How to Copyright? | Get Free Copyright Protection Online | Myows® Propulser son appli dans le Top des Stores Le nombre de téléchargements d'applications connaît une croissance constante. Le boom des smartphones, et l'émergence des tablettes, a entraîné dans son sillon l'explosion des applications. Selon une étude menée par Flurry, en situation de mobilité, les applications natives seraient plus utilisées que les sites web. En 2011, les utilisateurs d'iOS devraient télécharger en moyenne 83 applis, contre 51 l'an passé, et les développeurs pourraient bien avoir à se partager une coquette somme : quelque 3 milliards de dollars. De quoi encourager les éditeurs et développeurs à pousser dans les vannes des AppleStore, AndroidMarket et consorts leurs petits logiciels. De quoi en décourager plus d'un aussi : de nombreuses applications passeront inaperçues. De plus en plus nombreuses, les applis sont de facto de plus en plus volatiles. Ce nouveau marché a fait émerger de nouveaux métiers regroupés sous l'appellation 'marketing mobile'. Tête de gondole
What Makes An Entrepreneur Tick? - Entrepreneurialism It is only natural that when you start a business, you are doing something different than most people. They not only will look at you because you stick out like a sore thumb _ but human nature will cause people to naturally ridicule what you are doing. They will tell you all types of things like: "You're not business material." Entrepreneurship is not just about having a lot of ideas or business sense. And if you have to start out small in building your self-confidence. But back to business _ when most people do fail in business they try to "save face" by telling everyone they are "just in a slump" and everything will be back to normal soon. The best thing to do for anybody in this catastrophe is to swallow their pride and admit they screwed up. If your small business is beyond repair, go out and find a job and begin working on your next small business in the near future. And why should you try again? Julia Tang publishes Smart Online Business Tips, a fresh like you!
Don’t Get Distracted When Your Workplace is Called Home - You have the comforts of your living room to call your workplace, yet you find yourself more stressed out than if you were in an office space filled with varying personalities. So, how can you better the situation so that you’re both productive and happy at the same time? For many people who work from home, their days are littered with distractions – the phone, children, clutter, annoying family members and/or friends who think that your time is their time too. Before you begin that new job from home, follow some guidelines to make for a better and more prosperous situation: Set up strategy – Lay down the ground rules for all those who you will or may come in contact with during the hours you’re supposed to be working. If you have a significant other and/or children, set aside the necessary time daily for them, but make sure they know that your 9 to 5 hours are for work, not play. Working from home can be a very positive experience; making it work is oftentimes the job in itself.
The Web & Business Tools Startups Use Most [INFOGRAPHIC] Putting the likes of the super-funded aside (Color, anyone?), most early-stage startups operate on tight budgets and spend their dollars sparingly. A bevy of web services have made start-up costs all the more affordable, but now there's the conundrum of nearly too much choice. The folks at BestVendor surveyed 550 startup staffers — most in marketing and executive administration positions — on their favorite tools for email, accounting, web analytics, CRM, productivity, design, storage, payment processing, operations and so forth. Their answers, in aggregate, speak to the growing trend in startups moving toward predominately cloud-based operations. So what's hot among startups these days? Check out the infographic below for even more insight on the web and business services that today's startups are selecting en masse.
Types of business An entrepreneur must also decide what type of business to establish. There are three main types of small business. Each has a distinct form and structure. Sole trader A sole trader is a business owned by one person. Sole traders have complete control of their business they make their own decisions and take all the profits for themselves. A partnership This involves two or more people working together. However, partnerships do not always run smoothly. A company This is a legal entity. The Resume Is Dead, The Bio Is King If you’re a designer, entrepreneur, or creative – you probably haven’t been asked for your resume in a long time. Instead, people Google you – and quickly assess your talents based on your website, portfolio, and social media profiles. Do they resonate with what you’re sharing? one are the days of “Just the facts, M’am.” To help you with this, your bio should address the following 5 questions: Who am I? Your bio is the lynchpin for expanding your thought leadership and recognition, especially online. Here’s the challenge: who taught you how to write your bio? Admittedly, most of us never got a lesson in this essential task. The personal branding industry has only muddied the waters. Instead, share more of what you really care about. With all this in mind, here’s a few key pointers for reinventing your bio as a story: 1. You’re a creative. 2. Explain the origin for how you came to see the world in this way. 3. Think frugally here. 4. What’s Your Take?
Wunderlist, gérer ses tâches facilement Rien de tel que les listes pour ne pas oublier les tâches diverses et variées à accomplir… La bonne vieille méthode du post-it ou de la feuille volante a fait ses preuves, mais bon, reste à savoir où on a pu la laisser traîner. De nombreuses solutions de gestions de tâches à faire ou de listes ont vu le jour sur mobile ou en ligne, des plus épurées aux plus sophistiquées, des gratuites aux plus onéreuses. Pas toujours facile de trouver l’application qui convient le mieux à vos besoins et à votre équipement ! Voici un service qui devrait combler pas mal d’attentes : Wunderlist. Créé par la start-up allemande 6Wunderkinder, cette application permet en effet de gérer ses tâches très simplement, et surtout sur quasiment toutes les plateformes possibles, gratuitement. Vous pouvez donc commencer à utiliser Wunderlist sur votre smartphone (Android, Windows, iPhone), sur un iPad ou simplement sur votre navigateur. Le site Wunderlist via Valentin de Webtribulation
Social Media Content Strategy: Creating Posts on Different Platforms Social media content strategy is the key to managing your company campaigns. The good folks at mycleveragency ltd created this handy infographic to show you how to create your posts. Last time we showed you how to manage your social in just 30 minutes a day. Now we will walk you through exactly what to post. Examples for all the top social networks including Vine, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook and Twitter are here. How to create the perfect social media post is an infographic that was produced by mycleveragency Do check out: Social media management strategy in 30 minutes a day [INFOGRAPHIC]. What is your favorite social media content strategy tip? Leave a comment and do share. (Infographic source: mycleveragency ltd.)
46 Ways To Start A Business With No Money Most people who want to start their own business don’t have a ton of money laying around and it’s probably one the most common questions I get emailed about: How can I get started without a lot of cash? Well I’ve put together a list below of the best ideas I’ve heard and personally used. I hope you find it useful! The three basic strategies to starting a business without much money are: Delay the normal “business starting” activities like incorporating, hiring, renting office or retail space, etc until AFTER your business has started earning money. This is known as bootstrapping.Doing everything yourself and spending your personal time instead of hiring an expert. Start With The Easy Stuff: Eliminate Expenses Don’t rent an office! Legal Stuff and Incorporating Make a website for your business Getting a Logo Don’t hire a fancy graphic designer. Accepting Credit Cards Starting a service business where you consult, coach, teach, etc Creating Info Products Before investing in a retail location…
So you want to do a startup, eh? Censo Global sobre Coworking 2013 por Deskwanted : Zona CoWorking, revista online sobre coworking y emprendimiento, el primer buscador online de espacios de coworking, creado en 2010 por Carsten Foertsch y Joel Dullroy, acaba de publicar un nuevo informe sobre el estado del coworking a nivel global. Según el informe elaborado por la web alemana el número de espacios de coworking ha aumentado un 89% a nivel mundial en los últimos 12 meses. A día de hoy existen 2,498 espacios de coworking repartidos en 80 paises por todo el mundo. Si echamos la vista atrás y comparamos esta cifra con las estadísticas de hace tan solo un año (1,320 espacios en febrero de 2012), podemos confirmar que existe una clara tendencia hacia estos espacios de trabajo colaborativo a nivel global. El Censo Global sobre Coworking 2013, nombre con el cual ha titulado este informe, revela también un incremento del 300% desde 2010, año en el cual solo había 600 espacios. Os podeis descargar el informe completo de aquí (formato PDF). Más datos sobre el movimiento coworking: 6Share
How to Succeed in the Age of Going Solo