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Synapse for Kinect

Synapse for Kinect
SYNAPSE for Kinect Update: There’s some newer Kinect hardware out there, “Kinect for Windows”. This hardware is slightly different, and doesn’t work with Synapse. Be careful when purchasing, Synapse only supports “Kinect for Xbox”. Update to the update: There appears to also be newer “Kinect for Xbox” hardware out there. Model 1414 Kinects work with Synapse, but I’m getting reports that the newer 1473 models do not work. Update the third: Synapse doesn’t work on Windows 8, sorry.Synapse is an app for Mac and Windows that allows you to easily use your Kinect to control Ableton Live, Quartz Composer, Max/MSP/Jitter, and any other application that can receive OSC events. Related:  `test 1023`test 1023Hire Mechanical Design Engineer from India

Our Place - A Photographic Celebration of the Worlds Heritage Synth Patchwerk lets you control a massive analog synthesizer from your browser, and streams the results back to you and everyone connected. The interface on this site is linked to a physical synth cabinet connected to the world's largest homemade modular synth, currently housed at the MIT Museum. Turn a knob here, and Patchwerk will turn a motorized knob on the cabinet. If someone at the Museum grabs a knob, you'll see it turn too. When you first connect, you'll be in OBSERVE mode, which means that you can hear the synth and see what the controllers are doing, but won't be able to activate the knobs or buttons yourself. Patchwerk relies on HTML5, and requires an up-to-date and standards-compliant web browser.

Technologies d'impression 3 d ous Trois dimensions - Valeur Imprimer 3D printing has developed since the end of the 1990s, and has really been honed in the last two years. The procedure involves taking thin two-dimensional cross-sections of a 3D object. These cross-sections are then produced by agglomerating powder using a bonding agent. As they are stacked on top of each other, the cross-sections form a three-dimensional object. The objects obtained are made from a polymer resembling plaster. They need to be treated in order to obtain the desired physical properties. After printing, it is possible to increase the object’s volume by 30% using specific processes. A wide range of post processing opens up possibilities for numerous applications.

Research Highlights - Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas Researchers of the Institute of Computer Science - FORTH received the First Award in software contest organized in Japan Nov 27, 2012 Researchers at the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) received the First Award in the “Gesture Recognition Challenge” contest with their work titled “Giving a hand to Kinect”. The contest was organized in conjunction with the “International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2012” in Tsukuba, Japan, 10-11 November 2012 and was sponsored by Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA. The gesture recognition challenge is part of the initiative “CHALEARN - Challenges in Machine Learning” which aims at developing computational methods that enable computers to improve their problem solving capabilities as they gain more experience. The awarded work is part of the Computer Vision research that is carried out at FORTH-ICS. Contact Information: Antonis Argyros, e-mail:

Carnegie Mellon University - CMU Graphics Lab - motion capture library ceriscope Tendances - Comment l’impression 3D va révolutionner le monde et le « retail » ! Publié le 03 mars 2013 Imaginez en tant que marque, pouvoir téléporter en quelques minutes des produits directement chez votre client… Plus de stocks, plus d’intermédiaires, plus de frais de transport, de livraison, de packaging, et une distribution potentiellement mondiale… Ce qui semble digne d’un récit de science-fiction est pourtant bel et bien en train de devenir une réalité. Sommes-nous à l'aune d'une nouvelle révolution ? Par Emmanuel Vivier, co-fondateur du Hub Institute... Ce qui semble digne d’un récit de science-fiction est pourtant bel et bien en train de devenir une réalité. Et ce grâce à l’impression 3D dont les innovations techniques connaissent une accélération sans précédent depuis quelques mois. L’impression 3D ? Il s’agit tout simplement d’une machine à même d’imprimer couche après couche (un peu comme un pistolet à colle piloté par un ordinateur) un objet depuis un modèle en 3D. Télécharger des atomes et non plus des octets Tout cela vous paraît fou ?

Soleil et sable : impression 3D en plein désert L’impression 3D représente une évolution technique importante, mais un britannique répondant au nom de Markus Kayser a essayé de révolutionner cette technique à sa manière. L’anglais a publié une vidéo de lui-même réalisant une impression 3D avec un procédé pour le moins original. Il a utilisé le soleil comme source d’énergie et le sable comme matière première. Ici, Marcus Kayser tente de monter que le potentiel inexploité du sable et du soleil dans le désert en espérant que cela puisse donner des idées à plus d’un. « Pas pour apporter une réponse définitive mais plutôt pour fournir un point de départ à une nouvelle réflexion »dit-il.

OSCeleton - GIThub Motion capture data BVH tools and files For everybody who is interest in using motion capture data, here is a list of services which could be useful to you. Most of them are free or are very affordable. Free Motion Capture Data Files: Over 2500 files at CG Speed: This site features a large data base of motion capture files from the Carnegie Mellon University Motion Capture Database The original site can be found here Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design: Commercial online Motion Capture Rig/Animate tool with Motion request option: Mixamo is an online system where you can either buy models or upload your own and apply pre-recorded motions. It is not free however the system runs very well and you can also request the team to record a special motion for you. Free BVH File editor and previewer: Bvhacker 1.6.1-
