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Medicine in Social Media LOGIN • SIGN UP You are here: Home Best Public Health Blogs Sexual Health Twitter Channels Twitterers about Sleep Dentistry News Sites Stem Cell News Top Vaccination Blogs Class Sequences [an error occurred while processing this directive] Class Sequences Click on any of the links to see full class notes containing full yoga class sequences. I try to put up a new class every couple of weeks, so check back frequently for updates. If you find these yoga class sequences useful, consider donating to support future additions. Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus) Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) Ashtanga First Series Influenced Ashtanga Second Series Influenced Bakasana (Crane) Bakasana and Twists Dhanurasana (Wheel) Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana Galavasana Hanumanasana Hanumanasana 3 Hips and Groin Hip Openers Nataranjasana Parighasana (Gate) Pincha Mayurasana Basics Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand) Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) Shoulderstand and Forearm Stand Shoulder Opening Spine and Backbends Transitions Twists Urdhva Dhanurasasa (Up Facing Wheel) © 2009 Om Circle Yoga, LLC Contact Me

openSNP On-Demand Clinical Case Analysis for Patients and Health Professionals - search your symptoms, diagnoses, drugs, procedures - Self-Triage and guided HPI MEDgle TOS (Terms of Service) 1. Your relationship with MEDgle 1.1 Your use of MEDgle’s products, software, services and web sites (referred to collectively as the “Services” in this document and excluding any services provided to you by MEDgle under a separate written agreement) is subject to the terms of a legal agreement between you and MEDgle. “MEDgle” means MEDgle, whose principal place of business is at 1151 Sonora Court, Suite 2, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, United States. This document explains how the agreement is made up, and sets out some of the terms of that agreement. 1.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing with MEDgle, your agreement with MEDgle will always include, at a minimum, the terms and conditions set out in this document. 1.3 Your agreement with MEDgle will also include the terms of any Legal Notices applicable to the Services, in addition to the Universal Terms. 2. 2.1 In order to use the Services, you must first agree to the Terms. 2.2 You can accept the Terms by: 3. 4. 5.

Chakras: Chakra Opening and Healing Do chakras really exist? Are they simply the flights of fancy or do they have some real substance in them? How to know? What do you think? What do the culture and the tradition tell us about it? Conventional literature on chakras is full of all esoteric and mystical claims in an unconvincingly authoritative way. Experience it! But if the process of experiencing is too tedious, you won't feel like undergoing it. What's the use? Health. That sounds okay, but what's the way? Okay, let me define chakras the way I experienced them shredded of all their mysticism they are shrouded in, and grounding them in real physical terms of muscular biology. Chakras are energy vortices in the body, in which the energy gets trapped like a whirlwind. Now, what energy is this? It's the energy that gives us life. It simply is. Don't you find some people more energetic than the rest around them? They simply don't stop the flow of energy through their body; or do so less than the rest. But old habits die hard. Strange!

DIYbio/FAQ From OpenWetWare DIYbio FAQ v1.5: "The biohacker's FAQ" This FAQ for DIYbio is actively maintained by it's editors, and by you! Edit your contributions directly or email updates to the DIYbio email list, Major contributors (in alphabetical order): The contents of this FAQ are copyright under the OpenWetWare Copyright policy (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported). This Frequently Asked Questions document is for the DIYBio mailing list. 1.0 - copied on 4/7/2009 from 1.1 - some updates to clarify original version 1.2 - new sections, reorg, + sections about DIY agar DOI:10.1007/BF00152620 1.3 - expand projects sections. DIYbio is an organization that aims to help make biology a worthwhile pursuit for citizen scientists, amateur biologists, and DIY biological engineers who value openness and safety. What is DIYbio's mission? -- Len Sassaman, DIYbio google group Schmidt M, 2008. IRGC 2008. Other Papers:

CrossFit Havoc’s WOD DIYgenomics
