career to pursue his activities with the Communist party. Morin founded and directed the magazine Arguments (1954–1962). In 1960, Morin travelled extensively in Latin America, visiting Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Mexico.He returned to France where he published L'Esprit du Temps. That same year, French sociologist Georges Friedmann brought him and Roland Barthes together to create a Centre for the Study of Mass Communication that, after several name-changes, became the Edgar Morin Centre of the EHESS, Paris.[2] Beginning in 1965, Morin became involved in a large multidisciplinary project, financed by the Délégation Générale à la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique in Plozévet. Literary Work[edit]
I2D - Information, données & documents
Tout savoir sur le management de l'information et les pratiques numériques... L'ADBS explore, avec un regard souvent pionnier, les sujets qui font débat en information-documentation. Un numéro centré sur un dossier sur un sujet de fond, abordé selon de multiples approches et coordonné par un expert reconnu de la question, et des articles sur le droit de l'information, l'évolution des métiers et des méthodes. Associer la recherche et la pratique. Une seconde vie. : portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales
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