EAQUALS | Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Language Services | accredited quality in language learning Professional Development in Technology I recently came across a blog by a Head of English in a school. It’s interesting to hear the views of a non-ICT specialist about what works or might work in getting teachers engaged. There are some very useful points made in the post entitled Professional Development in Schools: Listening to staff after PD, their number one complaint is about not getting time to play and make stuff with what they just learned This is absolutely correct in my experience. Make sure the project is based on something that can actually be used in the classroom (not just an excuse to try new tools) following a sound curriculum planning process. Something which ought not need to be said, but it’s all too often the case that people fall into the trap of pursuing gadgets and widgets for their own sake. Are lunch and learns the answer? On the other hand, I can see that lunch and learns are an attractive alternative to twilights and learns. Other articles you may find useful Ed Tech Leadership Issues
BigBlueButton -- Open Source Web Conferencing | www.bigbluebutton.org in S.E.Asia : Web 2.0 (The Education Project Asia) The term "Web 2.0" (pronounced "web two point Oh") was conceived in 2005 to describe a new breed of websites that use newer web authoring tools, are low learning curves (for the user) and support a collaborative environment .. ... usually free and usually just all done in a web browser It is difficult to say exactly what a Web 2.0 site looks like, an online "Validator" attempts to do so. | Lists/News/Reviews of Web 2.0 Websites | Web 2.0 Videos | | Web 2.0 (Teach&Learn) Resources | Examples of Web 2.0 in Educ | | Library 2.0 | School 2.0 | Leadership and Web 2.0 | Web 3.0 |
Lisa’s Not that long ago, there were exciting new things to try in ed tech. It was easy to get enthusiastic about not only new products but the way the web was going, and to encourage faculty to jump in. But in the last few years, the web has gone stagnant. Certain models of development, and certain tools, have become dominant, and online teaching has become far less excitiing. 1. Education, as Apple has known since 1981, is a market. 2. A couple of years ago, I got a note from an irate blogger because I was using her education blog to try out a feed aggregation plugin for WordPress. We have pulled people away from the idea of creating their own web spaces, because it’s so much more convenient to just use Facebook or Google. 3. When faculty were afraid to work with web 2.0 tools, we used to talk about the possible creativity. 4. This is true pedagogically and technologically. And the tools themselves just perpetuate the same ways of doing things. 5. 6. cc BK at Flickr 7. Lessons of technology
«e-Learning Africa» : une initiative éducative à perpétuer Écrit par Yao Hervé Kingbêwé 31 mai 2012 Vues: 2292 réaction(s) : 3 Les travaux de la 7ème Conférence internationale consacrée aux Technologies de l’information et de la communication (Tic) appliquées au développement, à l’enseignement et à la formation «e-Learning Africa» ont été officiellement clôturés. L’édition 2012 de la Conférence internationale consacrée aux Technologies de l’information et de la communication (Tic) appliquées au développement, à l’enseignement et à la formation «e-Learning Africa» est désormais conjuguée au passé.
Google Tools Tutorials This page contains tutorials for using Google tools. The tutorials that I've created you are welcome to use in your own blog, website, or professional development session. Before using the tutorials created by others, please contact their creators. Google Docs for Teachers 2012 Google for Teachers Google for Teachers II - Google Earth Across the Curriculum - How to remove the Navigation Bar from Blogger Blogs. Google Voice. VoiceMail Transcription. Number porting in Google Voice. SMS to Email. Conference Calls. Make calls from your computer. Creating a blog using Blogger. Adding Static Pages to Blogger. Posting to your Blogger blog from your phone. Quandary Home Page Quandary is an application for creating Web-based Action Mazes. An Action Maze is a kind of interactive case-study; the user is presented with a situation, and a number of choices as to a course of action to deal with it. On choosing one of the options, the resulting situation is then presented, again with a set of options. Working through this branching tree is like negotiating a maze, hence the name "Action Maze". Action mazes can be used for many purposes, including problem-solving, diagnosis, procedural training, and surveys/questionnaires. Quandary is only available for Windows (although it also works perfectly on Wine under Linux). The Quandary site has now been moved to the University of Victoria.
Phil Bradley:Internet search, Librarians, search engines, web search danah boyd L’utilisation du portail Édu-groupe dans les écoles : avantages et inconvénients Dans le baccalauréat d’enseignement préscolaire et primaire à l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, le cours « Initiation aux technologies éducatives » nous apprend à quel point les technologies sont devenues présentes dans le quotidien de nos élèves. Ainsi, dès la petite enfance, les enfants sont mis en contact avec plusieurs technologies et apprennent à s’en servir. Dorénavant, il est fréquent de retrouver un ordinateur dans une salle où se trouvent des enfants de 4 ans dans certains centres de la petite enfance et de constater que ces enfants savent autant que leur éducatrice utiliser l’ordinateur. Ainsi, nos futurs élèves ont grandi en ayant à leur portée des technologies pour trouver des informations rapidement ou simplement pour se divertir. Voilà que certains moyens technologiques sont proposés dans les écoles pour les enseignants ainsi que leurs élèves et parfois même les parents. Matériel Pédagogie (Les sources que j'ai utilisées sont mises en hyperlien.) Étu 41
e-Prints Soton - Learning and teaching using ICT in secondary sc Woollard, John (2007) Learning and teaching using ICT in secondary schools, Exeter, UK, Learning Matters Ltd, 192pp. (Achieving QTS). Download Full text not available from this repository. Description/Abstract This book supports secondary trainees, whatever their subject specialism, who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of the ways in which ICT can enhance learning and teaching. It recognises the variety of contexts in which ICT is used and demonstrates the many ways in which it can support learning and teaching, both in the classroom and in the virtual worlds of school intranets, websites and learning platforms. The book is motivated by the conviction that ICT should be used as an effective tool for teaching and learning and not just for its own sake.
Learning Management Systems – The Choices | WordPress Specialist Learning Management Systems (also termed Course Management Systems (CMS) learning content management systems (LCMSs) and sometimes Corporate Learning Systems (CLS)) have significantly enhanced learning capabilities within educational institutions (universities, schools, training providers etc.) as well as within individual organizations (government departments, businesses etc.). LMS solutions are becoming more attractive to organizations through enhanced features and reliability as well as reducing costs, in particular as a result of significant improvements in Open Source LMS products. LMS Categories and Considerations Learning Management Systems (LMS) are available in two broad categories; Open Source (and free) and paid-for (propriety). It has already been mentioned that implementing a LMS is a significant task. LMS Products Free (all Open Source) Most of the Open Source Systems are based on Apache, PHP and MYSQL making installation simple and inexpensive (or free). Paid-for
Ewan McIntosh | Digital Media & Learning