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19 Essential Google+ Resources

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46 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed Get ready for Mashable's weekly roundup! This week, we've performed original Google+ analysis, prepared you for the Mac OS X Lion release, and pointed you toward the best fictional Twitter accounts. We've celebrated startups and mourned space shuttle finales. So review the list of important resources you may have missed over the past week. Tune in for more great stories and tools coming at you sooner than you can say "Spotify."

7 Ways Google+ Users Are Getting More Out of Their Circles Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Organizing your circles in Google+ can be the most confusing part of the new social network. Yet people are learning to embrace and even optimize their circles for better productivity, filtering and privacy. We spoke with some Google+ mavericks about how they've corralled their circles to be more effective.

Post de Craig Kanalley If you're just dipping your toe in the water on Google+, haven't been pleased with it thus far or seem unsure about its value, I thought I'd share a few tips on how to improve your Google+ experience (at least from my experience): It's not immediately clear, but the "Find People" search box at the top of the site isn't just for searching names. It's also for searching Google+ profiles. That means you can enter company names, places (cities/towns), topics you're interested in, schools, etc. and turn up results by clicking "Find everyone matching." 10 Top Google+ Users Weigh In on the Web's Newest Social Network Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news.

Google+: The Complete Guide Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Guide updated January 18, 2012 Google+: It's the hot social network on the block. How to manage your online real-time existence David Rowan Editor of Wired magazine I write The Digital Life, a monthly tech column in our sister Conde Nast magazine, GQ. This is my column from last month's issue (dated July). To subscribe to GQ, click here. Google Url Shortener Posted by Michael Hermanto, Software Engineer, Firebase We launched the Google URL Shortener back in 2009 as a way to help people more easily share links and measure traffic online. Since then, many popular URL shortening services have emerged and the ways people find content on the Internet have also changed dramatically, from primarily desktop webpages to apps, mobile devices, home assistants, and more. To refocus our efforts, we're turning down support for over the coming weeks and replacing it with Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL). FDLs are smart URLs that allow you to send existing and potential users to any location within an iOS, Android or web app.

The Complete Educator’s Guide to Using Skype effectively in the classroom Increasingly, educators globally are transforming their classroom using Skype to create powerful, authentic, motivating learning experiences for their students. From connecting with classrooms in other locations to learning about each others’ culture to connecting with content experts – educators are extending learning beyond classroom walls. So how do you use Skype effectively with your class? Hopefully this will help! Here’s our educator’s guide on every thing you need to know about Skype from…… 1.

How Do I Reactivate my Facebook Account? Has your Facebook account suddenly been disabled? Don't worry, it can happen to anyone (even celebrities like Roger Ebert), and it can usually be fixed with a little effort and a careful approach. First, you should get acquainted with Facebook's Statement of Rights & Responsibilities. We know, it's a long document but it contains important guidelines on what you should and shouldn't do on the world's biggest social network. Why Was My Account Disabled? Upload images to Google+ via iPhone So you’re the first of all your friends to nail down a Google+ account. You’ve started pushing invites to everyone you know. You are logging your daily life and online expeditions in the most efficient manner possible and sharing to all of your circles, but wait!! You can’t upload images to Google+ from your iPhone?? Blasphemy! What’s a tech nerd, living on the bleeding edge to do?
