Un aérogel en graphène imprimé en 3D pour la nanoélectronique Une équipe de chercheurs du célèbre Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory a réalisé un aérogel en graphène qui pourrait avoir d'importantes applications en nanoélectroniques, notamment pour fabriquer des batteries et des capteurs. La nouveauté par rapport aux précédents matériaux de ce type est que celui-ci présente une structure plus ordonnée obtenue par impression 3D. Les chercheurs du Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory se sont illustrés plusieurs fois par des travaux sur l'aérogel. Cette mousse supporte plus de 2.000 fois son poids et constitue le solide le plus léger du monde. L'année dernière, les chercheurs du laboratoire Lawrence Livermore ont confectionné un aérogel à base de graphène et l'ont utilisé pour réaliser un supercondensateur. Le processus de fabrication de l'aérogel en graphène commence par la confection d'une encre à base d’oxyde de graphène en suspension dans l’eau et mélangé à de la silice. Intéressé par ce que vous venez de lire ? Cela vous intéressera aussi
Insulation - Lowimpact.orgLow impact living info, training, products & services What is it? It is any material that slows down the rate at which heat is lost through the fabric of your building (although it can also mean sound or fire insulation, or keeping heat out, this factsheet is about keeping heat in). Air is actually the insulator, and the material is a way of trapping air. For example, you may sleep under a duvet containing eider (duck) feathers. Installing internal wall insulation. Houses had solid walls until the 1920s, when they started to be built with two walls with a cavity in between. k-values, R-values and U-values The insulation properties of a material can be expressed by its k-value. Some building materials are themselves very insulating, such as hempcrete – here being used to insulate a roof; and straw bale walls have an exceptionally good U-value (0.13). What are the benefits? It will reduce the amount of heat you need to generate, and therefore save energy, along with the associated pollutants and emissions. What can I do?
Aérogel Il a été créé par Steven Kistler en 1931, lors d'un pari avec Charles Learned de la forme : « Qui pourrait remplacer le liquide à l'intérieur d'un bocal de gel, par du gaz, sans qu'il se rétracte ? »[1]. Les travaux de Kistler l'ont amené à composer des aérogels de silice, d'alumine, d'oxyde de chrome(III) ou d'oxyde d'étain. Des aérogels composés de carbone ont été inventés au début des années 1990. Caractéristiques[modifier | modifier le code] Une démonstration des capacités isolantes de l'aérogel. L'aérogel est composé jusqu'à 99,8 % d'air avec un rapport masse de solide / volume de l'aérogel pouvant descendre à 0,16 mg/cm3, ce qui en faisait le solide le plus léger connu encore récemment (micro-lattice, aérographite). L'aérogel est un isolant remarquable, car il stoppe presque complètement trois méthodes de propagation de chaleur (la conduction thermique, la radiation thermique et la convection). À cause de sa nature hygroscopique, l'aérogel est sec au toucher et il assèche.
Webshop Wohnwagon | Die Dämmstoff-Parade! Wir stellen vor… Willkommen bei der Parade! Heut machen die verschiedensten Dämmstoffe ihre Aufwartung. Dämmplatten, Wolle, Verbunddämmstoffe, eingeblasene, geschüttet, gestopfte – eine bunte Mischung! Jeder Dämmstoff hat andere Stärken und Schwächen, manche eignen sich besser für Türen & Fenster, andere für erdberührte Zonen. Im heutigen Blog sind viele Dämmstoffe an der Reihe. So, da marschieren sie auch schon auf! Schaumglas – Schaumkrone kennen wir, aber was ist Schaumglas? Schaumglas ist Glas das mit Treibmitteln und hoher Temperatur aufgeschäumt wird. Schaumglas hat eine Dämmwirkung von λ = 0,038 W/mK (was das heißt erklären wir in unserem letzten Blog – schau rein!) Perlit – Keine Angst das kauft man nicht beim Juwelier Perlit ist ein Vulkanisches Gestein und wird auch gerne als Naturglas bezeichnet. λ ≈ 0.050 W/mK Vulkanischer Perlit ist als Rohstoff weltweit in ausreichendem Maße vorhanden, aber nicht regional. Die Produktion ist gleich wie beim Blähton sehr energieaufwendig. Was Kork kann: Links
Cómo fabricar aerogel: 25 pasos 3 partes:Construye el secador supercríticoPrepara aerogel de síliceInstrucciones de secado alternativas – secado subcrítico El aerogel es un material ultra liviano con una densidad muy baja y muy poca conductividad térmica. Es bastante traslúcido; sin embargo, tiene una textura áspera al tacto. Tradicionalmente, el aerogel se fabrica con un proceso de secado supercrítico, así que deberás construir en tu casa tu propio secador supercrítico si quieres fabricar este material por tu cuenta. Existen algunas variedades que se pueden fabricar sin un secador supercrítico, pero tienden a ser más sensibles y más densas. Anuncio Pasos Parte 1 de 3: Construye el secador supercrítico <img alt="Imagen titulada Make Aerogel Step 1" src=" width="670" height="503" class="whcdn">1Consigue un tubo de dióxido de carbono de 9 kg (20 lb). Parte 2 de 3: Prepara aerogel de sílice Advertencias Cosas que necesitarás
The Best Insulation Types for Your Home Installing insulation is one of the most environmentally friendly things a homeowner can do. About 65 percent of U.S. houses are poorly insulated, a 2005 Harvard study estimates. Fortunately, you can cut heating and cooling bills by about 30 percent with proper insulation. These days, insulation is made with everything from newspaper and sheep's wool to cotton and chemical foams. Many are far more "green" than their predecessors-including formaldehyde-free and recycled-content insulation. Even fiberglass, that old standard, has improved environmentally. When choosing insulation, most homeowners contemplate R-value, which measures resistance to heat flow. A federal energy tax credit can help homeowners recoup their insulation investment if they complete the improvements by the end of 2007. Fiberglass insulation: The pink stuff Foam insulation Spray foam insulation is an effective insulator with an R-value that ranges from about 3.2 to 7 per inch. Cotton insulation Cellulose insulation 1. 2.
Alibaba Manufacturer Directory - Suppliers, Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers Huamei aerogel product application areas The advantages of Aerogel fireproof materials 1.Good energy-saving effect. Huamei Aerogel thermal insulation material with low thermal conductivity, compared with traditional insulation materials 0 cotton one-third thickness, under the same conditions, heat loss reduction 45W/m, per metre pipe an annual energy saving of about 388 units, with a total length of 1000 metres, pipe an annual energy saving of about 388,000 units, reducing carbon emissions was approximately 388,000 kg. Aerogel thermal insulation material is completely fireproof material, even if it exceeds its maximum operating temperature will not burn, no cracking. 2.Low cost. Huamei Aerogel thermal insulation sheet obviously frivolous, not only increase flow rate, maintenance easier, while also saving the outer stainless steel-coated material, making the whole lower construction costs. 3.Long service life. 4.
Top 5 Green Insulation Options Is there anything soybeans can't do? You can find them in milk, candy, disinfectants, insecticides, cooking oils, margarine and now, home insulation. Chicago homeowners Jason and Jennifer LaFleur learned all about insulation when they began renovating their kitchen. They found that they didn't need to buy conventional fiberglass insulation. Instead, they sprayed soybean foam insulation into their walls [source: Pandolfi]. The LaFleurs discovered what other homeowners are now learning -- that the color of home insulation isn't just pink. Reducing energy costs is one of the most important factors in selecting insulation. Technically speaking, home insulation is green by its very nature because it saves energy. Whatever your definition of green, the best way to quantify how well insulation works is by its R-value, which measures its resistance to heat flow and ranges between less than R-1 and R-60. Interested in greening your insulation?
Aerogel High-quality particulate silica aerogel enables best-in-class solutions for energy-efficient buildings and industrial infrastructure, safe-to-touch surfaces, personal care products and more. Aerogel, known as the “world’s best insulating solid material,” is used to enhance the thermal performance of energy-saving materials and sustainable products for buildings, on- and off-shore industrial infrastructure and consumer products, as well as acting as a high performance additive to coatings and personal care offerings. Our product line enables a wide range of product forms and applications, including: We are the global leader in producing high quality particulate silica aerogel. Best in thermal insulation. Upcoming Events European Coatings Show April 4-6, 2017 Exhibition Centre in Nuremberg, Germany Booth 1-418 in Hall 1 We will exhibit at this conference, which is the world-leading exhibition for paint and coatings. More Information > Solving Complex Challenges + More - Less
Soy Based Foam Insulation: What It Is, and Why You Should Use It There’s no doubt that green building is taking off in a big way (and hooray to that!). It’s getting easier, and cheaper, to build homes that are not only safe for the environment, but also safe for us. When it comes to your home’s insulation, you’ve got some great choices to pick from. There’s regular spray foam insulation, cotton-based insulation (like those made from recycled jeans), and soy based insulation. All have their perks and drawbacks, and I’m focusing today’s article on soy based insulation. Important Addition: After this article originally posted on 2/23, I was contacted by James Morshead, a spray foam installer with SDI Insulation, Inc. out in California who pointed out some factual errors within the text. Now, let’s jump into the fascinating world of insulation. What Is Soy Based Insulation? Sorry if I’m stating the obvious here, but soy based insulation is insulation that uses soy as an ingredient. Health What’s it made of? Side A: Polymeric Diphenylmethane Diiosocyanate 100%