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The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2011 — So Far

I usually just do a year-end list on Web 2.0 Applications For Education and many other topics, but it gets a little crazy having to review all of my zillion posts at once. So, to make it easier for me — and perhaps, to make it a little more useful to readers — I’m going to start publishing mid-year lists, too. These won’t be ranked, unlike my year-end “The Best…” lists, and just because a site appears on a mid-year list doesn’t guarantee it will be included in an end-of-the-year one. But, at least, I won’t have to review all my year’s posts in December… As usual, in order to make this list, a site had to be: * accessible to English Language Learners and non-tech savvy users. * free-of-charge. * appropriate for classroom use. * completely browser-based with no download required. It’s possible that a few of these sites began in 2010, but, if so, I’m including them in this list because they were “new to me” in 2011. You might want to visit previous editions: Feedback is welcome.

Library 2.0 - the future of libraries in the digital age 7 Essential multimedia tools and their free alternatives Why spend money on expensive multimedia tools when you can use comparable alternatives for free? They may not be an exact replacement, but how can you argue with the price? PHOTO EDITING: PhotoshopFree: Splashup Photoshop may be the industry leader when it comes to photo editing and graphic design, but Splashup, a free online tool, has many of the same capabilities at a much cheaper price. Splashup has lots of the tools you’d expect to find in Photoshop and has a similar layout, which is a bonus for those looking to get started right away. WEB DESIGN: DreamweaverFree: KompoZer Looking to create your next web site without paying big money for programs like Dreamweaver? VIDEO: Final Cut, Adobe PremiereFree: iMovie, JayCut Many video editors, both novice and professional, use iMovie to create professional-looking videos and an amateur price. AUDIO: ProTools, Adobe AuditionFree: Audacity, GarageBand SLIDESHOWS: SoundslidesFree: PhotoPeach INTERACTIVE MEDIA: FlashFree: Effect Generator

Nevernote - An Open Source Evernote Clone cool tools for schools Classroom 2.0 Congreso TIC Ideas to Inspire Modifications de Microsoft Expression | Microsoft Expression La prolifération d'applications Web riches et interactives dans le Cloud et les appareils mobiles continue de créer de nouvelles opportunités en termes de design et de développement créatifs. Ces technologies évoluent sans cesse et Microsoft s'engage donc à fournir les meilleurs outils pour créer des applications modernes. Dans le cadre de la prise en charge de ces tendances du secteur, Microsoft consolide ses offres de développement et de design : Expression et Visual Studio, et ce afin d'offrir à tous ses clients une solution unifiée qui réunit le meilleur du Web et des modèles de développement modernes. Blend continue à être fourni en tant qu'outil autonome de Visual Studio 2013, dans le cadre d'une offre consolidée destinée aux concepteurs/développeurs. Blend for Visual Studio 2013 offre un environnement riche centré sur la conception pour créer des applications pour Windows Store, Windows Phone, WPF et Silverlight. Expression Blend Essayer Visual Studio 2013 Expression Web

The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators A comprehensive introduction to using technology in all K-12 classrooms. There are teachers around the world who want to use technology in their classrooms, but they’re just not sure where to start. That’s why eleven prominent bloggers, teachers, and school administrators got together to create this free ebook. Introduction: pages 2-3 An Administrator's View: pages 4-7 Elementary School: pages 8-25 Middle School: pages 26-35 High School: pages 36-42 ESL/ELL: pages 43-46 Teaching Online: pages 47-50 Connect Via Skype: pages 51-61 Elementary School Blogging: pages 62-65 Alternative Ed Tech: pages 66-68 Social Media for Educators: pages 69-71 Contributors Steven Anderson Adam Bellow Richard Byrne George Couros Larry Ferlazzo Lee Kolbert Patrick Larkin Cory Plough Beth Still Kelly Tenkely Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

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