Modeling Earthquake Waves | Earth Science Week An earthquake occurs when massive rock layers slide past each other. This motion makes enormous vibrations, which travel from the site of the earthquake in waves. The waves (seismic waves) travel all the way through the Earth. Earthquakes generate three kinds of waves: Compressional waves (P waves) travel the fastest. Materials Two Slinkys™Flat, smooth surfaceNotebook and penSafety goggles Procedure Work with a partner. Méridiens et points d'acupuncture La Médecine traditionnelle chinoise (MTC) nomme JingLuo le réseau complexe qu'emprunte le Qi pour circuler dans le corps humain. Le terme Jing évoque l'idée de trajets, ce que nous appelons les Méridiens, tandis que Luo évoque les multiples ramifications et croisements dérivant des branches principales des Méridiens. L'ensemble forme les « Systèmes-Méridiens » qui alimentent ou qui relient les différentes parties du corps, et qui établissent des connexions entre les Viscères, enfouis dans l'organisme, et les points d'acupuncture, à la surface du corps. L'Énergie qui circule dans les Méridiens se nomme JingQi. Par exemple, le fait que des yeux rouges puissent suggérer un déséquilibre au niveau de l'Énergie du Foie s'explique par la connexion du Méridien du Foie avec les yeux (voir Mal de tête). Deux grands réseaux : les huit Méridiens curieux et les 12 Systèmes-Méridiens Les huit Méridiens curieux ou Merveilleux Vaisseaux Les 12 Systèmes-Méridiens Marées énergétiques Les familles de points
How do P & S waves give evidence for a liquid outer core? Shadow Zones For background on this animation series, download Background from the Resources box.Animations are available for preview in embedded YouTube. To download, right click the 'Quicktime Animation' link and choose 'Save Target As' (PC) or 'Download Linked File' (Mac).Send us feedback. Intro to Shadow Zones The seismic shadows are the effect of seismic waves striking the core-mantle boundary. P and S waves radiate spherically away from an earthquake’s focus in all directions and return to the surface by many paths. Quicktime (5.73 MB) Seismic Shadow Zones vs Light Shadows The wave properties of light are used as an analogy to help us understand seismic-wave behavior. Quicktime (9.36 MB) Shadow Zone Rollover Flash interactive rollover shows the different P and S phases and their respective shadow zones. Flash (154 kB) P Phases and the Shadow Zone Animation addresses 5 common variations of P-type seismic body waves. Quicktime (6.31 MB) S Phases and the Shadow Zone Quicktime (4.49 MB)
Huangdi Nei Jing Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le Huangdi Nei Jing (黄帝内经) ou Classique interne de l'empereur Jaune est le plus ancien ouvrage de médecine chinoise traditionnelle. Il se divise en deux parties : le Su Wen et le Ling Shu. Tous les aspects de la médecine y sont abordés, avec leur traitement, et plus particulièrement le traitement par acupuncture. Forme et origine mythique[modifier | modifier le code] La rédaction de l'ouvrage est attribuée au mythique empereur Jaune (Huangdi, XXVIIIe siècle av. « Moi qui suis le chef d'un grand peuple... — Nei Jing Su Wen, traduction Jacques-André Lavier, Pardès 1990, (ISBN 2-86714-071-4) Datation[modifier | modifier le code] L'existence de cet empereur est mythique et on considère que l'ouvrage aurait pu être compilé durant la période couvrant les Royaumes combattants (-500 à -220) et la dynastie Han (-206 à +220). Structure[modifier | modifier le code] Les textes qui nous sont parvenus[modifier | modifier le code]
Why do seismic waves travel a curving path through the Earth? Refraction For background on this animation series, download Background from the Resources box.Animations are available for preview in embedded YouTube. To download, right click the 'Quicktime Animation' link and choose 'Save Target As' (PC) or 'Download Linked File' (Mac).Send us feedback. Travel times through different media This animation shows what happens to seismic waves as they encounter a boundary between a slower and faster layer in the Earth with introduction to Snell’s Law. Quicktime Animation (4 MB) Seismic Sprint—race to the seismometer The animation on the left describes the relative speeds of the direct, critically refracted and head waves. Quicktime Animation (1 MB) Seismic Sprint—graphing the seismograms Using the same seismic ray paths, the animation below adds a graph to see how data recorded show the distance transition of first arrival wave paths. Quicktime Animation (3 MB) Direct ray races 5 different refracted rays Quicktime Animation (2 MB) Quicktime Animation (3 MB)
Lesson Plans On Sound And Acoustics For Grades 4 Through 6 Acoustics is the study of the properties of sound and how sound is transmitted through space. Engineers working on airplane design pay close attention to the acoustics of the airplane cabin in an effort to keep passengers as comfortable as possible. In this module, students develop, test, and modify designs for a quieter airplane cabin. NGSS addressed by this module: MS-ETS1-1 MS-ETS1-4 MS-PS4-1 MS-PS4-2 MS-LS1-8 Grade Band: 4-8 Download the Lessons Entire Unit: Quieter Cabin DAYS 1–10: Quieter Cabin Teacher Handbook Download DAYS 1 & 2: How Sound Travels Away from an Airplane Engine Students are introduced to the design problem of creating a quieter cabin for airplane passengers. DAY 3: Shake, Rattle, and Roll (Optional Extension) Students further explore the idea that energy can flow from one form to another as they continue to build their understanding of sound generation and transmission. DAY 10: Report It Out! Download Additional Resources Quieter Cabin Student Handbook Download
Sound Booth Construction (From Lesson contributed by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Drexel University GK-12 Program) Update 1/31/14: Activity and worksheet no longer available on TeachEngineering site. Click HERE for .pdf of original Drexel activity; other sound-related activities can be found HERE on the home page of the then-graduate student who created the sound-booth engineering activity, Travis Doll. For additional sound or acoustic engineering resources, click HERE for Sound Booth Engineers, a design activity for second grade science students from UNC-Chapel Hill. In this activity, students in grades 7 – 9 explore the sound-dampening ability of numerous materials by designing and prototyping model sound booths. Grade level: 7-9 Time: 3 hours Learning Objectives After this activity, students should be able to: Standards International Technology Education Association F. Common Core State Mathematics Standards 12. National Assessment of Educational Progress Materials
New Tech Could Read Books Without Opening Them Using technology akin to X-ray vision, scientists can read closed books, identifying letters printed on stacks of paper up to nine sheets thick. This finding could lead to office machines that can scan reams of paper at once, or help researchers scan ancient books that are too fragile to open. The researchers also said it could perhaps help spies read mail without opening envelopes. The prototype device uses terahertz radiation, the band of electromagnetic radiation between microwaves and infrared light. The new system relies on how different chemicals absorb different frequencies of terahertz radiation to varying degrees, the scientists said. Moreover, the new system exploits the fact that air and paper each bend light to a different degree, and that pages of a book trap air pockets between them. The researchers used a terahertz camera to scan a stack of card-size, 300-micron-thick sheets of paper. One application of this work could involve reading ancient and fragile texts.
Free K - 12 Common Core Lesson Plans and Ideas Middle School Physical Sciences Scroll Up Scroll Down Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer back Use mathematical representations to describe a simple model for waves that includes how the amplitude of a wave is related to the energy in a wave. 5 Lesson(s) Properties of Waves: Making Waves Visible 7th Grade Science » Unit: Waves: An Introduction and Exploration of Wave Properties Leigh Roehm Saline, MI Environment: Suburban Big Idea: Wave properties need to be visible to students to promote understanding. Standards: Favorites (96) Resources (25) Reflections (2) The Electromagnetic Spectrum Students review characteristic properties of model using a fun vocabulary strategy and create a graphic representation of electromagnetic waves and their uses. Favorites (34) Resources (35) Reflections (1) Wave Behavior Lab Rotation: Day 1 Favorites (39) Wave Behavior Lab Rotation: Day 2 RST.6-8.7 WHST.6-8.2.a MS-PS4-1 MS-PS4-2 SP2 SP5 XC-P-MS-4 Favorites (24) Resources (37) Ryan Keser Kindergarten