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Statistical Visualization For his book The Visual Miscellaneum, David McCandless, along with Lee Byron, had a look at breakups on Facebook, according to status updates. They looked for the phrase "we broke up because" in status updates, and then graphed the frequencies over time. Why they couldn't just look at updates to relationship status, I'm not sure. Notice the peak leading up to the holiday season and spring cleaning. Finally, there's the highlight of Mondays, which you might lead you to believe that people like to call it quits during the beginning of the week. [Information is Beautiful | Thanks, Elise]

David McCandless - Statistics Imagery Visual Gapminder - Statistic Imagery indiemapper is free - Axis Maps Blog by David Heyman on January 5, 2012 With the start of 2012, we’ve decided to make indiemapper free to use. Since indiemapper launched in 2010, our business has grown and changed to where supporting and maintaining indiemapper is no longer a major part of what we do at Axis Maps every day. We’re making indiemapper free so that it can continue to exist as a useful tool for map-makers while freeing us up to be as awesome as possible at our custom cartography business. To allow us to give it away for free, we’re scaling back what indiemapper does. We’re really happy about this change and we hope you are too. Launch indiemapper

Crime Mapping San Francisco Notice anything different?We’ve been working on the interface design, read more about it on the blog. San Francisco Crimespotting is an interactive map of crimes in San Francisco and a tool for understanding crime in cities. If you hear sirens in your neighborhood, you should know why. Crimespotting makes this possible with interactive maps and RSS feeds of crimes in areas that you care about. We’ve found ourselves frustrated by the proprietary systems and long disclaimers that ultimately limit information available to the public. Instead of simply knowing where a crime took place, we would like to investigate questions like: Is there more crime this week than last week? If the local papers didn’t report a rash of car break-ins in your neighborhood, how would you know? We believe that civic data should be exposed to the public in a more open way. This project is a work in progress; a way of discovering what kinds of questions we can ask.

Axis Maps LLC - Cartography. Visualization. Design. Infosthetics: the beauty of data visualization The beauty of information aesthetics: Visual Poetry 06 by Boris Müller. " Boris Müller's newest 'visual theme' for a annual international German literature festival. 2006 the theme consisted of beautiful visualizations of the poetry texts themselves. Each word corresponded to a numerical code by adding the alphabetical values of its letters together. This number was mapped onto the position on a circle, and marked by a red dot. Gray lines connect the dots in the sequence the words appear in the poem. Andrew Vande Moere digs deep in his information channels to gather the most interesting forms of data visualization. Written by Verena Stamen are amongst Andrew’s all time favorites. First, would you quickly sum up your background for us? Way back, I studied Architectural Engineering at the K.U.Leuven University in Belgium. I was lucky enough to become a post-graduate student there, then a research assistant, and finally a PhD student. Beautiful diagram, again from Stamen !

Power of Data Visualization - An infographic inspiration site.
