4 Ways to Promote Growth Mindset in PBL | Blog Originally posted on GettingSmart.com. “I can’t do this! I hate geometry! I’m too dumb for this!” In our classroom, the word "can’t" was the worst four-letter word a student could use; after all, even the last three letters of "geometry" insist that you T-R-Y….TRY! The student’s outburst is a classic example of fixed mindset. So, how does PBL promote growth mindset? Think of a student who shuts down at the first sight of adversity. Here are 4 Ways to Promote Growth Mindset in PBL: 1. Help students learn from failures. 2. Build in checkpoints for students to have opportunities to revise and improve their work. The Gallery Walk and the Tuning Protocol are two protocols that we can model and practice with students to structure feedback on three levels: from teacher to student from peer to peer from expert to student 3. In Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning, PBL experts from BIE suggest that teachers can offer opportunities for students to reflect both outward and inward. 4.
5 Excellent Rubric Making Tools for Teachers June 18, 2016 Rubrics are scoring charts used to assess and evaluate a particular learning or teaching activity. As is explained in this guide, rubrics are helpful for both teachers and students: teachers can use them when designing lesson plans and grading assignments; students can use them to make sure they meet the learning expectations and requirements of an assignment or project work. Rubric making should not be a complicated task, it should only speak to the core requirements of a given task while channeling focus to the learning outcomes. 1- OrangeSlice:Teacher Rubric OrangeSlice:Teacher Rubric is an interesting Google Docs add-on to use for creating rubric selections and converting the Analysis or Holistic rubric into a percentage or points grade. 2- For All Rubrics ForAllRubrics is a great web tool for easily creating rubrics, checklists, and badges. This is a handy tool from Technology that allows you to easily create rubrics for different educational purposes.
20 Influential Figures in Education: The Legacy of Education It is an indisputable fact that education lies at the foundation of all human achievements. From the planting of the first crop to the pyramids in Egypt, from the invention of the steam engine to the prolific rise of information technology, it is education, and innovation that education fosters, that has enabled us toward progress and a better life. Below is a list of influential figures that have shaped the evolution of education and have had a lasting impact in the field. 1. Protagoras – Protagoras (485-414 BC) was an influential Greek teacher and a prominent Sophist. Sophists believed in developing the communication and persuasive skills of their students in order to prepare them for public office and other important posts. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. These 20 men and women may well be some of the most influential people in history.
Web we want About the Web We Want For many young people in the early 21st century, their online personality, social interactions and activities are as important as their life in the physical world. Teachers, therefore, need to recognize this and help young people make the most of the opportunities online technologies and social media offer to develop key competences – and, crucially, become reflective and responsible citizens. The Web We Want, launched on Safer Internet Day February 2013 by the Insafe network*, aimed to do this. Just as The Web We Want was developed by young people for young people, the lessons in the Web We Want handbook for educators have been designed by teachers for teachers across Europe and beyond. All the lesson plans align with the European e-Competence Framework, which helps identify and describe ICT-related competences according to the European Qualification Framework approach and outlines the methodological choices behind it. About Insafe
19 Great Web Tools and Mobile Apps for Creating Interactive Timelines July 11, 2016 Besides posters and infographics timelines are great learning tools to help students visualize their learning and enhance their overall comprehensibility. Timelines can be incorporated almost in any subject area and can be used to teach a wide variety of topics from historical events to bibliographical information. Web technologies have immensely facilitated the process of creating a timeline and anyone can quickly design an interactive timeline in few steps. It’s Time to Rethink How We Are Educating Our Children In Brief On the whole, the way we educate students hasn't gotten a major upgrade in more than a century. Technology has both revolutionized what we need to teach to children, but also the capabilities that we have at our disposal to teach. Educating for the Future Elon Musk seems to be making headlines every day with his spaceships and solar panels and gigafactories and colonies on mars and secret tunnels and AI labs and self-driving cars. The school’s name is Ad Astra, meaning ‘to the stars’, and seems to be based around Musk’s belief that schools should “teach to the problem, not to the tools.” Musk’s decision highlights a bigger issue, how we educate people needs to change. Parents should be the most concerned. However for parents today things have gotten even more complicated. It starts by rethinking what a school is. The role of school should no longer be to fill heads with information, rather it should be a place that inspires students to be curious about the world they live in.
Collaborative Learning Collaborative Learning Building a Classroom Community Collaborative Learning Collaborative Activities Getting Everyone Involved Building a Classroom Community You will find that each of your classes carries its own dynamic and its own personality. Collaborative Learning Collaborative learning is the act of giving the responsibility of the learning to the students. Collaborative Activities Think-pair-share Phillips 66 Role play Debates Group projects Classroom problems Grouping and pairing activities Case-based learning Jigsaw activity Think-pair-share This activity helps to relieve the anxiety and mental block of being called on to answer a question in class. Getting Everyone Involved Every group has its own mix of quiet students and outspoken students. o Bring several colored pieces of paper into class and tape them under random desks or randomly pass them out during class. top
Google Released A New Educational Tool to Wirelessly Share Computer Screens in Class July 17, 2016Google Cast for Education is a new Chrome app from Google to help teachers and students wirelessly share their computer screens from one Chrome browser to another. The app is still in beta version and is available only for Google Apps for Education users. The way Google Cast works is very simple: teachers install the app on their devices then install the Cast feature in Chrome for students. The Cast feature will be available by default to all Chrome users in the upcoming release expected by the start of the new school year. Students can share their casts to the whole classroom through teachers computers. Watch the video below to learn more about Cast for Education
Start the School Year by "Awakening Your Dreamers" When your students return to the classroom this fall, how many will bring along the interests, talents, and dreams that inspired or delighted them over the summer months? Will they see any connection between school assignments and their own passions? Bernajean Porter (@bernajeanporter), a longtime advocate of digital storytelling and engaged learning, has a suggestion to get the year off to a good start: "What if your first project was about getting to know the hopes and dreams and talents of your kids?" By investing time to build a positive classroom culture, while also introducing project-based learning practices, you'll set the stage for more meaningful inquiry experiences all year long. Imagination Plus Research Porter has developed and field-tested a classroom resource called, I-imagine: Taking MY Place in the World that guides students on a multimedia journey into their own future. "We ask students to tell the story of how they will shine their light for good. Best Future Forward
Objectives Builder - TeachOnline Skip to Content Teach Online9 Learning Objectives Builder Use the ASU Online Objectives Builder tool below to write measurable course outcomes and learning objectives. About Learning Objectives Learning Objectives are statements that describe the specific knowledge, skills, or abilities student will be able to demonstrate in the real world as a result of completing a lesson. Examples of Learning Objectives Describe individual, behavioral, and social factors positively influencing health in the Blue Zones.Calculate the median of a set of values using Excel.Create a needs analysis using Gilbert’s Performance Matrix.Revise a company operations manual to reduce energy consumption.Diagram the main constructs of social cognitive theory.Summarize the scope and source of food waste in the United States. Objectives Builder Tool Use the below objectives builder tool to begin designing objectives. Join the conversation 15 replies Leave a comment Your email address will not be published. IBD podcast Twitter42