The Collaborative Classroom M.B. Tinzmann, B.F. Jones, T.F. Fennimore, J. New Learning and Thinking Curricula Require Collaboration In Guidebook 1, we explored a "new" vision of learning and suggested four characteristics of successful learners: They are knowledgeable, self-determined strategic, and empathetic thinkers. Effective communication and collaboration are essential to becoming a successful learner. This focus on the collective knowledge and thinking of the group changes the roles of students and teachers and the way they interact in the classroom. The purpose of this GuideBook is to elaborate what classroom collaboration means so that this grass-roots movement can continue to grow and flourish. Characteristics of a Collaborative Classroom Collaborative classrooms seem to have four general characteristics. 1. In traditional classrooms, the dominant metaphor for teaching is the teacher as information giver; knowledge flows only one way from teacher to student. 2. 3. 4. Challenges and Conflicts 1. 2. 3. 4.
The Jigsaw Classroom Bibliografia In Italia la ricerca e la sperimentazione nelle scuole del Cooperative Learning è recente: vi sono diverse esperienze pilota in numerose scuole, poche sono però le pubblicazioni che permettano la messa in comune delle esperienze didattiche e l'apprendimento cooperativo tra insegnanti. Per quel che riguarda i fondamenti del metodo, il riferimento principale sono: - M. Comoglio e M.A. Cardoso Insegnare e apprendere in gruppo. Il Cooperative Learning. - M. - D. - Y. - E. - S. Per approfondimenti relativi a tematiche inerenti il Cooperative Learning: - M.Comoglio. - P.Ellerani, D.Pavan, Cooperative Learning: una proposta per l'orientamento formativo. - Jere Brophy, Motivare gli studenti ad apprendere, Ed.italiana a cura di M.Comoglio, Ed.Las Roma, 2003 - Sergiovanni T.J. e Starratt J.J., Valutare l'insegnamento. - Sergiovanni T.J, Costruire comunità nelle scuole. - Sergiovanni T.J, Dirigere la scuola, comunità che apprende. - Maurizio Gentile, Carlo Petracca, Apprendimento cooperativo. - M.
The 55 Best Free Education Apps For iPad Finding apps isn’t difficult. Finding education apps is only a bit more challenging. Finding free education apps is also possible. Finding free education apps worth downloading is a different story entirely. The following is our list for the 55 best apps for learning we can find. A few notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The 55 Best Free Education Apps For iPad 1. Developer Description: View 360-degree panoramas of places around the globe with Street View; View high resolution satellite imagery of locations around the world. 2. Developer Description: “…explore more than 750 Science, Math, Social Studies, English, Engineering & Tech, Arts & Music, and Health subjects right on their mobile devices. 3. Developer Description: “This app is a fun way for parents, teachers, librarians, and readers to get more information about top rated books at the fifth and sixth grade level. 4. 5. Developer Description: “A growing library of over 80 hands-on Science lessons that are great for home and the classroom. 6. 7.
Crafting Questions That Drive Projects Which comes first, the driving question or the learning goals? I think it depends. The most successful projects feed off of students’ passions. In my first year of teaching, my fifth graders were obsessed with SpongeBob Squarepants. What adventures would SpongeBob have during the Great Depression? So, to develop a driving question, you can use students' interest as a starting point and then creatively connect learning standards. Some of the learning aims my school had for students in math were working with decimals and graphing data. So, you can start with a topic or you start with learning standards to develop a driving question.
How to use real problems to spark real engagement What better way to link the classroom to real life than by giving students problems that actually need fixing? With problem-based learning, students start with a question worth probing and end with a solution that can often provide tangible results. By putting students in the “driver’s seat” of their own learning, education becomes “more relevant and purposeful,” says problem-based learning author and advocate Suzie Boss in her book, Real-World Projects: How do I design relevant and engaging learning experiences? Here are three tips to help your students get the most from their problem-based learning experience: 1. Students are more likely to care about issues that matter to their own lives, especially if they can visualize how the results can improve their schools or communities. In an Education World blog article, Aimee Hosier offers a few questions to get the brainstorming process started: How can we limit food waste in the school cafeteria? 2. 3.
ESL Jigsaws | What Is A Jigsaw? The jigsaw method could be described as "info gap squared." As the father of jigsaws, Professor Eliot Aron says, it promotes positive interdependence and also provides a simple method to ensure individual accountability. From the language learner perspective, it creates a genuine communication situation. Watch this video to get a 3 minute explanation of the method: Watch this 9 minute video to learn how to use the jigsaw most successfully and how to make your own jigsaws: In the jigsaw form of instruction, the target material is divided, usually into four parts, and distributed to small groups to learn. When these homogeneous groups have mastered their material, students regroup into heterogeneous groups to present material and complete a task. Peer teaching and group problem solving are used to complete the jigsaw. Initially, your classroom would look like this: Once students have mastered their material, your classroom would look like this:
L’Apprendimento Cooperativo: facilita la didattica e le relazioni L’Apprendimento Cooperativo è un metodo didattico consolidato e diffuso in molte nazioni. In Italia viene a volte erroneamente confuso con il lavoro di gruppo. Analisi dei due metodi pedagogici e descrizione dei 5 elementi che rendono qualsiasi gruppo un team cooperativo, in cui gli studenti apprendono e crescono insieme. L’Apprendimento Cooperativo utilizza piccoli gruppi di tre o quattro studenti che cooperano apprendendo insieme. Però sorge un equivoco che necessita un approfondimento. A questo riguardo Johnson, padre del modello cooperativo denominato “Learning Together”, mette in guardia insegnanti e conduttori di gruppi sull’esistenza di ben quattro diverse tipologie di gruppi di apprendimento. La seconda casistica di gruppi di lavoro è il “tradizionale lavoro di gruppo” in cui gli studenti collaborano, anche se non c’è una struttura d’interdipendenza sociale che vincola i ragazzi alla cooperazione. Ora veniamo alla terza casistica: i “gruppi di Apprendimento Cooperativo”.
La red educativa escolar - Tiching Driving Questions Now that we have looked at how to ask questions, let's look at why we ask questions. What is our objective? The kind of question we ask our students changes depending on how far along we have progressed in a project and on the mastery level of our students. As students proceed through a project, we can identify two levels of progression: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal progression enhances the breadth of student knowledge and occurs as students work through different stages of a project. Vertical progression enhances the depth of student knowledge and occurs as students gain mastery of each topic. The major horizontal questioning stages encountered in the classroom are outlined below. At the Beginning of a Project: Brainstorming: The driving question is posed to get students' juices flowing about a topic. Organization: These driving questions help organize students' gathered thoughts into several overarching themes. During a Project: During or at the End of a Project:
26 Sentence Stems For Higher-Level Discussion In The Classroom 26 Sentence Stems For Higher-Level Conversation In The Classroom by Terry Heick Meaningful conversation can make learning more personal, immediate, and emotional. During meaningful conversations, students are forced to be accountable for their positions, to listen, to analyze opposing perspectives, and to adapt their thinking on the fly. There are many popular strategies for these kinds of conversations, each with slightly unique rules and applications. It is sometimes argued that the these kinds of conversations favor students that are confident expressing themselves verbally, and that’s hard to argue. And all can benefit from scaffolding, so that students are given different levels of support–maybe unique tiers of index cards with easier to use or more natural stems–so that they can be successful on some level. If you have any useful conversation stems, let us know in the comments so we can update the list! 26 Sentence Stems For Meaningful Conversation In The Classroom Clarifying Agreeing
Resources - IASCE - Cooperative Learning Manchester, England 2002 Conference Presentations and Papers. Conference theme: Cooperative Learning and Responsible Citizenship in the 21st Century Plenary presentations: Other Organizations IAIE: International Association for Intercultural Education Co-sponsors of the 2008 Torino, Italy Conference. IASCE had a CL strand at the IAIE conferences in Athens (2009), in Mexico (2012), and in Budapest (2016). The United Kingdom Co-operative College Co-sponsors of the 2002 Manchester Conference. Syntiro.org Provides personalised technical assistance and innovative professional learning opportunities designed to enhance organisational and individual capacity The Center for the Collaborative Classroom The Center for the Collaborative Classroom is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to providing continuous professional learning for teachers and curricula that support the academic, ethical, and social development of children Additional Cooperative Learning Links and Organizations
COOPERATIVE LEARNING Il Cooperative Learning costituisce una specifica metodologia di insegnamento attraverso la quale gli studenti apprendono in piccoli gruppi, aiutandosi reciprocamente e sentendosi corresponsabili del reciproco percorso. L’insegnante assume un ruolo di facilitatore ed organizzatore delle attività, strutturando “ambienti di apprendimento” in cui gli studenti, favoriti da un clima relazionale positivo, trasformano ogni attività di apprendimento in un processo di “problem solving di gruppo”, conseguendo obiettivi la cui realizzazione richiede il contributo personale di tutti. Tali obiettivi possono essere conseguiti se all’interno dei piccoli gruppi di apprendimento gli studenti sviluppano determinate abilità e competenze sociali, intese come un insieme di “abilità interpersonali e di piccolo gruppo indispensabili per sviluppare e mantenere un livello di cooperazione qualitativamente alto” Quali vantaggi presenta? Che cosa rende efficace la cooperazione ?