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The “Invent with Python” Blog

The “Invent with Python” Blog
I've written an article for called APIs, not apps: What the future will be like when everyone can code, where I write about a coming future where programming ability is in the hands of everyone. Excerpt: Despite this hype, I do think that coding will become a more widespread and routine skill in the years to come. Related:  Python

Sortie d'un cahier d'activités Python pour coder un jeu vidéo Les éditions Eyrolles viennent de sortir un cahier d’activités à destinations des enfants et ados pour se familiariser avec le langage informatique Python. Non, rassure-toi, un gros serpent ne se cache pas dans ce livre. Le Python est aussi un langage de programmation très utilisé à travers le monde et ce cahier d’activité « Python pour les kids » va te permettre d’apprendre à coder ton propre jeu vidéo en utilisant ce langage ! Pour commencer, il n’est pas nécessaire que tu aies une quelconque connaissance en programmation. Le cahier est constitué de six chapitres à la difficulté croissante et qui sont accompagnés d’un site internet sur ( Le développement du jeu va reposer sur le principe de la programmation graphique, à la manière de Scratch. Le cahier d’activité « Python pour les kids » est vraiment didactique et simple à prendre en main. Cahier d’activités Python

Getting Started with Plotly for Python Plotly for Python can be configured to render locally inside Jupyter (IPython) notebooks, locally inside your web browser, or remotely in your online Plotly account. Remote hosting on Plotly is free for public use. For private use, view our paid plans. Offline Use Standalone HTML Offline mode will save an HTML file locally and open it inside your web browser. Learn more by calling help: import plotly help(plotly.offline.plot) Copy to clipboard! Inside Jupyter/IPython Notebooks Learn more about offline mode Hosting on Plotly Plotly provides a web-service for hosting graphs. In the terminal, copy and paste the following to install the Plotly library and set your user credentials. $ pip install plotly $ python -c "import plotly;'DemoAccount', api_key='lr1c37zw81')"Copy to clipboard! You'll need to replace 'DemoAccount' and 'lr1c37zw81' with your Plotly username and API key. Find my API key. To host your graph in your plotly account: In your Terminal, enter:

Apprenez à programmer en Python Vous n'y connaissez rien en programmation et vous souhaitez apprendre un langage clair et intuitif ? Ce cours d’initiation à Python est fait pour vous ! Et comme le veut la coutume ici-bas, on démarre de zéro, dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Ainsi, si vous n'avez jamais programmé en quelque langage que ce soit, si vous ne savez que très vaguement ce que programmer signifie, vous ferez le bon choix en choisissant Python pour commencer votre apprentissage. Les avantages de Python sont nombreux, c’est un langage : facile à apprendre, à lire, à comprendre et à écrire ;portable (fonctionne sous de nombreux systèmes d'exploitation) ;doté d’une communauté active ;et j'en passe… Bonne lecture ! NB : Un grand merci à 6pri1 pour sa relecture attentive et sa patience.

Python Programming in your Browser: PythonAnywhere FrenchLanguage Links to Python information in French. ISO 639-1 Code: fr français Page Python (langage) en Français sur Wikipedia. Groupes d'Utilisateurs AFPy - Association Francophone Python, groupe d'utilisateurs Python francophone. Ressources Diverses Documentation traduite en français, documentation officielle, traduite en français. Livres Cours de programmation Python (2 & 3), par Gérard Swinnen. Blogs CategoryLanguage Extract all links from a web page | Python Adventures Problem You want to extract all the links from a web page. You need the links in absolute path format since you want to further process the extracted links. Solution Unix commands have a very nice philosophy: “do one thing and do it well”. You can find the up-to-date version of the script here. The script will print the links to the standard output. Troubleshooting The HTML parsing is done with the BeautifulSoup (BS) library. Examples Basic usage: get all links on a given page. Basic usage: get all links from an HTML file. Number of links. Filter result and keep only those links that you are interested in. Eliminate duplicates. Note: if the URL contains the special character “&“, then put the URL between quotes. Open (some) extracted links in your web browser. Update (20110507) You might be interested in another script called “” that extracts all image links from a webpage. Like this: Like Loading...

Arduino and Python For a project (check out my blog for updates) I'm working on I needed to be able to communicate with my arduino, luckily the arduino can communicate though serial. It turns out almost any programming language can be used for serial communication but python seems to be the easiest so far. I had some problems getting it all to work and finding a basic tutorial online proved very difficult. So hopefully this guide will explain the basics to anyone that is looking to start using the serial functions that the arduino provides. I'm going to assume that if you're reading this you have some knowledge of how an arduino works and how to upload sketches and what not, however I will explain the arduino code when we get there. The code is not that hard to understand, the hard part is understanding how the serial communication works. So, I'm going to show you how to tell your arduino to blink using your computer.

Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python In this interactive tutorial, we'll cover many essential Python idioms and techniques in depth, adding immediately useful tools to your belt. There are 3 versions of this presentation: ©2006-2008, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike (BY-SA) license. My credentials: I am a resident of Montreal,father of two great kids, husband of one special woman,a full-time Python programmer,author of the Docutils project and reStructuredText,an editor of the Python Enhancement Proposals (or PEPs),an organizer of PyCon 2007, and chair of PyCon 2008,a member of the Python Software Foundation,a Director of the Foundation for the past year, and its Secretary. In the tutorial I presented at PyCon 2006 (called Text & Data Processing), I was surprised at the reaction to some techniques I used that I had thought were common knowledge. Many of you will have seen some of these techniques and idioms before. These are the guiding principles of Python, but are open to interpretation. import this
