Eastgate: Serious Hypertext The Socratic Method The Socratic Method:Teaching by Asking Instead of by Tellingby Rick Garlikov The following is a transcript of a teaching experiment, using the Socratic method, with a regular third grade class in a suburban elementary school. I present my perspective and views on the session, and on the Socratic method as a teaching tool, following the transcript. The class was conducted on a Friday afternoon beginning at 1:30, late in May, with about two weeks left in the school year. This time was purposely chosen as one of the most difficult times to entice and hold these children's concentration about a somewhat complex intellectual matter. The point was to demonstrate the power of the Socratic method for both teaching and also for getting students involved and excited about the material being taught. The experiment was to see whether I could teach these students binary arithmetic (arithmetic using only two numbers, 0 and 1) only by asking them questions. 1) "How many is this?" 4) Another way?
50 Life Secrets and Tips Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances.
Hair Or No Hair, Will The Bed Bugs Still Bite? | Hair Accessories Blog New York City, one of the most visited cities in the world, caters to all types of travelers. From shaggy haired back packers to shiny headed millionaires. However, the latest outbreak of “bed bugs” have only but added anxiety to anybody enroute to NYC. Hair or no hair, here are a few tips you need to know when visiting New York this summer. According to an article posted on msnbc.com, “Bed bugs can get in your hair but the good news is that they really don’t want to be there”. Sigh. Hair or no hair, bed bugs have your address. Actually, the first step in any packing situation is to pack clothing in air tight ziplock bags. Has the recent outbreak of bed bugs scared your summer guests away?
Science, Reason and Critical Thinking The Meaning of Life (or, What's it all about?) Now available in Spanish! (Traduccin de hsu - midipaj@arrakis.es ) Let's step back a moment... Why do you want to know the meaning of life? Often people ask this question when they really want the answer to some other question. If you're questioning the meaning of life because you've been unhappy and depressed a good bit, click here. On a related note, if you want to know the meaning of life because you feel useless and worthless, click here. If you want to see our answer so that you can prove your intellectual prowess by poking holes in it, click here. If something awful just happened to you or someone you care about and you don't understand why bad things happen to good people, click here. If you would like to help the world but most of the rest of the world seems completely insane, click here. If you wonder why there is so much hatred in the world, click here. If you wonder why there is so much violence in our society, click here. The Meaning of Life - Part II
Des histoires sculptés dans des livres Le japonais Tomoko Takeda a réalisé cette série d’oeuvres intitulées « Fragments d’histoires » pour lesquelles il découpe les pages de livre de façon à créer des représentations des histoires contenues dans les textes. Le mariage, des mariages Je vous ai déjà parlé de Balzac et de sa Physiologie du mariage. C’était à vrai dire un monument de snobisme et de machisme puisque cet homme seulement fichu de n’aimer que des femmes mariées à d’autres, dressait le compte des femmes qui pouvaient l’intéresser ! Je suis certaine que Balzac qui a créé dans sa Comédie humaine un personnage d’homosexuel aurait participé vigoureusement, peut-être même soutenu l’idée d’un mariage homosexuel. Mais du temps de Balzac, la médecine ne jouait pas avec la vie et la mort ! Parmi les opposants au mariage homosexuel, il y a les religieux. Pour ce qui me concerne, je ne vois pas de bonnes raisons pour maintenir la limitation du mariage à deux personnes de sexe différent. Je le regrette mais je dois constater que la France n’est plus un pays catholique. Que je sois bien claire : le mariage pour tous ce n’est pas non plus un argument au moins pour aujourd’hui mais ça viendra peut-être ! Pour tout cela, je ne vois pas de raison sérieuse de s’y opposer.