Sortie d'un cahier d'activités Python pour coder un jeu vidéo Les éditions Eyrolles viennent de sortir un cahier d’activités à destinations des enfants et ados pour se familiariser avec le langage informatique Python. Non, rassure-toi, un gros serpent ne se cache pas dans ce livre. Le Python est aussi un langage de programmation très utilisé à travers le monde et ce cahier d’activité « Python pour les kids » va te permettre d’apprendre à coder ton propre jeu vidéo en utilisant ce langage ! Pour commencer, il n’est pas nécessaire que tu aies une quelconque connaissance en programmation. Le cahier est constitué de six chapitres à la difficulté croissante et qui sont accompagnés d’un site internet sur ( Le développement du jeu va reposer sur le principe de la programmation graphique, à la manière de Scratch. Le cahier d’activité « Python pour les kids » est vraiment didactique et simple à prendre en main. Cahier d’activités Python
Game Programming at scriptedfun Welcome! scriptedfun is a game programming site, offering game programming video tutorials and game source code. Instead of approaching game programming by working with isolated code snippets (for instance, moving an image, etc.), we will approach game programming through building actual games. The games will be simple, but will hopefully serve as good starting points for your own games. There are 4 video tutorials available so far, with more on the way: Video transcripts are also available for those who prefer to read. The video tutorials will guide the viewer through the game programming process, using working game prototypes. Arinoid – an Arkanoid clone1945 – a vertical scrolling shooter, 1942 clone The games on this site are built using the Python programming language. This site also features articles which I hope will be useful to the beginning game programmer. This work is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. I would love to hear from you!
11 Must-Read Blogs for Python Developers Python is without question one of the most talked about programming language in this Universe. It’s everywhere, and because of how simple it is to learn it – many beginner programmers start their career with Python. The syntax of Python is very similar to that of English language, with the exception of a few extra characters here and there, but surely “future Python” is going to be even easier to learn and use for daily tasks. I’m going to assume that you’ve got some experience with Python already, but even if you don’t – here’s an article to help you get started with Python, and here’s another one that lists all the Python IDEs you can try and work with. In this post we will take a look at eleven popular Python blogs, some of them might not be updated on daily basis, but they all contain invaluable information for learning more about Python, and computer science in general. PyDanny Invent with Python Bite Sized effbot Mouse vs. My name is Mike Driscoll. Real Python Planet Python Love Python
Welcome to sjbrown's Guide To Writing Games By Shandy Brown. Please send comments / corrections via email to Last Update: March 2011 Table Of Contents This guide assumes a certain level of knowledge. Object Oriented Programming It is expected the reader is comfortable in an object oriented environment. Design Patterns Design Patterns are a communication tool; they do not dictate design, they inform the reading of the code. We will start by trying to create a program where a little man moves around a grid of nine squares. Model View Controller The choice of MVC should be pretty obvious where a graphical game is concerned. We haven't even got to the Model yet, and already we have a difficulty. In this example, the Controller (the "Handle Input Events" part) and the View (the "Draw Everything" part) are tightly coupled, and this is generally how PyGame games work, at every iteration of the main loop, it is expected that we will check for input events, update all the visible sprites, and redraw the screen. Rationale Game
Inside the Head of PyDanny (Daniel Greenfeld) Apprenez à programmer en Python Vous n'y connaissez rien en programmation et vous souhaitez apprendre un langage clair et intuitif ? Ce cours d’initiation à Python est fait pour vous ! Et comme le veut la coutume ici-bas, on démarre de zéro, dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Ainsi, si vous n'avez jamais programmé en quelque langage que ce soit, si vous ne savez que très vaguement ce que programmer signifie, vous ferez le bon choix en choisissant Python pour commencer votre apprentissage. Les avantages de Python sont nombreux, c’est un langage : facile à apprendre, à lire, à comprendre et à écrire ;portable (fonctionne sous de nombreux systèmes d'exploitation) ;doté d’une communauté active ;et j'en passe… Bonne lecture ! NB : Un grand merci à 6pri1 pour sa relecture attentive et sa patience.
The Python Game Book [The Python Game Book]